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Dante: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
121. Vita Nuova di Dante Alighieri. Capitolo I Capitolo II Capitolo III Capitolo IV Capitolo V Capitolo VI Capitolo VII Capitolo VIII Capitolo IX http://www.crs4.it/~riccardo/Letteratura/VitaNova/VitaNova.html | |
122. Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft: Homepage Offizielle Site mit Darstellung der Gesellschaft, deren Zielen und Aktivit¤ten. Neben dem Inhalt des Deutschen Jahrbuches finden sich Daten zum K¼nstler und Links. http://www.uni-marburg.de/hosting/ddg/ | |
123. DANTE E.V. - TeX-Stammtische - Stuttgart Ort und Termin des Stammtisches sind aufgef¼hrt, Fotos eines Treffs werden gezeigt. http://www.dante.de/events/stammtische/orte/stuttgart/ | |
124. Currency Of The Word Dante, Chaucer, and the Currency of the Word Part One Dante s Commedia and the Promise of Reference. Epigraphs Part One http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/rashoaf/currency/dccw.html | |
125. Scuola Dante Alighieri Mondavio Mondavio, PU Sito ufficiale del Comitato locale della Societ Dante Alighieri. http://www.scuoladantealighieri.it | |
126. Currency Of The Word Dante, Chaucer, and the Currency of the Word Money, Images, and Reference in Late Medieval Poetry. RA Shoaf. Follow this link http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/rashoaf/dccw.html | |
127. 'Dante And Beatrice', Henry Holiday Presents the oil on canvas painting and provides a brief description. http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/walker/collections/19c/holiday.asp | |
128. The Pre-Raphaelites The British Council and M.I Rudomino AllRussia State Library presents a photographic exhibition. Many biographies of, and photographs by PRB followers, including Julia Cameron, Lewis Carroll, HP Robinson, and several photos of Jane Morris by Dante Rossetti. http://www.libfl.ru/pre-raph/ |
129. Dante Leonelli This website documents the work of artist Dante Leonelli from the 1960 s to the present day. http://danteleonelli.com/ | |
130. Guido Mazzoni Collection - Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321 Because of the importance of the Dante materials in the Mazzoni Pamphlet Dante articles marked by Mazzoni in newspapers will be located under the http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/mazzoni/dante.html | |
131. The Rossetti Archive Offers an extensive and everexpanding constellation of Rossetti's poetry, prose, and visual art. Maintained at the University of Virginia under the editorship of Jerome McGann. http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/rossetti/ | |
132. Bodleian Library: Western Manuscripts To C.1500: MS. Holkham Misc. 48: Inferno Dante confronts the three beasts on the mountain; partial figure of Virgil shields Dante s eyes; the three Furies stand in front of the tower of Dis. http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/medieval/mss/holkham/misc/048.a.htm | |
133. D.G. Rossetti Brief biography with a list of writings by Rossetti. Includes a bibliography. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/dgrosset.htm | |
134. Index042 - Progetto Dante A Cura Di Giuseppe Bonghi Il sito contiene i testi con introduzione critica delle opere del poeta fiorentino. http://www.classicitaliani.it/index042.htm | |
135. Dante Article about Dante s life and work. http://www.tabula-rasa.info/DarkAges/Dante.html | |
136. Q.E.D. Eine Einf¼hrung in das Leben und Werk Dantes von Brian Horne. http://www.quod-est-dicendum.org/Literatur/Dante_Deutsch_13_01_05_brh.htm | |
137. Dante Gabriel Rossetti Online Dante Gabriel Rossetti English PreRaphaelite Painter, 1828-1882 Guide to pictures of works by Dante Gabriel Rossetti in art museum sites and image http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/rossetti_dante_gabriel.html | |
138. DANTE E.V. - TeX-Stammtische - Heidelberg Ort und Termin des Stammtisches sind aufgef¼hrt, Fotos eines Treffs werden gezeigt. http://www.dante.de/events/stammtische/orte/heidelberg/ | |
139. Florence, Italy On Firenze.net - Where To Go And What To Do In Florence Run away from the steaming summer cities, discover the close and hidden beauty of the Valdarno in Tuscany (the Valley of the river Arno north east to http://english.firenze.net/dante/ | |
140. Società Dante Alighieri Firenze Scuola di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri. http://www.dantealighieri.it/ | |
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