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81. T DATA010 MAINES Eliza Ann {NEWTON} 18511928 pages 36,52,86 Coulter Isabella {WILSON}page 34 Coulter James pages 15,49 Coulter John Frederick page 34 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160t010.htm | |
82. J DATA002 Elliot, John GOODFELLOW Doreen Olive Merle page 23 GOODFELLOW Gordon Stephanuspage 26 MAINES Eliza Ann {NEWTON} 18511928 pages 36,52,86 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160j002.htm | |
83. English Classics 3000 Table Of Contents ( Listed By Author ) A Hiram (18291911) An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning s PoetryCoulter, John Merle (1851-1928) The North American Species of Cactus, http://www.cntv.info/books/Readme.txt |
84. KEOKUK COUNTY,IOWA CEMETERIES ONLINE STORM, ALICE M.; 02/14/1901; STORM, Merle F.; 09 HAMPTON, ELMA; 1872 1960; HAMPTON,John; 1874 - 1962; TANCER Coulter, WARREN J.; 12/31/1898 - 02/02/1960; Coulter http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/6746/sixteencem.html | |
85. Marysville FULTON, Merle H. 19041937. FULTON, ROY John 2/27/1876-2/9/1877 SPELLMEIER,WILLIAM 1851-1928. SPELMAN, OLGA E. LOFINCK 1886-1960 http://www.slsoft.com/vos/necropolis/Marysville.htm | |
86. New Delmer Transcripts Bertha Coulter Jan 31 1902 Dec 15 1983, Mabel WRIGHT MARSHALL - Kenneth L. 1936 -his wife Merle D. GALE 1936 HUGHES - John B. HUGHES 1915-1991 his wife Saimi http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dcoop/new_delmer_trans.htm | |
87. Lincoln County Cemeteries Moore, Ethyl M (19001967); Moore, John J II (1906-1962); Morgan, Merle E Coulter, JP (1838-1903 Ireland); Davis, Earl R (1884-1953) Pvt NMI USNRF WWI http://users.wi.net/~census/lesson46.html | |
88. St. Thomas Cemetery - West Avenue - Section "Blocks", St. Thomas, Ontario 10, 1873June 22, 1978 / Margaret Ruth Coulter / Nov. 21, 1901-Aug. John MacTAVISH / 1804-1897. OS1321e. Edward A. MacFAUL / 1851-1928. OS1321f http://www.elginogs.ca/cemeteries/stthomas/westaveOSblocks.htm | |
89. This Is Project Gutenberg. This List Has Been Downloaded From by Canada North American Species of Cactus, by Coulter, John Merle, 18511928North And South, by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865 North Of Boston http://www.lafourche.lib.la.us/TITLES.TXT |
90. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With C Cartwright, Eliza (18511928) Cartwright, John C. (ABT 1836-15 NOV 1918) Carty,Walter (-) Collins, Merle (10 DEC 1899-28 MAY 1901) Collins, Murray (-) http://meunier-collins.com/idxc.html | |
91. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page 1.-, Libros Electrónicos. Título North American Species of Cactus. AutorCoulter, John Merle, 1851 - 1928. Recursos Archivo texto. http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?materia=CACTUS |
92. New Stuff! Haven t linked to it yet. Here s the url North American Species of Cactus by JohnMerle Coulter, 18511928. It s a cactus identification manual. http://www.kosmicjourney.org/yabbse/index.php?board=8;action=display;threadid=19 |
93. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With C Cameron, John Newell (23 OCT 190714 APR 1963) Cameron, Karen Ann (living) Chandler, Sarah Ann (ABT 1851-1928) Chandler, Sophia (-) http://www.johnhoag.net/genealogy/idxc.html | |
94. Lakeside Cemetery Ann, wife of John M. Bell 16 March 1818 15 July 1858 Vernon Merle Truax,MN EN1 US Navy World War 2, 19 March 1928 - 19 March 1957 http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/Hastings_Lakeside21.htm | |
95. Descendants Of Benjamin +Mary Ann Prestidge 1851 1928 . 3 Mary Elizabeth Van Horn 1870 6 Merle Allen Trisch 1975 - 6 John Edward http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/town/kingston/gen/vanhorn.htm | |
96. ARVADA CEMETERY, ARVADA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 5581 31 1974 15 Callahan John Jul. 4 1884 May.. 24 1972 Colorado Mech US Army WorldWar I 15 12 1945 our Baby 23 Freeman Robert Merle Dec. 27, 1947 Oct. 27, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/co/jefferson/cemeteries/arvada-b.txt | |
97. Autbotlist 1851-1928 ;. Cout. Antonio Xavier PereiraCoutinho ; Portugal ; 1851-1939 ; Les Chênes du Portugal, 1888 ; http://jeanlouis.helardot.free.fr/autbotlist.htm | |
98. Tracking Your Roots: Jefferson County, AL Cemeteries E. Oct 05 1874 Jun 12 1906 Trotter, Hasten 1911 1913 Trotter, John Mar 05 1848Oct 31 1919 Manning, Mary M 1851 1928. Manning, Millie Myrick Aug 12 1881 http://www.trackingyourroots.com/data/jeffersoncems.htm | |
99. Woodlawn Cemetery, Wilkinsburg, PA Section 3 Tombstone Inscriptions John KERR 1880 1948 BEATTY ELIZAETH K. 1886 1961 BEATTY John K. 1849 1910 WWII MILLER HARRISON M. 1945 Father MILLER HENRY F. 1851 1928 MILLER HOMER C. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~tandnmca/woodlawn/sec3atom.html | |
100. Allen Alexander, Mary S. 29 Nov 1871 26 Apr 1927 w/o John Alexander Allan, Mary S.1837 1911 Calohan, Mary Emma 1851 - 1928 w/o SL Calohan http://www.csonner.net/comb6.htm | |
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