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161. Dante Im Jahr 2000 Wolfgang Everling erl¤utert die Illustrationen Dalis, und bietet weiterf¼hrende Links. http://www.dante-2000.de/ | |
162. Dantes Down The Hatch - A Jazz And Fondue Experience A jazz club located in the heart of Buckhead in Atlanta Georgia, Dantes Down the Hatch boasts live Jazz 6 nights a week. http://www.dantesdownthehatch.com/ | |
163. Dingdong 4 Kim All about Dingdong Dantes and Kim delos Santos. http://www.geocities.com/dingdongkim/ | |
164. Dante R. Chialvo -- Complexity,emergent,self-organized Criticality,chaos,memory, complexity,emergent,selforganized criticality,chaos,memory,learning ,noise. http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~dchialvo/ | |
165. DANTE FRANCH'S HOMEPAGE Homepage of the Argentinian investigator and contactee Dante Franch. It includes channeled messages, extract from Dante's Books and some photos. English and Spanish versions. http://www.geocities.com/dantefranch/index-us.html | |
166. Joe Dante by Martyn Bamber profile of film director Joe Dante. http://www.sensesofcinema.com/contents/directors/03/dante.html | |
167. Resource Moved Dante search engine at Dartmouth University. http://dciswww.dartmouth.edu:50080/?&&&7&s |
168. Dante Alighieri - Obras En Español Translate this page Páginas dedicadas a la publicación progresiva de las obras de Dante Alighieri, traducidas al español, anotadas y comentadas por JE Sanguinetti. http://www.servisur.com/cultural/dante/ |
169. ARC :: Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) :: Page 1 Of 12 Features a biography of Rossetti, along with a number of highresolution images of his works. Also includes a transcription of Rossetti's 1882 obituary from The Times. http://www.artrenewal.org/asp/database/museum_template.asp?artist=76 |
170. Robotics Institute: Dante II The CMU Field Robotics Center (FRC) developed Dante II, a tethered walking robot, Behaviorbased Gait Execution for the Dante II Walking Robot http://www.ri.cmu.edu/projects/project_163.html | |
171. Dantes Göttliche Komödie bersetzt von Dr. Karl Witte. Die 1. sechs Ges¤nge. http://www.epischel.de/Dante/dante.html | |
172. Www.dante.org/ http://www.dante.org/ |
173. Index Contains combined details for Dingdong Dantes and Antoinette Taus. http://geocities.com/tons_of_dingdong/ | |
174. Dante Dante Alighieri, Lo inferno, Lo purgatorio, Lo paradiso, 3 vols. Ashendenes large edition of all of Dantes works is often considered one of the http://www.library.ubc.ca/spcoll/middleages/fullimages/dantecase4.html | |
175. C.L.I. Dante Alighieri - Italiano Per Stranieri Translate this page Linguistica SrL piazza Bologna, 1 - 00162 Roma tel. +39- fax +39- P.Iva e CF 04673651008. best resolution 800x600 pixel http://www.clidante.it/ | |
176. Dante; Poetry Of Dante Alighieri; Full Text Of Dante's Divine Comedy - Inferno, Dante s Divine Comedy; Poetry of Dante; fulltext poems of Dante Alighieri, at everypoet.com. http://www.everypoet.com/archive/poetry/dante/dante_contents.htm | |
177. ArtMagick: Your Source Of Visual Intoxication Offers a brief biography of Rossetti and numerous examples of his works, divided into periods. http://www.artmagick.com/artists/rossetti.aspx | |
178. Dante Alighieri Biografia completa e opere dell'autore. Disponibile online la versione completa della Divina Commedia commentata dal De Sanctis. http://sussidiario.it/letteratura/italiana/300/dante/ | |
179. Currency Of The Word A detailed thesis by R. A. Shoaf, subtitled 'Money, Images, and Reference in Late Medieval Poetry'. http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rashoaf/currency/dccw.html | |
180. Dante Gabriel Rossetti - An Exhibition At Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Presents a retrospective featuring over 170 works. http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/walker/exhibitions/rossetti/index.asp | |
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