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41. Bibliography For Ann Finch Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (16611720). New Adelphi, NS. 1 (1927-8),145-153. Defoe, Daniel. A Tour Thro the Whole Island of Great Britain. http://mason.gmu.edu/~emoody/finchbiblio.html | |
42. Restoration Period (1660-1688) 1660 Restoration Of Stuart Dynasty 1661 Venners Rising. ? Cavalier Parliament meets This work was consideredby Daniel Defoe to be the best statement of the Dissenters case ever http://mason.gmu.edu/~ayadav/historical outline/restoration period | |
43. English Microform Holdings The Writings of Daniel Defoe. London, University Microfilms, Ltd., 1971?. 9032 38reels Microforms Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford lived 16611741. http://www.lib.msu.edu/widder/guides/subjects/history/british/englishmicro.htm | |
44. DigBib.Org - Daniel Defoe Translate this page DigBib.org, die freie digitale Bibliothek - kostenlos Literatur runterladen -Daniel Defoe. http://www.digbib.org/Daniel_Defoe_1661/ | |
45. Bibliografia Lidia De Michelis BIGNAMI, M. (1993), Daniel Defoe. Dal saggio al romanzo, Firenze, La Nuova Italia . FULLER, R. (1661), The History of the Worthies of England, London. http://www.club.it/culture/culture99/lidia.demichelis/biblio.demichelis.html | |
46. Continuing Education Collection - Templeman Library, University Of Kent DA 620, Defoe, Daniel, A tour through the whole island of Great Britain, 3 copies DC 125, Campbell, Peter, Louis XIV, 16611715, 3 copies http://library.kent.ac.uk/library/info/cecoll/1996on.shtml | |
47. Pamphlet And Polemic - University Of Wales, Lampeter The main collector, however, was Thomas Bowdler II (16611738) who was sent The Dissenter, Daniel Defoe is the writer most frequently encountered in the http://www.lamp.ac.uk/pamphlet/collections.htm | |
48. Double Free Cassettes Super Sale Defoe, Daniel. Religious Courtship Being Historical Discourses, Receivedepiscopal institution in 1661. Resigned in 1662, on account of the Act of http://www.swrb.com/Puritan/double-free-tapes-sale.htm | |
49. Scarsdale High School Library Emperor of the Ching (Manchu) Dynasty from 16611722, regarding his country, Defoe, Daniel. Moll Flanders. Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. http://www.scarsdaleschools.k12.ny.us/hslib/summer.htm | |
50. Literature And Place: Queenborough Defoe Daniel. Defoes impressions of Queenborough, recorded in his A Tour Through The Mayor of Quinborough(1661), although not published until after http://www.literatureandplace.org.uk/database/en/place/Queenborough | |
51. Fire Daniel Defoe, the novelist, thought that, after the plague, In 1661, JohnEvelyn drew Parliament s attention to the risk of fire in the City, http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/fire/experts.html | |
52. 912384 The texts that I chose were Daniel Defoe s Robinson Crusoe and Jonathan In his entry on April 23, 1661, Pepys writes about The Coronation of Charles II. http://people.stu.ca/~hunt/18c/33360102/finlwebs/GSNXX/912384.htm | |
53. Midsynth The author my group studied was Daniel Defoe. This is what I have learned aboutDaniel Defoe; he was an English novelist and journalist, whose work reflects http://people.stu.ca/~gtmmc/engl3336/midsynth.htm | |
54. Time Line 1661 New Eng. colonies recognize the restoration of the English monarchy, butprotect former 1719 - Robinson Crusoe is published by Daniel Defoe http://www.noquartergiven.net/timeline.htm | |
55. 1660-1669 1661 Charles II coronation. India famine. Manometer. Daniel Defoe born.Algonquin translation of Bible (1st Amer. ed.). Académie Royale de Danse. http://www.thescreamonline.com/timeline/1660.html | |
56. Book Categories: Art And Music Later Stuarts 16611714. Boswell Taylor. 50/-. 1970. Line and Circle. Trotsky Marudu Daniel Defoe. 55/-. 1989. Rupa Classics A Tale of Two Cities http://www.chapterandverseindia.com/children.htm | |
57. Harold Love's Rochester Edition: Draft Index Defoe, Daniel 113, 23. Demetrius 112. Denham, Lady Sir John 76. Descartes 113, 27 skirmish between French and Spanish ambassadors 1661 76 http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/english/research/Rochester edition/edindex.htm | |
58. Victoria University Library - Northrop Frye Collection Defoe, Daniel. A Journal of the plague years and other pieces. Edited by ArthurWellesley Secord. 1661. Donne, John. Complete poetry and selected prose. http://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/fryebib/d.htm | |
59. Free Books To Read Audio Libary - Menu For D Book Titles 1661 NS Complete, Diary of Samuel Pepys Jan/Feb 1661/62, Diary of Samuel PepysMar/Apr 1661/62 Daniel Defoe. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot http://www.freebookstoread.com/D.htm | |
60. Books 707 - 750 July 1996, Blaise Pascal, Pensées, 1661, 204 pp. Apr. 1997, Henry Fielding,Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Wild, 1743, 290 pp. http://www.artgarfunkel.com/library/list23.htm | |
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