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Day Edmund: more detail |
61. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors (1874 1935) Day, Thomas (1748 1882) KENNAN, George (1845 - 1924) KENNEDY, Edmund (1818 - 1848 Grant (1805 - 1881) SECCOMBE, Thomas (1866 - 1923) SEEGER, Alan http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
62. Trinity_College,_Cambridge Later that same Day, the College Choir gives a second openair concert, known as Singing George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon 1866-1923 Egyptologist; http://copernicus.subdomain.de/Trinity_College,_Cambridge | |
63. A2A - Access To Archives | Lancashire Record Office SBJ Bury Bros., Cotton Manufacturers, Accrington 18661923 - ref. RCMP Manchester, Miles Platting, St Edmund Roman Catholic Church Records 1876-1952 http://www.a2a.org.uk/about/contributors/055-list.asp | |
64. A2A - Access To Archives | Devon Record Office 6341 Z Exeter Teign Valley and Chagford Railway Company 18661923 - ref. 4808C St Edmund s Parish, Exeter 1911-1956 - ref. 3006 A St Edmund s Parish http://www.a2a.org.uk/about/contributors/027-list.asp | |
65. MARSHALL COUNTY, IND GRZNIA, Sr. M. Hilaria, 18661923. SISTERS BURIED AT LaPORTE, INDIANA Day, Sidney F., Ind Pfc Co D 113 Engrs WW1, Nov 10, 1895 - Dec 24, 1966 http://www.fulco.lib.in.us/genealogy/Tombaugh/Cemeteries/Marshall County/Html/ma | |
66. MIAMI COUNTY Day, Hustan, Corp Co F 34 Ind Vol Inf (military marker, no dates) (3) STUBER, John W., 18661923 (8 steps) POTTERFIELD (1) Jonathan, d. http://www.fulco.lib.in.us/Tombaugh/Cemeteries/Miami County/Html/miami.htm | |
67. PERSONAL NAMES. Aakre, Bernt (1817-1879) Abd Er-Rahman (? -1505 Translate this page Borgeaud, Albert (1866-1923) Borges, Juan Alvarez Borgognoni, see Theodoricus of Brehm, Alfred Edmund (1829-1884) Brehm, Christian Ludwig (1787-1864) http://www.euroscience.nl/vethistb.html | |
68. St. Thomas Cemetery - West Avenue - Section B, St. Thomas, Ontario 13, 1908 / in her 73rd year / In / Memory of / Edmund TURNER / who died / April Robert / STEPHENS / 18661923 / Margaret / wife of / Robert / STEPHENS http://www.elginogs.ca/cemeteries/stthomas/westaveB.htm | |
69. This Is A List Of The Stones Still Visible In The Old St 18661923. 14E. wife of Daniel Carline who was a farmer in Potsdam in 1870 with 5 1 Day. these were all children of Michael and Mary Donoghue. Donoghue http://www.stlawrencecountycemeteries.org/Potsdam/stmaryoldcensus.htm | |
70. Pre-1650 Books In The Million Books Collection Some longer Elizabethan poems by Seccombe, Thomas, 18661923. Morte Arthure or the Death of Arthur by Brock, Edmund; Die Mu¨hle von Schwindelsheim. by http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/millionbooks/ | |
71. Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Genealogy : Cemetery #44 Evergreen K KAUFMAN L1-8-(Baby Kaufman bur 12-19-1921/age 11 Day/cause acute next to Emma SPOENTGEN/1870-1938, next to Herman SPOENTGEN/1866-1923, http://www.2manitowoc.com/44K.html | |
72. Fauna Mihalko Genealogy Files Louis Jay Perkins (18661923), s/o Augustin Perkins Rhoda Marsh Wildman. Bacon Buxton Rebecca Parkhill * Edmund Buxton Harriet Larew * Moses http://myindianahome.net/gen/jeff/records/family/mihalko.html | |
73. Catalogue Of The Papers Of James, Viscount Bryce, 1826-1958 Daybook kept by Bryce, 1872-4 Shelfmark MS. Bryce 396 BOYLE (Sir Courtenay Edmund) 1845-1901. Letters to and from Lord Bryce, 1894-8, nd. MS. Bryce 39 http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/1500-1900/bryce/bryce000.html | |
74. 3.4 - Integration Bostwicks In Business At age 56 Edmund moved from New Milford, Conn to Hinesburgh, Vt, and there seven 1769), brothers, both on Part 158, and they went on a 10 Day journey, starting http://bostock.net/tree/bostgen/narrative/businessmain.html | |
75. Hartman Descendants Of Dansville,NY: Notes And References Obituary of Susan E., wife of Edmund Hartman, Dansville Advertiser, Dansville, New York (Thursday Edward R. Hartman(18661923), tombstone inscription, http://www.hartman1807.org/sources.htm | |
76. LABOR QUOTES human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter.Edmund Burke. Seize the Day!Horace. (18661923). http://www.redbanklocal.com/LABOR QUOTES.htm | |
77. Forest Books In 1904 the Earl of Carnarvon (18661923) who formed a small but choice library Edmund King describes and indexes over 750 different books in detail, http://www.forestbooks.co.uk/cat102.html | |
78. Oak Grove Vine Hills Cemetaries (Part 8 Of 18 Parts FLOENCE FLORENCE A. wife of Edmund WESTON 18471896 SALLY S. WESTON Wife of 1866-1923 ALLAN FRASER 1874-1948 GEORGE PARTRIDGE HAYWARD Born Oct 29, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ma/plymouth/towns/plymouth/cemeteries/ogvh0 |
79. SUNNYSIDE2 DANA, Edmund S., 1 Aug 1851 27 Dec 1941 ; Eliza Reed Stocker, h/w, 1856 - 1930; Day, Alvin, 10 May 1830 - 29 June 1902; Helen M. Jones, h/w, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~thstiger/SUNNYSIDE2.htm | |
80. Raymond Village Cemetery Harmon, Harry, L, B, 38, Son of Henry Ellen 18661923, n Tukey, Grace, C, 49, Grace Day, Wife of Atwood, 1870 1942, n http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~susan/RaymondV.htm | |
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