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81. DE LA MARE Meaning And Definition - Dictionary - ELook.org ProviDes a Definition of De la Mare. noun English poet remembered for hisverse for children (18731956) Synonyms De la Mare, Walter De la Mare, http://www.elook.org/dictionary/de-la-mare.html | |
82. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Paul and Virginia. De la Mare, Walter, 18731956. Peacock Pie, A Book of Rhymes;Return, The. DeVries, Hugo. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation http://www.globusz.com/authors_d.asp | |
83. AIM25: University College London: De La Mare Papers Name of creator(s) Mare Walter John De la 18731956 poet, novelist andanthologist. CONTEXT. Administrative/Biographical history De la Mare was http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=1626&inst_id=13 |
84. [Letters] 1934 August 17 To November 2 [to] Mary A. Brightbill De la Mare, Walter, 18731956. Guiterman, Arthur. Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936.Oppenheim, James, 1882-1932. Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935. http://sc.millersville.edu/manuscripts/manus/manus202.htm | |
85. Victorian And Edwardian Collection, D De la Mare, Walter, 18731956. Henry Brocken his travels and adventures in therich, st London W. Collins, 1904 De la Pasture, Henry, Mrs., 1866-1945. http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/vande/dvande.htm | |
86. Walter De La Mare Biography Walter De la Mare (18731956) was an English poet, short story writer, andnovelist, probably best remembered for his works for children. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/de_la_Mare_Walter.html | |
87. BBC - BBC Four - Audio Interviews - Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare. Walter De la Mare 1873 1956. A Meeting with Thomas Hardy 18April 1955 Home Service Walter De la Mare talks about http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/profilepages/delamarew1.shtml | |
88. BBC - BBC Four - Audio Interviews - Walter De La Mare Read about Walter De la Mare. Walter De la Mare 1873 1956 Back to audio clips.Walter De la Mare was born in Kent in 1873, educated at St Paul s http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/profilepages/delamarew2.shtml | |
89. Walter De La Mare Bibliography A bibliography of Walter De la Mare s books and short stories, with book coversand links to related Walter De la Mare UK (1873 1956) aka Walter Ramal http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Walter_de_la_Mare.htm | |
90. Mistletoe A Christmas Poem By Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare Nationality English Lifespan 1873 -1956 Family Motherrelated to Robert Browning (Poet) Education St Paul s School in London http://www.carols.org.uk/mistletoe-walter-de-la-mare.htm | |
91. Walter Will o the Wisp, a poem by Walter De la Mare. Willo -the-Wisp, With thebaleful eyes. Walter De la Mare (Engl., 1873 - 1956). Will o the Wisp Home page http://www.rod.beavon.clara.net/walter.htm | |
92. Walter De La Mare Quotes And Quotations Compiled By GIGA quotations, statements, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Walter Dela Mare. Walter De la Mare. English poet and novelist (1873 1956) http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/authors/walter_delamare_a001.htm | |
93. Lyrical Poems Of Walter De La Mares, Audio Readings By The Poet Lyrical WWI Poems of Walter De la Mare 1873 1956UK Hear also British WarPoets and Morning Poem in Time of War http://www.eaglesweb.com/Sub_Pages/delamare_poems.htm | |
94. EAGLESWEB.COM AUDIO ANTHOLOGY Of LYRICAL POETRY In MODERN ENGLISH, Walter Rufus Mare, Walter De la 1873 19561 Poem Marlowe, Christopher 1564-16032 PoemsMarvell, Andrew 1621-16785 Poems Masefield, John 1878-19673 Poems http://www.eaglesweb.com/poets.htm | |
95. DelaMare Poetry of Walter De la Mare, 1873 1956, a page in Electronic Library PoetryPearls of English to Russian Poetry Classics, Collection of Yacov and Elena http://members.tripod.com/poetry_pearls/ePoets/delaMare.htm | |
96. La Mare, Walter De /1873 - 1956/WWW.MLP.CZ Mestská knihovna v Prazeoficiální internetové strány. http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/L/2102423.htm | |
97. The Magic Of Walter De La Mare [Index] Walter De la Mare brief biography, resources. Mare. InDex Biography Selected Works Quotations Suggested Reading Chronology Related Articles http://humanitiesweb.org/human.php?s=l&p=c&a=i&ID=23 |
98. Katalog: Carpe Diem 16252 "Songs Of The Half-Light" Walter John De la Mare (1873 1956) from The Listeners and Other Poems PeacockPie, A Book of Rhymes Flora, A Book of Drawings http://www.carpediem-records.com/en/songs/walter_de_la_mare.htm | |
99. Swami Vidyatmananda Collection De la Mare, Walter, 187319561.2 Forster, EM (Edward Morgan), 1879-19701.2Fülöp-Miller, René, 1891-19631.3 Heard, Gerald, 1889-19711.2 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/vidyatmananda.html | |
100. Leonard Russell De la Mare, Walter, 187319561.1 Eliot, TS (Thomas Stearns), 1888-19651.1Fisher of lambeth, Geoffrey Francis Fisher, Baron, 1887-19721.1 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/russell.html | |
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