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         Dante Alighieri 1265-1321:     more books (100)
  1. Readings on the Paradiso of Dante by William Warren Vernon, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, et all 2010-08-18
  2. L'Enfer, poème du Dante, traduit de l'italien... (Par Artaud.). [Uniform title; Dante's Inferno - French translation] by trans. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Artaud, 1812-01-01
  3. Dantes Divine comedy : 15th-century manuscript / commentaries on the miniatures by Sergio Samek-Ludovici ; narration by Nino Ravenna ; translated by Peter J. Tallon by Sergio. Ravenna, Nino (1930-) Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Samek Ludovici, 1979-01-01
  4. Dante's Divine comedy: The Inferno. A literal prose translation with the text of the original collated from the best editions, and explanatory notes by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, John Aitken Carlyle, 2010-08-20
  5. Dante's Inferno by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Henry Francis Cary, et all 2010-09-12
  6. The Italian poets translated in English prose. Containing a summary i prose of the poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso, with comments, occasional ... of the lives and genius of the authors by Leigh Hunt, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, et all 2010-07-30
  7. The DIVINE COMEDY.Inferno.Purgatorio.Paradiso.A New Verse Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Allen Mandelbaum. by Alighieri [1265 - 1321].Mandelbaum, Allen - Translator.Moser, Barry - Illustrator. Dante, 1982
  8. The Divine comedy: the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso; a new translation into English blank verse by Lawrence Grant White, with illustrations by Gustave DoreÃ?¯Ã'¿Ã'½ by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Lawrence Grant White, 1948
  9. Il quatro poeti italiani, con una scelta di poesie italiane dal 1200 sino a'nostri tempi. Pub. secondo l'edizione del 1833 da A. Buttura (Italian Edition) by Antonio Buttura, 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, et all 2010-08-31
  10. School laws of the state of Missouri. Revised statutes, 1899, and session acts 1901 and 1903 by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, 2010-09-05
  11. La Divina commedia (Italian Edition) by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Battista Niccolini, et all 2010-08-31
  12. Il Fiore, Poème Italien Du Xiiie Siècle, En Ccxxxii Sonnets Imité De Roman De La Rose; (French Edition) by Castets Ferdinand 1838-, 2010-09-28
  13. La divine comédie. Traduction d'Artaud de Montor (French Edition) by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, Alexis François Artaud de Montor, 2010-05-14
  14. The Divina commedia and Canzoniere by 1265-1321 Dante Alighieri, E H. 1821-1891 Plumptre, 2010-08-16

101. Dante Alighieri - Wikiquote
Dante Alighieri 1265 1321 Italian writer and poet I want my illustrationsfor the Dante to be like the faint markings of enDante Alighieri
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Dante Alighieri
From Wikiquote
Dante Alighieri
Italian writer and poet
  • "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate."
    • Translation: "Abandon all hope, whoever enters here." Source: Inscribed above the gates of Hell (Inferno III:9). "Il gran rifiuto."
      • Translation: "The great refusal." Source: The decision of Pope Celestine V to abdicate the Papacy and allow Dante's enemy, Pope Boniface VIII , to gain power (Inferno III). "L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle."
        • Translation: "The love which moves the sun and the other stars." Source: Dante's final vision in the Divine Comedy (last line of Paradiso XXXIII).
        "I want my illustrations for the Dante to be like the faint markings of moisture in a divine cheese. . . .Mysticism is cheese; Christ is cheese, better still, mountains of cheese!" -Salvador Dali edit
        Falsely attributed
        • "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality", or a variation on that. Source: Probably John F. Kennedy

102. Biografía - Dante. Dante Alighieri
Dante. Dante AlighieriNacionalidad Italia Florencia 1265 - 1321
Nacionalidad: Italia
Florencia 1265 - 1321
Nacido en Florencia en 1265, desempeñó un papel político de considerable importancia en su ciudad natal, donde desempeñó diferentes misiones diplomáticas y fue elegido uno de los seis "priores". En plena guerra entre güelfos y gibelinos, fue desterrado por estos, viviendo primero en París y después en Rávena, ciudad en la que murió en 1321. En su infancia ya componía sonetos amorosos y canciones en los que reflejaba un concepto de amor ideal y casi místico. Su obra mayor es "La divina comedia": escrita en un estilo admirable y dividida en tres partes, Infierno, Purgatorio y Paraíso, el poeta describe su paso por estos mundos de la mano del poeta Virgilio y de su amada Beatriz de manera conmovedora, plasmando las convicciones morales y filosóficas de la Edad Media, junto con algunas ideas que preconizan la cultura renacentista. Más tarde, también en honor de Beatriz, hija de Folco Portinari, escribió "La vita nuova". En sus obras, Dante hizo alcanzar el estatuto de idioma al dialecto florentino, sentando las bases del italiano.
Todos los textos e imágenes en alta resolución de esta sección están
disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.

103. Dante Alighieri - Poems And Biography By
Dante Alighieri (1265 1321). Dante Alighieri is beyond doubt the greatest ofItalian poets, and, many readers think, one of the greatest poets that
Poem of the Day Top 30 Poets Shopping ... Comments
Today, on September 10th, 2005, the site contains 150 poets , 8361 poems and 1765 comments
Biography of Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321)
Dante Alighieri is beyond doubt the greatest of Italian poets, and, many readers think, one of the greatest poets that Western civilization has produced. W. B. Yeats called him "the chief imagination of Christendom." T. S. Eliot said: "Dante and Shakespeare divide the modern world between them. There is no third." He was born in Florence, Italy, in 1265. Italy in those days was not a united country, but a collection of mostly small city-states. Feuds and power struggles between noble families were a constant source of wars between states and of turmoil and civil war within them. Dante, heir of a poor but noble family, was one of the seven elected officials in charge of the government of Florence, when an accidental collision in the street during the May Festival in 1300 led to a brawl that escalated into a civil war that ultimately got Dante's party overthrown and its leaders (including Dante) exiled from Florence. He spent the rest of his life in exile, pining for his native city. When he began writing his masterpiece, the Commedia, we do not know. (A "comedy," as traditionally defined, is a story that "begins in sorrow and ends in joy". Dante called his work simply "The Comedy." Later Italian writers speaking of the work called it "The Divine Comedy," by which name it is usually known today.) It appears that he had finished the first of its three parts by 1314, and the last only shortly before his death on 14 September 1321.

104. Dante Alighieri - Definition Of Dante Alighieri By The Free Online Dictionary, T
Meaning of Dante Alighieri. What does Dante Alighieri mean? Dante Alighierisynonyms, Dante Alighieri antonyms. Information about Dante Alighieri in the Alighieri
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Cite / link Email Feedback Dan·te A·li·ghie·ri (dän t l -gy r Italian poet whose masterpiece, The Divine Comedy (completed 1321), details his visionary progress through Hell and Purgatory, escorted by Virgil, and through Heaven, guided by his lifelong idealized love, Beatrice. Dan te·an adj. Dan·tesque (dän-t sk adj. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Noun Dante Alighieri - an Italian poet famous for writing the Divine Comedy that describes a journey through hell and purgatory and paradise guided by Virgil and his idealized Beatrice (1265-1321) Dante poet - a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry) Mentioned in References in classic literature Dantean Dantesque No references found Dictionary/thesaurus browser Full browser danse macabre danseur danseur noble danseuse ... Dante Dante Alighieri Dante Gabriel Rossetti Dantean Dantesque Danton ... Dansville, Livingston County, New York

105. DISF - Dizionario Interdisciplinare Di Scienza E Fede | Alighieri, Dante (1265 -
Approcci ermeneutici all opera di Dante - III. L interesse di Dante per le
Il Progetto DISF Home Dizionario Alighieri, Dante (1265 - 1321)
Alighieri, Dante (1265 - 1321)
Maurizio Malaguti
I. La vita e l'epoca - II. Approcci ermeneutici all'opera di Dante - III. L'interesse di Dante per le scienze: la cosmologia del Convivio e l'astronomia della Commedia - IV. Il De monarchia Commedia di Dante: alle radici di una Summa del pensiero cosmologico, filosofico e teologico medievale - VI. L'itinerario teologico-spirituale delle tre cantiche della Commedia
I. La vita e l'epoca
Si desume dalla Vita Nuova De consolatione philosophiae di Boezio e il De amicitia ars dictaminis Vita nuova Alberto Magno; vi conobbe testi aristotelici e neoplatonici ed opere di Convivio e il De vulgari elequentia Commedia . Nel 1315 la Signoria di Firenze concesse una nuova amnistia a patto che fosse riconosciuta la colpa. Dante rispose con l'Epistola All'amico fiorentino in cui, con grande fierezza, respinse la soluzione di compromesso che gli veniva proposta. La sua fama era ormai vasta in ragione della immediata diffusione che ebbero le cantiche dell' Inferno e del Purgatorio . Mentre lavorava al Paradiso Commedia si sono perdute tutte le copie dell'opera fino al quarto decennio del Trecento. Particolarmente labile appare la situazione delle

106. Dante Alighieri
Translate this page Keywords Dante Alighieri, 1265, 1321, Antigüedad, Bonifacio VIII, Burguesía,Edad Media. Dante Alighieri (Florencia, 1265 - Ravena, 1321) Poeta italiano.
Dante Alighieri
Keywords: Dante Alighieri, 1265, 1321, Antig¼edad, Bonifacio VIII, Burgues­a, Edad Media
Dante Alighieri Florencia - Ravena, Poeta italiano Imagen no existente
Dante_alighieri.jpg Dante Alighieri Si bien sus padres, Alighiero de Bellincione y Gabriella (Bella), pertenec­an a la burgues­a g¼elfa florentina, Dante asegur³ siempre que proced­a de familia noble, y as­ lo hizo constar en el Para­so cantos XV y XVI ), en donde traz³ un v­nculo familiar con su supuesto antepasado Cacciaguida, quien habr­a sido armado caballero por el emperador Conrado II de Suabia. Durante sus a±os de estudio coincidi³ con el poeta Guido Cavalcanti, representante del dolce stil nuovo, unos quince a±os mayor que ©l, con quien intim³ y de quien se convirti³ en disc­pulo. Segºn explica en su autobiograf­a m¡s o menos recreada po©ticamente Vida nueva , en 1274 vio por primera vez a Beatriz Portinari, cuando ella contaba ocho a±os y ©l tan s³lo uno m¡s; el apasionado y plat³nico enamoramiento de Dante tendr­a lugar al coincidir de nuevo con ella nueve a±os m¡s tarde. Imagen no existente

107. Osawa-d
see ed. @@Prose fiorentine raccolte dallo Smarrito @[pseud.] accademico della Crusca. Edizione @novissima. Pt. 1-5. Venezia, Remondini, @1751-54. @@5 v. front. 22 cm.@@A-A146 @@Pt. 2-5 have title: Raccolta di prose @fiorentine. @@Title-page of pt. 1 in red and black. Dauriac, Lionel Alexandre, 1847-1923. @@Essai sur l'esprit musical. par Lionel @Dauriac ... Paris, F. Alcan, 1904. @@v,304 p. 23 cm. (Bibliotheque de philo- @sophie contemporaine)@@Pd-194 Daurignac, J. A. S., pseud. see Orliac, Mme J. M. S. D'Autremont, Pierre. @@Le Saint-Siege en droit international. @Paris, Jouve, 1910. @@110 p. 26 cm.@@Mga-922 @@Page 1-4 wanting; title and imprint @from cover. David, Francois Anne, 1741-1824. @Histoire de France, representee par @figures, accompagnees d'un precis @historique. Les figures gravees, par @F. A. David. ... Le precis historique @par Ant. Caillot. Paris, The author, @1817-19. @@3 v, illus. 22 cm.@@A-A147 Decharme, Paul, 1839-1905. @@Mythologie de la Grece antique. 3. ed., @rev. et corr. Paris, Garnier, [n. d.] @@xxxvii, 680 p. illus. 26 cm.@@Og-A252 Declareuil, Joseph. @@Histoire generale du droit francais des @origines a 1789 a l'usage des etudiants @des facultes de droit (premiere annee de @licence et doctorat es science politiques) @Paris, Recueil Srey, 1925. @@Me-542 @@viii, 1076 p. 23 cm. @@Title-page wanting. De la Gournerie, Eugene. @ see see Motzo Dentice di Accadia, Cecilia. Descamps, Edouard Eugene Francois

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