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61. Records For Davis, Rebecca Harding 1831-1910 Criticism And Davis, Rebecca Harding 18311910 Criticism and interpretation. Record 1of 1. Rebecca Harding Davis electronic resource (1831 http://cofc.edu/MARION/@EQUALITY/bdd620001000/0 |
62. English Classics 3000 1714) An Essay on the EastIndia Trade Davis, James J. (1873-1947) The IronPuddler Davis, Rebecca Harding (1831-1910) Frances Waldeaux http://book.nku.cn/book/english/d.html |
63. Biography Search Physicist, born in Washington, District of Columbia, USA. Davis, Rebecca Harding,,(18311910). Writer, born in Washington, Pennsylvania, USA. http://www.biography.com/find/results.jsp?alpha=3&subpg=4 |
64. Publice Domain E-Books By Title An Ignoble Martyr March 1890, Davis, Rebecca Harding 18311910, University OfVirginia Library, 2000. An Imperial Triumph, Josephus, Internet History http://library.morgan.edu/electron/ebook/public.htm | |
65. DAVIS REBECCA HARDING 1831 1910 (in MARION) Davis Rebecca Harding 1831 1910. Record 1 of 1. Davis, Rebecca Harding,18311910. Life in the iron mills, and other stories / by http://lc01.cerritos.edu/MARION?A=DAVIS REBECCA HARDING 1831 1910 |
66. The Wordwizard Word Portal - Fiction Links listing with links. Davis, Rebecca Harding (18311910) Frances Waldeaux -text of the work, from Project Gutenberg. Life in the http://wordwizard.com/fictionlinksd.htm |
67. The Captain's Story (186?) By Rebecca Harding Davis THE CAPTAIN S STORY. Originally from (18) by Rebecca Harding Davis (18311910).I have been asked to tell what I know of the case of Joseph C. Wylie, http://gaslight.mtroyal.ab.ca/gaslight/capstory.htm | |
68. Documenting The American South: First-Person Narratives Of The American South Davis, Rebecca Harding, 18311910 Bits of Gossip. Boston Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1904. 233 p. Dawson, Sarah Morgan, 1842-1909 A Confederate Girl s Diary. http://faculty.washington.edu/stcamp/texts.html (voices).htm | |
69. Stories, Listed By Author Davis, Rebecca (Blane) Harding (18311910). * In Old Florence, (ss). Companions ofOur Youth Stories by Women for Young Peoples Magazines 1865-1900, ed. http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/s48.htm | |
70. Chronological List, Part 24 Davis, RW GORMAN; Davis, RAY T. Davis, Rebecca (Blane) Harding (18311910);Davis, REUBEN; Davis, RICHARD (1945- ); Davis, RICHARD H http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/e24.htm | |
71. Alibris: Tillie Olsen by Davis, Rebecca Harding, and Olsen, Tillie (Editor) US literature Workingclassstudies Rebecca Harding Davis (1831-1910) published 12 books http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Olsen, Tillie | |
72. WWW-VL: History: United States: Gilded Age, 1876-1900; US History Cody, William F. (aka Buffalo Bill ) 18461917 Crane, Stephen 1871-1900 Davis, Rebecca Harding 1831-1910 Davis, Richard Harding 1864-1916 Debs, http://vlib.iue.it/history/USA/ERAS/gilded.html | |
73. Aunt Lute Books -- Events Calendar Rebecca Harding Davis 18311910. Marcia; Married People. Metta Victoria Victor1831-1885. The Unclaimed Portrait. Louisa May Alcott 1832-1888 http://www.auntlute.com/TOC.html | |
74. VSYAT Am E, FI, Harding Davis, Rebecca (18311910), Margaret Howth A Story of Today,1862. Am E, FI, Harding Davis, Rebecca (1831-1910), Frances Waldeaux, 1897. http://www.hgur.se/lingcal/Datspr/athena/VSYAT.html | |
75. Margret Howth, A Story Of To-day By Rebecca Harding Davis - Project Gutenberg Eu Creator, Davis, Rebecca Harding (18311910). Title, Margret Howth, a Story ofTo-day. Language, English. LoC Class, PS Language and Literatures American http://pge.rastko.net/etext/515 | |
76. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Davis, Rebecca Harding, 18311910 Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 De Presno,Odd De Quincey, Thomas, 1785-1859 De Saint-Pierre, Bernardin, 1737-1814 http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
77. Legacy Rebecca Harding Davis, 18311910. For a Profile of Rebecca Harding Davis, seeLEGACY Vol. 7.2, 1990 Search for Davis in Legacy s Index. http://www.lehigh.edu/~dek7/SSAWW/photoDavis.htm | |
78. The Short Story Classics The Best From The Masters Of The Genre FourFifteen Express NEW. Rebecca Harding Davis (1831-1910) Life in theIron-Mills. Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) The Blue and the http://shortstories.computed.net/index.html |
79. FpnasAuthors01 Davis, Rebecca Harding, 18311910. Dawson, Sarah Morgan, 1842-1909. De Saussure,NB (Nancy Bostick), 1837-1915. Dimitry, Adelaide Stuart. Dupré, Louis J. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/ncuhtml/fpnasAuthors01.html | |
80. UncallAuthors01 Davis, Noah, 1803 or 4 Davis, Rebecca Harding, 1831-1910. Dawson, Sarah Morgan,1842-1909. De Saussure, NB (Nancy Bostick), 1837-1915. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award99/ncuhtml/uncallAuthors01.html | |
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