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De La Ramee Maria Louise: more detail |
41. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Hall, Ann Maria (18001881) nee Fielding, Novelist and Playwright (6) Ramee,Marie Louise De la (1839-1908) Novelist called Ouida (12) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=16 |
42. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Porter, Anna Maria (17801832) Novelist (2). Porter, Jane (1776-1850) Novelist (19) Ramee, Marie Louise De la (1839-1908) Novelist called Ouida (12) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=712 |
43. LISTE HISTORISCH BEDEUTSAMER FRAUEN Maria AberDeen (1857 Schriftstellerin;Ouida, (1839-1908), Schriftstellerin aka Marie Louise De la Ramee); http://toonorama.com/encyclopedia/L/Liste_historisch_bedeutsamer_Frauen/ | |
44. Blauer Bote - Enzyklopädie - Liste Historisch Bedeutsamer Frauen Maria AberDeen (1857 Ouida,(1839-1908), Schriftstellerin aka Marie Louise De la Ramee); Zora Neale http://www.blauerbote.com/lexikon.php?r=Liste_historisch_bedeutsamer_Frauen |
45. Karen_Davis - Info And Guide. Sappho (poet) Ouida, (18391908), (writer; aka Marie Louise De la Ramee) Zora Neale Fran Allison (died 1989) June Allyson (born 1917) Maria Conchita Alonso http://pheeds.com/Karen_Davis.html | |
46. 225 Patti Adalina Maria Patti (18431898). She was consiDered the greatest femalevocalist Ouida was the pen name of Marie Louise De la Ramee, (1839-1908) http://www.quilthistory.com/2003/225.htm | |
47. Fraternal Order Law Enforcement, Home Page born 1947), , 1st female prime minister of Canada; Maria Cantwell, (born Designer;Sappho (poet); Ouida, (1839-1908), (writer; aka Marie Louise De la Ramee); http://www.fraternalorderlawenforcement.com/drivebyshootings.html |
48. Famous Women In History Campbell, (born 1947), , 1st female prime minister of Canada; Maria Cantwell,(born Nobel prize); Ouida, (1839-1908), (writer; aka Marie Louise De la Ramee); http://www.mcfly.org/wik/Famous_women_in_history | |
49. 1839 1908 Contemporary Authors Biography De la Ramee, Marie Louise (1839-1908) Author Maria Luisa Nunes marketplace, click here Our price $62.95 http://1839-1908.idoneos.com/ | |
50. Liste Historisch Bedeutsamer Frauen Definition Liste Historisch Bedeutsamer Frau Translate this page Maria Theresia Artikel über Maria Theresia , (1717-1780), (Ungarn Artikel überUngarn Ouida, (1839-1908), Schriftstellerin aka Marie Louise De la Ramee) http://www.ilexikon.com/Liste_historisch_bedeutsamer_Frauen.html | |
51. Information About Famous Women In History Mary, Queen of Scots, (15421587), (Scotland); Maria Theresa of Austria Sappho (poet);Ouida, (1839-1908), (writer; aka Marie Louise De la Ramee); Zora Neale http://informationbest.com/f/fa/famous_women_in_history.html | |
52. Famous Women In History - TheBestLinks.com - Ayn Rand, Austria, Argentina, Adam Designer; Sappho (poet); Ouida, (18391908), (writer; aka Marie Louise De la Ramee); Emmy Noether, (1882-1935), (mathematician); Helen Sawyer Hogg; Maria Mayer. http://www.thebestlinks.com/Famous_women_in_history.html | |
53. The National Archives National Register Of Archives Browse The Ramee, Marie Louise De la (18391908) Novelist called Ouida (12) Ransom,Maria (fl 1842-1872), Kempston (1) Norwich, Norfolk Kempston, Bedfordshire http://www.nra.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/person_RA.htm | |
54. HL Bernardin, 17371814 De la Ramee, Maria Louise, 1839-1908 AKA Ouida, 1839-1908,pseudonym Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Defoe, Daniel, 1661? http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
55. RenewAmerica Forum Ouida Marie Louise De la Ramée (18391908) British novelist Maria LouiseDe la Ramee - Posted on Sep 7, 2004, at 032852 pm Central Time http://www.renewamerica.us/forum/?date=040905 |
56. [posted] Posted (#13912, Ouida) ! Bebee, by Ouida 13912 Author AKA Maria Louise De la Ramee (18391908) SubtitleTwo Little WooDen Shoes Link http//www.gutenberg.org/1/3/9/1/13912 http://lists.pglaf.org/pipermail/posted/2004-October/001295.html | |
57. Results Ouida, 18391908, pseudonym AKA De la Ramee, Maria Louise, 1839-1908 O InDexMain InDex FinDelkind laNGUAGE English SUBJECT Fiction PG ENTRY 1367 http://www.nssmaha.org/author-pseudonym.htm | |
58. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 Walter, 18731956 De la Ramee, Maria Louise, 1839-1908 AKA Ouida, 1839-1908,pseudonym Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Defoe, Daniel, 1661? http://www.olympus.edu.pl/Instytut NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm |
59. AUTHOR BURKERT, NANCY EKHOLM (1933- ) A434 ART OF NANCY EKHOLM Shadows and Motifs A Review and Analy sis of Works of Maria Gripe. OUIDA Marie Louise De la Ramee (18391908) A1846 CHANG, CHARITY. http://www.unm.edu/~lhendr/author/author1.100.html |
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