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Declan Saint: more detail |
61. July 24, St. Declan, Bishop St. Declan, Bishop. From his acts quoted by Usher in his antiquities, His episcopal See he placed at Ardmore (now united to Lismore) which from him the http://www.mindspring.com/~mccarthys/cybrary/july24.htm | |
62. Declan - Monastic Ireland The foundation of Declan s monastery at Ardmore comes after a further visit to Once, in a time of the plague, the Bishop of Ardmore miraculously cures http://www.catholicireland.net/monasticireland/storiesofsaints/declan.htm | |
63. Ardmore - Monastic Ireland Several monuments pertaining to Declan are to be found at Ardmore, within andwithout the medieval Bishop Mills furnished it with a slate roof in 1716. http://www.catholicireland.net/monasticireland/historicsites/ardmore.htm | |
64. Ardmore Waterford Ireland St. Declan s Well and Church. Declan founded a seminar in Ardmore circa 416. Saint Declan s Stone. According to legend, this stone was carried http://www.travelireland.org/waterford/ardmore/ | |
65. Declan - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Although Ardmore is no longer the seat of a diocese, the local Catholic parish bears Due to popular devotion to the Saint, the name Declan has been http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declan | |
66. Troparion & Kontakion Index, Troparia, Kontakia Declan St Declan, Bishop of Ardmore, July 24 Degan - St Petroc and his CompanionsCroidan, Medan and Degan, June 4 Deifer - St Deifer, Monk, March 7 http://users.netmatters.co.uk/davidbryant/C/TropKon/TaK.htm | |
67. The Life Of St. Declan Of Ardmore By Anonymous The Life of St. Declan of Ardmore by Anonymous a free ebook from manybooks.net . local hold which Bishop to the believing Scots. Declan has maintained. http://manybooks.net/titles/anonetext97stdec10.html | |
68. Latin Saints Of The Orthodox Patriarchate Of Rome A disciple of St Colman who became Bishop in the area of Ardmore in Ireland.Decorosus Feb 15 The teacher of St Declan of Ardmore and other saints. http://www.orthodoxengland.btinternet.co.uk/saintsd.htm | |
69. Calendar St Declan, Bishop of Ardmore (Ireland) (5th). Holy Martyrs and PassionbearersBoris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism Roman and David (1015). http://www.orthodoxengland.btinternet.co.uk/aug2005.htm | |
70. On-line Calendar Of Saints Days, July Declan, Bishop (of Ardmore) BLS Francis Solano BLS James, apostle (Vigil) HCC;6082 Kinga BLS Poland Lewine, virgin, martyr BLS http://members.tripod.com/~gunhouse/calendar/jul.htm | |
71. Part 11 Of Life Of St. Declan Of Ardmore Life of St. Declan of Ardmore (Author unknown). chapter 10. On the road throughItaly Bishop Declan and Patrick met. Patrick was not a Bishop at that http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T201020/text011.html | |
72. Part 19 Of Life Of St. Declan Of Ardmore Life of St. Declan of Ardmore (Author unknown). chapter 18 On one of theseoccasions Declan paid a visit to the holy Bishop of the Britons whose name http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T201020/text019.html | |
73. Heritage Towns Of Ireland - Irish Heritage Towns Declan aka Deálgán (fifth century), a prePatrician Saint, was consecratedbishop there and was later confirmed in his seat of Ardmore by St Patrick http://www.heritagetowns.com/sprituality/ | |
74. The Ecole Initiative: Early Church Documents The Life of St. Declan of Ardmore Power translation, 1914. CCEL. Demeter,Homeric Hymn to The Liturgy of St. Dionysius, Bishop of the Athenians. http://www2.evansville.edu/ecoleweb/documentsD.html | |
75. The Life Of St Declan he most blessed Bishop Declan of the most noble race of the kings of Ireland, ArdmoreDeclain. After this Declan went to the king of the Desii and asked http://www.irishmasscards.com/IMC-Prayer/imc_pr_stdeclan.htm | |
76. Medieval Sources Online Life of St Declan of Ardmore (Internet Medieval Sourcebook). The Benedictine movement Bishop of Lindisfarne, 721 (Internet Medieval Sourcebook) http://www.medievalsources.co.uk/portal_monasticism.htm | |
77. Irish Monastic Sites St Declan s Church Ardmore Co. Waterford Ancient Irish Script. St Declan s Church was ordained Priest and Bishop. He returned to Ardmore and http://homepage.eircom.net/~frduffydsl/monastic/monastic1.html | |
78. Scoil Íde Naofa St Ita's Page Bishop (St.) Declan of Ardmore conferred the veil on her. Home History SaintIta Sights Board of Management New building Local News Site Map http://www.raheenagh.com/Ita.htm | |
79. Irish Baby Boy Names C - D where he became Bishop of Wurzburg after converting the local lord, St.Declan was the founder of a monastery at Ardmore in County Waterford and may http://www.babynamesofireland.com/pages/boy-names-c-d.html | |
80. Legendary Fictions Of The Irish Celts: A Legend Of St Mogue Of Ferns When St. Mogue was Bishop of Ferns, he had a wild brother that gave him a great St. Declan, when he was building the great round tower at Ardmore in http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/lfic/lfic109.htm | |
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