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Declan Saint: more detail |
81. St. John The Forerunner Russian Orthodox Parish Our Holy Father Polycarp, Abbot of the Kiev Caves; St. Declan of noble blood and founded the church at Ardmore when he had been consecrated Bishop. http://www.rocor.org.au/stjohntheforerunnerchurch/saints/august-week1.html |
82. Calendar Declan/Deaglan, Bishop of Ardmore/Lismore C5th. Francis Solano. *, Germoc ofMount s Bay, bro of Breaca. James the Apostle http://www.gaminggeeks.org/Resources/KateMonk/Saints/Calendar/July.htm | |
83. July 24th St. Declan, first Bishop of Ardmore, Ireland, 5th century. St. Lupus, Bishop ofTroyes, confessor, 478. Saints Wulfhad and Ruffin, martyrs, about 670. http://www.thebookofdays.com/months/july/24.htm | |
84. Saints - A Through E Bishop during the 5th century, a disciple of Saint Patrick. 624DECLAN McERC.The Bishop of Ardmore and the patron of the Decies, County Waterford. http://www.rcnyaoh2.org/saints_folder/saints_a_e.htm | |
85. Welcome To South East Ireland-History Of Waterford St. Declan founded his monastery at Ardmore in 416 and was preaching the Christianmessage before the arrival of St. Patrick, Irelands patron Saint. http://www.southeastireland.com/content.asp?id=37 |
86. Mystical-WWW : July Day To Day feast day of Declan , fifth century established a church at Ardmore, Ireland . Believed to have been the Bishop of Dol. It is said that his body was http://www.mystical-www.co.uk/time/julday2.htm | |
87. Crime CD Contents Diligently Compared with the Latin Vulgate by Bishop Richard Challoner 17491752 Life of St. Declan of Ardmore, translated from the Irish by Rev. http://www.nbp.org/nbp/oldsite/religionconts.html | |
88. Biblical Christian Theology CD Fairless Paul and VirginiaBernardin de Saint Pierre Pilgrim s Progress of AssisiFather Candide Chalippe The Life of St. Declan of Ardmore The http://www.qualitybooks.com/biblical.htm | |
89. Biblical Christian Theology CD Training Courseware To Bishop BenedictusPope Callistus The First EpistlePope Fabian The First of AssisiFather Candide Chalippe The Life of St. Declan of Ardmore The http://www.discoveryvip.com/training/Documentary History/Biblical Christian Theo | |
90. Field Monuments Monuments Such As Dolmens, Ogham Stones, Standing Ardmore Cathedral and Round Tower The Munster Bishop, St. Declan founded theearliest monastery here, it is believed before the arrival of St. Patrick in http://www.iftn.ie/locations/dsp_historical.cfm?area=Waterford |
91. 1000 Classics Book Titles! The Life of St. Declan of Ardmore Declan, St. of Ardmore A Journal of thePlague Year Defoe, Daniel In The Bishop s Carriage Michelson, Mirriam http://www.thelosthaven.co.uk/freeclassicbookcd.htm | |
93. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg Richard Harding, 18641916 Authors D Day, Holman, 1865-1935 Authors DDeclan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Authors D Defoe, Daniel, 1661? http://www.archive.org/mediatypes-browse.php?mediatype=texts&collection=gutenber |
94. Internet Theology Resources: Monastic Studies Bishop Maximos E. Aghiorgoussis, Monasticism in the Orthodox Church. Life of St.Declan of Ardmore / Betha Decclain (5th C.?). 95K. http://www.users.csbsju.edu/~eknuth/itr/monastic/ | |
95. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Diocese Of Waterford And Lismore The Life of St. Declan (cf. Plummer and the Bollandists) places the preaching of The Bishop of Lismore at the time of the Synod of Rathbreasil was Nial http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15564b.htm | |
96. About The Legends And Superstitions Of Precious Gem Stones A rock in Ardmore Bay, Ireland, is known as the St. Declan Stone, after the firstbishop of Ardmore, who came to Ireland even before the arrival of the http://www.jjkent.com/articles/legends-superstitions-gemstones.htm | |
97. Whazon - Your Online Guide To Cork, Waterford And Kilkenny Ardmore may well be the oldest Christian settlement in Ireland. St. Declan foundedit in the middle of the 4th century, well before St. Patrick came to http://www.whazon.com/waterford/daytrips.php | |
98. 6 Àâãóñòà 2005 - Evening Canto - Orthodox Menologion Online St. Bernulphus, Bishop of Utrecht (1054) (Neth.). St. Declan, Bishop ofArdmore (Ireland) (5th c.) (Celtic British). St. Hilarion of Tvaleli, http://www.canto.ru/calendar/day_en.php?date=6-8-2005 |
99. Ireland Travel Guide: County Waterford Ardmore was where the first Christian settlement was founded in Ireland in 316by St. Declan, before St. Patrick had arrived. http://www.authenticireland.com/travel_guide/waterford.htm | |
100. Ring built when the population of Ardmore, Grange and Old Parish was 13000. On the previous Friday the new marble altar was blessed by the Bishop and the http://www.waterfordlismore.com/parish.php?parish=33 |
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