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81. Biblioteca Virtual - Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Translate this page La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, esun fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc., http://cervantesvirtual.com/FichaAutor.html?Ref=352&idGrupo=Facsimil |
82. Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri. (12651321) door Boticelli. In Dante en Petrarca vinden deMiddeleeuwen hun literaire hoogtepunten. Beiden zorgen zij voor een prelude op http://users.pandora.be/gaston.d.haese/Dante.html | |
83. McKillop Library - Videos Subject Dante Alighieri, 12651321. Inferno Criticism, Textual; Hell Drama .Danza azteca de An ahuac / KNME-TV/Quicksliver co-production ; produced http://mckillop.salve.edu/process_video.cfm?valu=D&key=title |
84. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Renaissance Research Ranch Dante Alighieri (12651321) Discussion Deck. Welcome to the DanteAlighieri (1265-1321) Renaissances.com Research Reading Ranch. http://renaissances.com/z/ychristiand/DanteAlighieri(1265-1321)hall/shakespeare1 | |
85. ACAC : Recon QA 1000 a Dante Alighieri, d 12651321. t Divina commedia 400/10 a DanteAlighieri, d 1265-1321. t Cum?gia 400/20 a Dante Alighieri, http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/authorities/reconqa.htm | |
86. Dante Alighieri (Dante) Translate this page Dante Alighieri est né en 1265. Il perdra successivement sa mère, en 1278, puisson père, Dante (1265-1321) Sculpture Antoine-Augustin Préault http://www.insecula.com/contact/A005901.html | |
87. AIM25: Thesaurus-assisted Personal Name Search 2 Match(es). Your search was. Dante Alighieri 12651321 Italian poet Papers of Henry Clark Barlow, comprising papers relating to his Dante studies, http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/thesaurus/thes_search?keyword=Dante Alighieri | 1 |
88. WORDTHEQUE - Word By Word Multilingual Library Dante Alighieri (12651321) Dante was born in Florence, of a bourgeois family ofnoble descent in 1265. In 1274, when he was nine, a meeting with Beatrice http://www.wordtheque.com/owa-wt/new_wordtheque.w6_home_author.home?code_author= |
89. IPac2.0 Divine comedy, Dante Alighieri, 12651321. 851 D19d26, p1991. CASSABK. 7.The divine comedy. Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, 851 DAN, 1992, TALK http://ipac.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=ALLTITL&term=Divine Comedy |
90. ChaosCafe.com * Dante's Chronology The Life and Times of Dante Alighieri (12651321). Date, Event. 1265, Dante Alighieriborn circa May 29th. Of his own ancestry he speaks in the Paradise, http://www.divinecomedy.org/notes/chronology.htm | |
91. ?xml Version= 1.0 Encoding= UTF-8 ? RdfRDF Xmlnsrdf= Http CDATADante Alighieri, (12651321) /ns1subject ns1subject !CDATAItalianliterature - Early to 1400 /ns1subject ns1title ! http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/iss/library/speccoll/search/rdf/collection/45 |
92. Biblioteca Virtual - Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Dante Alighieri (12651321). Títols digitalitzats. Comença la comedia de DantAllighieri de Florença / traslatada per Nandreu ffabrer algutzir del molt http://lluisvives.com/FichaAutor.html?Ref=352&portal=1 |
93. Dante Alighieri - Biographie Translate this page Dante Alighieri est né le 29Mai 1265 à Florence dans une famille de petite noblesse . Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). ITALIANO http://www.italialibri.net/international/francais/alighierid.html | |
94. Malaspina Great Books - Dante Alighieri (1265) About 1340 Dante s elder son, Pietro Alighieri, set himself to elucidate his father s The association known as the Dante Alighieri , on the other hand, http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_382.asp | |
95. Dante Alighieri Life Stories, Books, & Links Dante Alighieri (1265 1321). Category Italian Literature. Born 1265 Florence,Italy. Died 1321 Revenna. Related authors http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/dante.alighieri.asp | |
96. Mediamatic.net - Dante Alighieri poet (1265 1321). Dante Alighieri is beyond doubt the greatest of Italian poets,and, many readers think, one of the greatest poets that Western http://www.mediamatic.net/article-200.6022.html | |
97. The Inferno Of Dante By Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321) The Inferno of Dante by Dante Alighieri (1265 1321) The Portable Dante,851 DAN. The Inferno A Verse Rendering for the Modern Reader, 851.15 DAN http://bla.stisd.net/Dante.htm |
98. Dante Alighieri At LiteratureClassics.com -- Essays, Resources Dante Alighieri. 1265 1321 *. Italian poet, philosopher whose epic poem TheDivine Comedy is the greatest and most influential of medieval poetry. http://www.literatureclassics.com/authors/Alighieri/ | |
99. Dante Alighieri Quotes - The Quotations Page Dante Alighieri (1265 1321) Italian national epic poet more author details Dante Alighieri; A fair request should be followed by the deed in silence http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Dante_Alighieri/ | |
100. Quotation Search - Quote Search - The Quotations Page who sees a need but waits to be asked is already set on cruel refusal. info add mail Dante Alighieri (1265 1321), Purgatorio, XVII , 59-60 http://www.quotationspage.com/search.php3?Author=Dante Alighieri&file=other |
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