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21. Alibris: Francis Bacon We can trace his influence from Kant in the 1700s to Darwin a century later. by Weinberger, Jerry (Editor), and Bacon, Francis, and Sir Francis Bacon http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Bacon, Francis | |
22. Trilobite And Geology Books For Sale Darwin, Francis, Editor. 1893. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin. Appleton Company, New York, 508 p. (5.00 reprint; soft cover; highlighting, http://specializedqualitypublications.com/R.htm | |
23. The Religion Of Nature: Social Darwinism By David Menton The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin , Francis Darwin Editor, D. Appleton andCo., 1896, Vol. 2, p . 294). The feature of Darwinism most often cited by http://www.gennet.org/facts/metro15.html | |
24. Freethought Bookshelf | Authors | D history, The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, OUR REVIEW. biography, by CharlesDarwin, Francis Darwin (Editor), HC PB aC VHS DVD http://www.atheistalliance.org/bookshelf/books-authors_d.html | |
25. Evolution (Vol.4) - Pt.I, CH.9 Darwin, Francis, Editor, The Foundations of The Origin of Species Two EssaysWritten in 1842 and 1844 by Charles Darwin, Cambridge University Press, 1909, http://custance.org/Library/Volume4/Part_I/chapter9.html | |
26. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Darwin, Charles, 18091882 Darwin, Francis, Editor Dau, WHT (William HermanTheodore), 1864-1944, Translator Davis, Charles Belmont, 1866-1926, Editor http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
27. Darwin Country - Darwin, Charles (1809-82) 1: His Youthful Years 16th Aug, 1848 Charles Darwin s son, Francis, was born. the Command ofCaptain FitzRoy, during the Years 1832 to 1836, of which he was the Editor. http://www.darwincountry.org/explore/001555.html | |
28. Bookshare.org - Books By Author Here is a list of our books by AC Seward (Editor) . Letters of CharlesDarwin, Volume 2, by Charles Darwin, Francis Darwin (Editor), AC Seward (Editor) http://www.bookshare.org/web/BooksByAuthor.html?author_id=65 |
29. DarwinianA Darwin, Francis, Editor. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. Vols. 13.London John Murray, 1887. Lyell, Sir Charles. The Geological Evidences of the http://www.lib.iup.edu/depts/speccol/darwin folder/darwiniana.htm | |
30. 150 UK Titles: Evolution Evolution of Language by James R. Hurford (Editor), et al; As We Know It byMarek Kohn; The Autobiography of Charles Darwin by Francis Darwin (Editor) http://human-nature.com/darwin/books/evolutionuk.html | |
31. From The Editor | Environmental History, 8.2 | The History Cooperative Darwin bred and studied pigeons. Though all the domestic breeds had descended Lisa Kiser s article takes us back to the world of St. Francis of Assisi. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/eh/8.2/editor.html | |
32. More Letters Of Charles Darwin â Volume 2 By Charles Darwin - Project Guten Creator, Darwin, Charles (18091882). Editor, Darwin, Francis, Sir (1848-1925).Editor, Seward, Albert Charles, Sir (1863-1941) http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/2740 | |
33. Browse By Author: D - Project Gutenberg Life and Letters of Charles Darwin Volume 1 (English) (as Editor) Davis,John Francis (18591930). California Romantic and Resourceful; http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/d | |
34. Stephen E. Jones: Creation/Evolution Quotes: Authors A-F Frederick H. Historian Editor of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin Elder brother of Charles Darwin. Darwin, Francis. Son of Charles Darwin. http://members.iinet.net.au/~sejones/authorsa.html | |
35. Leonard Darwin -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article The Editor s introduction to the volume of DarwinFisher correspondence has asketch of Francis Galton Samuel John Galton Charles Galton Darwin http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/L/Le/Leonard_Darwin.htm | |
36. 1990DossierOnDarwinLetter A DOSSIER ON Darwin A LETTER TO THE Editor Darwin be buried in the Abbeyand his fourhorse funeral carriage (accompanied by his sons Francis, Leonard, http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/1990DossierOnDarwinLetter.html | |
37. URBANOWICZ ON DARWIN/September 1996 Darwin, Sir Francis (Editor), 1896, The Life And Letters Of Charles Darwin,Two Volumes (New York). Darwin, Sir Francis (Editor), 1903, More Letters of http://www.csuchico.edu/~curban/Darwin/DarwinSem-S95.html | |
38. Charles Darwin Autobiography We cannot do better than allow Francis Darwin, a son and an Editor of his fatherspapers for publication, some introductory paragraphs. http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/philosophy/darwin_autobiography.html | |
39. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Darwin, Francis, Editor. Darwin, Francis, Sir, 18481925 and Seward, AC (AlbertCharles), 1863-1941. Dau, WHT (William Herman Theodore), 1864-1944, http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
40. The GNU-Darwin Distribution GNUDarwin AbiWord developer, Francis James Franklin, has also been hard at A fine, multipurpose text Editor with capabilities to satisfy the casual http://gnu-darwin.sourceforge.net/download.html | |
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