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141. Dante Alighieri (general Note) NBC.com Average Joe The Joes Strike Back Contestants Dante in this society it s tough, but if you look beyond that and be proud of who you are everything changes. ANNA calls Dante, Unique . Get to know Dante http://icg.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/special/authors/dante/ | |
142. Starpages: Dingdong Dantes Web Sites Links to Dingdong Dantes sites. http://www.starpages.net/D/I/Dingdong_Dantes/index.html |
143. The Inferno Of Dante Alighieri Dante s Inferno in a new, triplerhymed translation, freshly illustrated, English and Italian, footnotes, summaries, diagrams. http://home.earthlink.net/~zimls/ | |
144. Gender, Literature, And Art: D.G. Rossetti A guide with many external links, from Dr. Kathleen L. Nichols, Professor of English and Coordinator of Women's Studies at Pittsburg State University. Concentrates on Dante and Christina Rossetti, and has a section on illustrators and photographers associated with the PRB. http://www.pittstate.edu/engl/nichols/perseph.html | |
145. Dante Woo By Dante Woo. Oooh, you re too young to say you re through with love. We are Siamese if you don t please. http://www.dantewoo.com/ | |
146. Dante Bichette Statistics - Baseball-Reference.com Dante Bichette batting, fielding and pitching major league baseball lifetime statistics for each season and his career, and a list of any postseason awards http://www.baseball-reference.com/b/bicheda01.shtml | |
147. OCAIW - Dante Gabriel Rossetti Provides an extensive set of links to Rossetti's paintings available at other sites online. http://www.ocaiw.com/rossetti.htm | |
148. La Divina Commedia La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri presentata in chiave parapsicologica nel libero commento di Giovanna Viva. http://www.videosoft.it/nonsoloufo/commedia.htm | |
149. Dante Alighieri: Un Dì Si Venne A Me Malinconia / Melancholie Kam Eines Tags Mi Sonett von Dante Alighieri auf Italienisch und Deutsch. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3112/texte/dante2.htm | |
150. Einführung In Die BibTeX-Programmierung Bernd Raichle zeigt wie mit BibTeX programmiert werden kann und wie man Vorlagen ¤ndern kann. http://www.dante.de/dante/events/dante2002/handouts/raichle-bibtexprog.pdf |
151. Liber Liber: Biblioteca | Autori A | Alighieri, Dante Translate this page Cenni biografici sul poeta e raccolta di opere. Le opere sono disponibili online e in formato testo per essere scaricate dal sito. http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/a/alighieri/ | |
152. Dingdong Dantes Tanya Garcia Dingdong Dantes and Tanya Garcia love team. http://www.geocities.com/dingdong_tanya/ | |
153. Italica - Indice Dante autorevoli studiosi italiani di Dante hanno realizzato per Italica tre saggi. http://www.italica.rai.it/principali/dante/ | |
154. Dante's Bullwhips Bullwhip expert, instructor, and performer. http://home.earthlink.net/~rdante1 | |
155. Dante Alighieri - Wikiquote Source Dante s final vision in the Divine Comedy (last line of Paradiso XXXIII). I want my illustrations for the Dante to be like the faint markings of http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Dante_Alighieri | |
156. ARC :: Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) :: Page 1 Of 12 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (b.1828d.1882). Art-works featured on this page include The Day Dream,La Donna della Finestra,Pandora,A Vision of Fiammetta,A Sea http://www.artrenewal.org/asp/database/art.asp?aid=76 |
157. Società Dantesca Italiana Website of the scholarly institution in Italy, in English. http://www.leonet.it/culture/sdi/ |
158. Dante Alighieri Collection At Bartleby.com Contains a brief biography and bibliography; etext of the Harvard Classics translation of the Divine Comedy, and quotations from Bartlett's . http://www.bartleby.com/people/DanteAli.html | |
159. Heart's Ease Gallery (Dante Gabriel Rossetti) Biography, several representative works, and suggested further resources. http://www.hearts-ease.org/gallery/pre-raph/rossetti/index.html |
160. La Divina Commedia L'opera pi¹ conosciuta di Dante, con la possibilit di effettuare una ricerca per parola chiave all'interno del testo. http://www.crs4.it/Letteratura/DivinaCommedia/DivinaCommedia.html | |
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