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61. Pearls Of Wisdom Editor s Note In Every Issue. Pearls of Wisdom Entrepreneur magazine November2004 Sir Francis Darwin. You see things, and you say, Why? http://www.entrepreneur.com/mag/article/0,1539,317619,00.html | |
62. Strange Science: References And Acknowledgments Darwin, Francis. Autobiography of Charles Darwin With Two Appendices, Gratzer, Walter, Editor. A Bedside Nature Genius and Eccentricity in Science http://www.strangescience.net/stbib2.htm | |
63. Works Of Charles Darwin Published By Pickering & Chatto Insectivorous Plants; second edition revised by Francis Darwin(1888). Editor of The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin (1977); A Concordance to Darwin s http://www.pickeringchatto.com/darwin.htm | |
64. Normblog: Writer's Choice 1: Francis Wheen He is deputy Editor of Private Eye. Today Francis begins the series or as aVictorian melodrama (in his 1962 study The Tangled Bank Darwin, Marx, http://normblog.typepad.com/normblog/2005/06/writers_choice_.html | |
65. Francis Galton Collection, American Philosophical Society Within months of reading Darwin s Origin of Species, Galton became a zealousconvert and Galton, Francis, to Nature. Editor, 1893 Jan. 18, ALS, 3p. http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/g/galton.htm | |
66. Manuscripts Guide D (Film 1299). Darwin, Francis Galton (18481925) Botanist. APS 1909. 30 items.These letters are to William Hepworth Dixon, Editor of the Athenaeum, http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/d.htm | |
67. Evolution: Darwin: Darwin's Diary Darwin finishes his Autobiography. It is a private memoir, a record for his family . She writes her son, Francis, the Editor. My dear Frank, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/darwin/diary/1881.html | |
68. Classics In The History Of Psychology -- Galton (1865) Ainsworth, William Francis, Editor of Journal of Natural and Geographical In strength, agility, and other physical qualities Darwin s law of natural http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Galton/talent.htm | |
69. Principia Cybernetica Mailing-List Archive: A Complete Reference On Darwin And E A complete reference on Darwin and evolution fwd. Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@VNET3 . Among the Editor s statements, I picked this one because of its http://bruce.edmonds.name/PRNCYB-L/1079.html | |
70. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database Francis Jeffrey, 17731850. For a list of all references in the database, includinga list of A founder of the Edinburgh Review , 1802; Editor, 180329. http://darwin.lib.cam.ac.uk/perl/nav?pclass=name;pkey=Jeffrey, Francis |
71. David Darwin: New & Used Books Search Result For David Darwin By Sidney Mindess, J. Francis Young, David Darwin By David Darwin (Editor)Paperback / Amer Society of Civil Engineers / February 2000 / 0784404879 http://www.fetchbook.info/search_David_Darwin/searchBy_Author.html | |
72. Nucleo De Informação He was President of the AAHM, 19581960, and Editor of the Bulletin of the History 2 vols., Francis Darwin AC Seward, eds., London, John Murray, 1903. http://www.coc.fiocruz.br/nucleo/hispalc/outros_2002.htm | |
73. Letters-of-Charles-Darwin Darwin s theory flawed.(PERSPECTIVES)(Letter to the Editor) An article fromSarasota The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin Author Francis Darwin http://charles-darwin.classic-literature.co.uk/book-store/Books/Keywords-shop-Le | |
74. InteLex Past Masters - Darwin: Works Edited by Francis Darwin (1909). (v11) A Monograph on the Subclass Cirripedia Editor of The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin (1977); A Concordance to http://www.nlx.com/titles/titlcdcw.htm | |
75. Record Unit 7315 - Julius Victor Carus Photograph Album Collection, Circa 1854-1 Carus is probably best remembered as Editor of the Zoologischer Anzeiger, 1854 ( 3); 1864 ( 2); 1881 ( 1); undated ( 104); Darwin, Francis, http://siarchives.si.edu/findingaids/FARU7315.HTM | |
76. The C. Warren Irvin, Jr., Collection Of Charles Darwin And Darwiniana: The Voyag This profile by Francis Lane shows Captain Fitzroy later in his career, The copy shown here was presented by the Editor to another of Darwin s relatives http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/nathist/darwin/darwin3.html | |
77. David's Quote Database - Reality, Reason, Rights, And A Bit Of Humor John D. Rockfeller 1 quotes John Davis, Editor of Earth First Journal -1 quotes Sir Francis Bacon - 4 quotes Sir Winston Churchill - 3 quotes http://quotes.rationalmind.net/ | |
78. Sir Francis Darwin Darwin, Sir Francis, 18481925, English botanist, assistant to his father, CharlesRobert Darwin, Sir Francis (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0814701.html | |
79. Charles Robert Darwin More on Charles Robert Darwin from Infoplease. Sir Francis Darwin Darwin, SirFrancis, 18481925, English botanist, assistant to his father, http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0814699.html | |
80. Slave Narratives Elizabeth A. Francis, Editor Main Stacks 821 T31Yf7 The Descent of LoveDarwin and the Theory of Sexual Selection in American Fiction, 18711926 http://faculty.maryvillecollege.edu/library/researchguides/english335.htm | |
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