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21. "Robinson Crusoe" Grace Abounding (1661) traced his journey from his birth into poverty through asinful 9), Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, pp. xv67 Overview of Daniel Defoe http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/novel_18c/defoe/sources.html | |
22. A Paradoxical Genius The best physical description of Daniel Defoe comes to us, fittingly, We remain uncertain about his year or place of birth, although 1661 in the parish http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/arts/al0047.html | |
23. XV. Education: Bibliography. Vol. 9. From Steele And Addison To Pope And Swift. Oxford, 1661. Gailhard, J. The Compleat Gentleman, or Directions for the Education of DD Defoe, Daniel. More Short Ways with the Dissenters. 1704. http://www.bartleby.com/219/1500.html | |
24. Alphabetical Listing Of Documents S - Z Subjects Defoe, Daniel; Great Britain (18th Century); Guide The ThomasonTracts, 16401661 An Index to the Microfilm Edition of the Thomason http://www.libraries.psu.edu/newsandmicroforms/microfinder/archsz.htm |
25. Essays: 2nd Year Course Robert Boyle, Essay I (1661) (excerpt) John Donne (links) John Donne (works) Daniel Defoe The Shortest Way with the Dissenters (1702) http://www.unibas.ch/shine/essays.html | |
26. England London, 1661. After publication of the first edition of the second part in 1648 Defoe, Daniel. In 1702 the English High Church party attempted to pass a http://spencer.lib.ku.edu/exhibits/bannedbooks/england.html | |
27. Combined Index To All The British Studies Finding Guides In The University Of Co Libri Quinque (British Library Sloan MS 3677), Med11; Defoe, Daniel, Med-38 See also English Books (1641-1700); The Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/govpubs/for/british/indfin3.htm | |
28. Hoffman, Daniel -- Encyclopædia Britannica Two outstanding English books of the early 18th centuryDaniel Defoe s RobinsonCrusoe and Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travelsbecame children s favorites. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9344843 | |
29. EHistory.com: World History Dutch settle South Africa, 1660. 1661, (1) Charles II coroneted (2) Louis XIVestablishes Absolutism, Daniel Defoe born, 1661 http://ehistory.osu.edu/world/TimeLineDisplay.cfm?Era_id=11 |
30. 04 Jul 2005 WV JUVENILE AUDIOBOOKS Page 1 CALL . AUTHOR The midwife s apprentice / CS F Defoe, D Defoe, Daniel, 1661? Robinson Crusoe CSF DEUKER, C Deuker, Carl. Heart of a champion CS F DICKINSON P Dickinson, http://www.lincc.lib.or.us/lf/wv-audio-juv.txt |
31. 04 Jul 2005 MO ADULT ABRIDGED AUDIOBOOKS Page 1 CALL Speaking in tongues FIC Defoe Defoe, Daniel, 1661? Moll Flanders FIC DELINSKYDelinsky, Barbara. A woman betrayed FIC DEVERAUX Deveraux, Jude. http://www.lincc.lib.or.us/lf/mo-audio-ad-ab.txt |
32. English Literature For Boys And Girls - H.E. Marshall - Free Online Library Daniel Defoe, born in 1661, was the son of a London butcher names James Foe.Why Daniel, who prided himself on being a trueborn Englishman, Frenchified his http://marshall.thefreelibrary.com/English-Literature-For-Boys-And-Girls/61-1 | |
33. Manifestations Of Fiction Works Toni Beloved 2699 26 675 374 773 1688 Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe 2694 27692 368 Harper To kill a mockingbird 2679 30 1661 153 75 1936 Mitchell, http://digitalarchive.oclc.org/da/ViewObject.jsp?objid=0000003274 |
34. Browse By Title: D - Project Gutenberg Diary of Samuel Pepys Volume 10 April/May 1661 (English). by Bright, Mynors Dickory Cronke (English) Audio Book. by Defoe, Daniel http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/titles/d | |
35. NOVEMBER 2002 ] PGMonthly_December_04.txt *The Project Gutenberg by Doyle 15advshxxx.xxx1661 New HTML format also posted in by DanielDefoe Alone on a Desolate Island, by Daniel Defoe The Building of the http://www.gutenberg.org/newsletter/archive/PGMonthly_2002_12_04.txt | |
36. Bibliolimpo, Página Web Especializada En Novela Histórica, Cómics Translate this page Aventuras del capitán Singleton, Defoe, Daniel, Anaya, Nuevo Memorias de uncaballero, Defoe, Daniel, Valdemar, Nuevo, Inglaterra, LEMO0291, 11,90 http://www.bibliolimpo.com/list.php?t=l&ocat=&otem=&nov=0&of=0&orden=&pagina=22 |
37. Hereford.uk.com - Herefordshire History In the 1720s Daniel Defoe was less impressed with Hereford which he and actsof parliament for improving the navigation were passed 1661, 1696 and 1727. http://www.hereford.uk.com/history/18thand19th.asp | |
38. Encyclopedia: 1700 joins Grand Alliance July 2931 - Daniel Defoe is placed in a pillory for the . Not to be confused with the Northern Wars (16551661) The Swedish http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/1700 | |
39. Encyclopedia: 1634 1670s 1680s 1690s 1700s 1710s Years 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 within the Holy Roman Empire April 25 Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/1634 | |
40. Newsletter 35 For Daniel Defoe, struck by the influx of Huguenot immigrants after the His life of Agathocles (1661, reissued in 1676) held lessons about the recent as http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/c1718cs/Nltr35.html | |
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