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Day Edmund: more detail |
41. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Humphry (1773 1829) Day, Clarence (Shepard), Jr. (1874 - 1935) Day, 1882) KENNAN, George (1845 - 1924) KENNEDY, Edmund (1818 - 1848) KENNEDY, http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
43. Articles - Trinity College, Cambridge Edmund Gosse 18451928 Poet, critic - On Viol and Flute George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon 1866-1923 Egyptologist; funded the discovery of http://www.1-electric.com/articles/Trinity_College,_Cambridge | |
44. Encyclopedia: Trinity College, Cambridge Later that same Day, the College Choir gives a second openair concert, Full name Gonville and Caius College Motto - Named after Edmund Gonville John http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Trinity-College,-Cambridge | |
45. Les - Lez - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors Edmund Albert LETTS (M 1852 Aug 27 1918 Feb 19) John M LETTS (M ? One Of Them f 1861 A Day s Ride f 1863 The Fortunes Of Glencore f 1863 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/le4.htm | |
46. A Subject List Of Book, Manuscript And Archival Collections Hale, Ellen Day, 18551940. Diaries, 1904-05 and 1921. Hale, Ellen Day Montezuma, Carlos, 1866-1923. Papers of Carlos Montezuma, MD Including the http://www.libraries.psu.edu/newsandmicroforms/microfinder/subel.htm |
47. Douglas Grove Cemetery Day, George W., son of N. and ME Day, 1877 1910. Fisher, Edmund H., 1903 - 1918. Hill, William H., 1860 - 1953; Margaret, his wife, 1866 - 1923. http://www.rootsweb.com/~necuste2/Cemeters/douglas.htm |
48. Lawrence County, Ohio Genealogy And History BRAMMER Edmund 1837 1914 McCormick Cemetery Day William no dates; Co I 45th KY Inf Tabor Cemetery HARDY Archibald 1866 1923 Getaway Cemetery http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/cemeteries/stories/uniontwp.htm | |
49. Randolph Township Edmund C. Brown 19061967. Evelyn D. Brown 1910-1974. George Brown (? Henry O. Senn 1866-1923. Edward I. Shue 1913-1984. John James Siless (?) 1867-1927 http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/randolph_township8.htm | |
50. Mount Pleasant Cemetery Ralph Edmund Faber, Minnesota Pvt. SATG University of Minnesota, 4 May 1922 - Lydia Pitmon 1866-1923. Clinton Plocher - 1909 - http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/Chaska-Mt.Plesant5.htm | |
51. Athens Rural Cemetery, Greene County, NY Addison Irwin Gardner 18661923 Mary P. Gardner 1871-1872 Eleanor Gardner d. 1880 Helen M. Dickman 3 Apr 1841-7 Oct 1906 w/o Edmund (nee BURGER) http://www.hopefarm.com/athencem.htm | |
52. New Jefferson Rural Cemetery, Greene County, NY Edmund R. Martin 18491927 US Navy 1864-65 Military stone Mary E. Martin 14 Jul 1855-17 May 1898 William Dederick 1866-1923 Margaret Dederick 1857-1925 http://www.hopefarm.com/jeffcem2.htm | |
53. Glencoe Mills Holt, Robert, 18661923. Holt family. Lakeside Mills. Glencoe Mills Store Day Book,1890-1896 Windsor Cotton Mills, RL and JH Holt- S-90. http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/g/Glencoe_Mills.html | |
54. North Carolina Collection-P2: Portrait Collection (List) Hackett, Richard Nathaniel (18661923). SERIES P2. Hadley, James (1836-1858). SERIES P2 Patterson, Edmund Vogler (1878-1934). SERIES P2 http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/02portraits/port.html | |
55. Jefferson County Indiana Historical Society Louis Jay Perkins (18661923), s/o Augustin Perkins Rhoda Marsh Wildman. Edmund Buxton Harriet Larew * Moses Buxton Prudence Bacon http://www.jeffersoncountyhistoricalsociety.com/main.asp?SectionID=17&SubSection |
56. Office Of Collections Gift, 1916, of University of Illinois President Edmund J. James, as a memorial to his Stoek, Harry Harkness, 18661923, collector Library. 600 volumes. http://www.library.uiuc.edu/administration/collections/collections/descriptions/ | |
57. Arizona And Southwestern Montezuma, Carlos, 18661923. Monthan, Jessie Ray. Moody, Charles, 1918- Wells, Edmund William, 1847-1938. Wells, Phillip W., 1882- http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/branches/spc/homepage/azbiog.htm | |
58. Sherlock Holmes Pastiche Characters - C Sherlock Holmes in Dallas (Edmund Aubrey) 101, 118121, 215; Our Mr. Smith (Oswald Sherlock Holmes and the Apocalypse Murders (Barry Day) 10-11; http://www.schoolandholmes.com/charactersc.html | |
59. Riverside Cemetery, Jackson, Tennessee Edmund Skinner Mallory, September 22, 1846August 19, 1903 Martha A. Mallory, 1829-1893 Callie King Parker, July 26, 1829-July 1905 (no Day given) http://www.tngenweb.org/records/madison/riverside/rcem-s4.htm | |
60. Record Unit 7320 - National Museum Of Natural History, Division Of Mammals, Biog Folder, 54, Dickerson, Mary C. (18661923). Biographical sketch, 1923. Folder, 11, Heller, Edmund (1875-1939). Biographical sketch, 1947. http://siarchives.si.edu/findingaids/FARU7320.htm | |
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