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62. President Davis - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Thurston, who was president of the Bethlehem Iron Company, and J. Davis Brodhead, Davis, James JOHN 1873 1947, American public official, b. Wales. http://www.questia.com/search/president-davis | |
63. North Carolina Collection-P2: Portrait Collection (List) Davis, Henry Wiley (1884 ). SERIES P2. Davis, James Evans SERIES P2 SERIES P2.Green, Henry J. SERIES P2. Green, James A. SERIES P2 http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/02portraits/port.html | |
64. Dickinson College Alumni > 1876-1900 Hieb, Louis (18681965), Taylor, John Eastlack (1873-1947) Diehl, JacobLee (1879-1933), Resh, James J. (c1875-1959). Doherty, James (1867-1941) http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/a/alumni/alumni5.html | |
65. May They Never Be Forgotten1 Fannie Leona Onie (McDade) Davis March 29, 1929 James Norfolk Cocke 18401876Martha J Mattie (McDade) Cocke 1848-1936 Owen Norfolk Cocke 1871-1901 http://mcdade.bravepages.com/Tombstone/Stones_may__they_never_be_forgotten1.htm | |
66. Barnett Chapel Barton, Susan J. 18531855 d of James Louisa 2 21bm Barton, William 1824-1900 1873-1947 s of Gentry Margaret (Gray), husband of Lucy, 74 12cm http://us-gen.org/in/warrick/cemeteries/barnettchapelcema.htm | |
67. Index To Pettit/Hall Family Pages 1922) Jeanette ( Nettie ) Jefferson Davis (1873 1958) Jennifer Jesse F.(1880 - 1963) Jesse J. (~1888 Chesseldine James; Childers Frankie http://tpettit.best.vwh.net/family/pettit/FG_IDX/IDX006.htm | |
68. Greens Fork Cemetery, Wayne County, Indiana Osborne, Turie (Boyd), 18611885, K2-6, w. of James E. Osborne, Wm. 1777-1841,G1-10- Pike, Sarah E. 1873-1947, 265. Pike, Stephen, 1812-1862, C1-16 http://www.waynet.org/people/genealogy/greensfork-south/o-r.htm | |
69. HOLYROOD (HOLY CROSS) CATHOLIC CEMETERY Duff, Elizabeth, 18731947, 373. Duff, Ellen, c1841-1925, 334 Healey,James J. 1933-1987, 16. Healey, John J. 1909-1990, 17 http://ngb.chebucto.org/Cemetery/cem-holyrood-holy-cross-rc-hm.shtml | |
70. Gaslight Contents By Author Willa Cather (18731947) The affair at Grover Station F (1900) James J.Wright (1826?-1891?) The Huts of Ellerslie a romance of Leichardt F http://gaslight.mtroyal.ab.ca/gaslight/contents.htm | |
71. Archives And Special Collections Woodress Finding Aid James Leslie Woodress received an MA from New York University and a Ph.D. from Cather, Willa, 18731947 Novelists, American 20th century Biography http://www.unl.edu/libr/libs/spec/woodress.html |
72. Rosemount City Timothy J. Bade Jr. 14 October 1970 great grandson of James E. Murray family Cyril J. Boyle 1899-1975. John Joseph Boyle 1873-1947 http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/rosemount_city29.htm | |
73. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Alice (1820 1871) Cather, Willa (1873 - 1947) Catullus, Tsitsi (1959 - )Davis, Rebecca Harding (1831 - 1910) De Mille, James (1833 - 1880) http://www.ipl.org/div/litcrit/bin/litcrit.browse.pl?au=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX |
74. Glenwood Cemetery Section D 7 Lena L. 18731947. 9 Mary T. HYAMS Sept. 8, 1912-Feb 4, 2001 James H.Nov. 16, 1900-Dec. 9, 1981. 2 James J. 1864-1936 3 Mary Ann 1864-1945 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ky/county/todd/cemetery/GlenwoodD.htm | |
75. LAPORTE CEMETERY 30, 1968 Row thirty four Manning, Michael James 1952 1972 son to live in hearts 17, 1910 57y 7m 21d wife of J Davis, (? Hannah Aug. 6, 1854 - June 30, http://www.mifamilyhistory.org/midland/laporte.htm | |
76. American Authors On The Web Rebecca Harding Davis (neé Harding) (18311910) James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938).Arthenia J. Bates Millican A Brief History Jill Diesman http://www.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~matsuoka/AmeLit.html | |
77. Census - Woodlawn Cemetery - Lovilia, Iowa Completed June 1999 By Pvt 339 Field Arty 88 Div WWI 0237 Dack Charles W 1873 1947 0237 Dack Lottie William J 1858 1930 1141A Davis Wiley Harold 1927 2m 1142 Phipps James http://www.iamonroe.org/cemetery/data/woodlawn.txt |
78. San Mateo County Genealogy St. John S Cemetery, Tombstone Boyle Owen J. 4/24/1890 12/15/1934 Brader James L. 1900 1966 Brader Leone S. Beloved daughter of Adelaide John Davis Lindsay Jr. Thomas J. 8/6/1934 http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sanmateo/smcemsj.htm |
79. Letters And Documents Collection - C | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr College L Removed from Democratie, an anonymous translation of Henry James s Gift ofthe Friends of the Library, 1983 Cather, Willa, 18731947 2 TLsS, ny Dec. http://www.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/letterboxc.shtml | |
80. Keewaydin Cemetery, Covington Township, Clearfield County PA James J. 19041982 Marie S. 1900-1982 (James Joseph June 12-Sept.30, Davis,FATHER - Charles J. 1858 - 1934 MOTHER - Elizabeth 1865 - 1941 33. ZONGE, http://www.pa-roots.com/~clearfield/townships/covington/keewaydin.html | |
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