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21. NPG 5483; Walter De La Mare NPG 5483; Walter De la Mare. Sitter Walter De la Mare (18731956), Poet andnovelist. Sitter in 29 portraits. Artist John Stanton Ward (1917-), http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/portrait.asp?LinkID=mp07786&rNo=0&role=art |
22. First World War.com - Prose & Poetry - Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare (18731956), poet, author, editor and critic, was born on 25April 1873 in Charlton, Kent and was educated at St. Pauls Cathedral http://www.firstworldwar.com/poetsandprose/delamare.htm | |
23. Archives Hub: Papers Of Walter De La Mare Papers of Walter De la Mare (18731956). Reference GB 0237 MS 3081; Gen. 715/1;Gen. 1948/12/3-4 Title Papers of Walter De la Mare (1873-1956) http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/wdlmare.html | |
24. Archives Hub: Tynan/Hinkson Collection De la Mare, Walter John (18731956) poet Gordon, Ishbel Maria Marchioness ofAberDeen and Temair (1857-1939) née Marjoribanks http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/0310tyn.html | |
25. Selected Poems Of Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare (18731956). Fare Well The Listeners Home Anthology ofPoetry Classics. http://www.web-books.com/Classics/Poetry/Anthology/DeLaMare/ | |
26. Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare. (18731956). back home next All That s Past Fare Well The Huntsmen The Listeners Martha http://www.poemtree.com/DeLaMare.htm | |
27. Walter De La Mare - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Walter De la Mare (18731956) was an English poet, short story writer, Imagination of the HeartThe Life of Walter De la Mare (1993) Theresa Whistler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_de_la_Mare | |
28. Walter De La Mare - Definition Of Walter De La Mare In General Noun 1. Walter De la Mare English poet remembered for his verse forchildren (1873-1956) Synonyms De la Mare, Walter John De la Mare. http://dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/Walter_de_la_Mare | |
29. Walter John De La Mare - Definition Of Walter John De La Mare In General Noun 1. Walter John De la Mare English poet remembered for his verse forchildren (1873-1956) Synonyms De la Mare, Walter De la Mare. http://dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/Walter_John_de_la_Mare | |
30. Walter De La Mare Poetry Walter De la Mare 18731956. 01 THE HORSEMAN. I heard a horseman. RiDe over thehill;. The moon shone clear,. The night was still;. His helm was silver, http://www.amblesideonline.org/WalterDeLaMare.shtml | |
31. AO Poems Aug 12 The Orchard, by Walter De la Mare, 18731956 13 Wither s Rocking Hymn, byGeorge Wither, 1588-1667 14 Choosing A Name, by Charles lamb, 1775-1834 http://www.amblesideonline.org/AOPoemsAug.shtml | |
32. Music By Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare (18731956) was born in Charlton, Kent, England. His fatherwas an official at the Bank of England, and his mother (Lucy Sophia http://www.firstscience.com/SITE/poems/lamare2.asp | |
33. The Twickenham Museum : Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare, Date 1873 1956. At Southend House, Montpelier Row, can have had their work appreciated so warmly as Walter De la Mare (1873-1956). http://www.twickenham-museum.org.uk/detail.asp?ContentID=50 |
34. The Twickenham Museum : Walter De La Mare had their work appreciated so warmly as Walter De la Mare (18731956). Recent years have seen the formation of The Walter De la Mare Society and, http://www.twickenham-museum.org.uk/print_detail.asp?ContentID=50 |
35. The Autograph Collectors Gallery HIS 906 Walter De La Mare 1873-1956 Welcome to our collection of autographs and signed memorabilia. We have over 4000autographs for sale in this catalogue . All items for sale are illustrated http://www.autograph-gallery.co.uk/acatalog/HIS_906_Walter_De_La_Mare___1873_195 | |
36. The Autograph Collectors Gallery HIS 518 Walter De La Mare Historical Signed Documents , Letters PhotosHIS 518 Walter De la Mare.HIS 518 Walter De la Mare. HIS 518 Walter De la Mare English poet 18731956 . http://www.autograph-gallery.co.uk/acatalog/Autograph_Catalogue_HIS_518__Walter_ | |
37. De La Mare, Walter (Norwegian Writers' Web) Norwegian Writers Center Norwegian Association of Literary Translators.De la Mare, Walter 18731956. E-text Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/d/de.la.mare.walter.asp?lang=gb&type= |
38. De La Mare, Walter (Litteraturnettet) Norske Dramatikeres Forbund Norsk Forfattarsentrum Norsk Oversetterforening OM VIRUS OG SPAM. De la Mare, Walter 18731956. E-tekst Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/d/de.la.mare.walter.asp?lang=&type= |
39. Walter John De La Mare - Definition Of Walter John De La Mare By The Free Online Information about Walter John De la Mare in the free online English John Dela Mare English poet remembered for his verse for children (1873-1956) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Walter John de la Mare | |
40. Walter De La Mare - Definition Of Walter De La Mare By The Free Online Dictionar What does Walter De la Mare mean? Walter De la Mare synonyms, Walter De la De la Mare English poet remembered for his verse for children (1873-1956) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Walter de la Mare | |
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