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61. What's New -- 18th-c. Resources Daniel Defoe. Moll Flanders (Bibliomania) Broken into 22 chapters, Les Fâcheux (1661) Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly http://www.c18.org/li/new.html | |
62. World Literature In English Translation On CD ROM, From Seedy Press Books On CD, de la Valliere (covering 1661); The Man in the Iron Mask (covering 16611673) Daniel Defoe, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Joseph Conrad have in common? http://www.samizdat.com/worldenglishcd.html | |
63. Heald Maps Moll had a gift for making interesting friends and these included Daniel Defoe, Koeman, M. Mor 1, 8. 10483 $2000.00. MORTIER, Pierre (16611711) http://www.donaldheald.com/maps/maps_list_01.php?cat=Europe&sortfield=&pg=6 |
64. Morpho Londinium: London Of 1699 In London, 1661 saw the last vestiges of unrest against the Monarchy. In hisA Journal of the Plague Year, Daniel Defoe wrote the Quakers had at http://www.1km1kt.net/rpg/Morpho_Londinium_setting.php | |
65. Wales Timeline 1650-1839 He worked closely with other religious enthusiasts such as Daniel Morris afterthe travels of such writers as Daniel Defoe and Samuel Johnson had toured http://www.welshdragon.net/resources/Historical/wales_timeline2.shtml | |
66. Bedford Museum Elizabeth, Bunyan s second wife, pleaded for her husband in August 1661, Daniel Defoe travelling through England in the 18th century said that the worst http://www.bedfordmuseum.org/johnbunyanmuseum/beds.htm | |
67. The Amityville Horror Official Website: John Ketcham - Man Or Myth? In 1661, he purchased a 6acre lot of Old Field and a 4 acre lot in Setauket . George Fox is buried in London right next to a man named Daniel Defoe. http://www.amityvillehorror.com/articles/ketcham.htm | |
68. Callander Accommodation Index - The Trossachs Attractions, Services And History history The Trossachs is associated with Rob Roy MacGregor (16611734). When, in 1723, Daniel Defoe s book on Rob Roy ( Highland Rogue ) was http://www.scottishaccommodationindex.com/callanderpics.htm | |
69. Online Etymology Dictionary Look up risk at Dictionary.com 1661, risque, from Fr. risque, from name ofthe eponymous hero of Daniel Defoe s fictional shipwreck narrative (1719). http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?l=r&p=16 |
70. Famous Historical Pirates In his General History, Daniel Defoe gives us biographies for both Reade and 166167. English. Moise van Wijn (Klijn) 1668. Dutch. Maurice Williams http://www.kipar.org/piratical-resources/pirate-fame.html | |
71. Time Line Of Events Surrounding The Life Of Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff 1661 JORIS DIRCKSEN BRINCKERHOFF DIES; Charles II orders the body of Oliver 1719 Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Crusoe; 1721 Johann Sebastian Bach http://www.ao.net/~jmo/heritage/timeline.html | |
72. Publishing: Newspaper Publishing: ORIGINS AND EARLY EVIDENCES: The Roman Empire. departure was the triweekly Review (170413), produced by Daniel Defoe, Defoe had been imprisoned, in 1702, for his pamphlet The Shortest Way with http://www.lian.com/TANAKA/comhosei/NPinEB.htm | |
73. Gazetteer For Scotland: Scottish History Timeline: 17th Century c.1660, Daniel Defoe born Author, journalist and social thinker 1661,Archibald Campbell (1st Marquis and 8th Earl of Argyll) died - King Campbell http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/timeline1699.html | |
74. Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár (MEK) / Hungarian Electronic Library Defoe, Daniel Robinson MVGYOSZ hangoskönyvek http//mek.oszk.hu/02700/02751 Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe http//mek.oszk.hu/00300/00364 http://mek.oszk.hu/html/vgi/kereses/kereses.phtml?id=1661&table=dc_subject&mezo= |
75. E-resources@brown University Library Tracts (16401661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement . Key figures covered include Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Eliza Haywood, http://dl.lib.brown.edu/eresources/ebooks.php | |
76. History Of Prose Style -- Homepage 1661 JOHN TILLOTSON. from a sermon, On the Rule of Equity to be observed amongmen. 1726 Daniel Defoe. from The Complete English Tradesman. http://www.towson.edu/~tinkler/prose/prose1.html | |
77. Mobipocket EBooks - M List Daniel Defoe Literature Literature $5.95 Moll Flanders Defoe, Daniel Literature Modern Fiction $4.95 Moll Flanders Defoe, Daniel Literature Classics http://www.literatureproject.com/complete-list/mobipocket-ebook-m.htm | |
78. Mobipocket EBooks - T List Ten Years Later Third Book of the D Artagnan Romances Chapters 76140 (1660-1661) Defoe, Daniel Literature Classics $0.99 Tourists at the Taj http://www.literatureproject.com/complete-list/mobipocket-ebook-t.htm | |
79. WIRKSWORTH-Parish Records 1608-1899-Lead Miner's Heyday Daniel Defoe and the miners Published by permission of Ron Slack. John Milward16541661 John Gell II, John Milward, Thomas Mitchel 1661 Earl of http://www.wirksworth.org.uk/A46-LMH.htm | |
80. Untitled Document Birth of Daniel Defoe and Thomas Southerne. 1661. Venner s Rising revoltof Fifth Monarchy Men led by Thomas Venner. http://instruct.uwo.ca/english/234e/site/chrnlgy2.html | |
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