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41. Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933 1003140 Saint S Progress Http Cotes, Everard, Mrs., 18611922, 1002602. Story Of Sonny Sahib, The.http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924, 1005039 http://hzeid.free.fr/ts.htm |
42. Cabell, James Branch 1000164 The Certain Hour (1909) Http//etext Cotes, Everard, Mrs., 18611922, 1002602. Story Of Sonny Sahib, The.http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. Cotton, William, 1002603 http://hzeid.free.fr/ac.htm |
43. Cinderella Bib. - Modern Fiction Cotes, Mrs. Everard (18611922). Cousin Cinderella. Leipzig B. Tauchnitz, 1908.Rpt. Toronto University of Toronto Press, 1980. Cowden, Bess Sherman. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/cinder/cin6.htm | |
44. Small Diff The Politi Charles Ba The Callis Becoming P Buying Point of View Sara Jeannette Duncan Literature Fiction A Different Point of ViewSara Jeannette Duncan Cotes, Everard,, Mrs.,, 18611922, Criticism and http://www.4.us-info-web.com/801.html | |
45. World Literatures In English - Canada Cotes, Everard Mrs., 18611922 (Sara Jeannette Duncan). Coulter, John, 1888-.De La Roche, Mazo, 1879-1961. Drummond, William Henry, 1854-1907. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/subjguides/lit/worldliteng/speccan.htm | |
46. The Project Gutenberg EBook Of The Imperialist, By Sara Jeannette Sara Jeannette Duncan, 18611922 (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes) The Imperialist 1904 ChapterI It would have been idle to inquire into the antecedents, or even the http://www.knowledgerush.com/pg/etext04/mprls10.txt |
47. YOU ARE VIEWING A 200 LINE SAMPLE OF EBOOK E03278 TITLE THE THE IMPERIALIST AUTHOR SARA JEANNETTE DUNCAN EBOOK E03278 (O Briens Book Cellar)Sara Jeannette Duncan, 18611922 (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes) The Imperialist http://www.obrienbooks.com/samp/S03278.TXT | |
48. LISTA DE TITULOS Story Of Sonny Sahib, The, by Cotes, Everard, Mrs., 18611922 Story Of The Gadsbys,The, by Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Story Of The Glittering Plain, The; http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/titulos.htm | |
49. Colorado College Tutt Library New Book List - Block 1 LOCATION North Basement. TITLE Set in authority. AUTHOR Cotes, Everard, Mrs.,18611922. PUB INFO Peterborough, Ont. Broadview Press, c1996. http://www.coloradocollege.edu/library/About/NewBooks/98Block1.html | |
50. The Imperialist Story Imperialist Author Sara Jeannette Duncan aka Mrs. Everard Cotes Release Date byGardner Buchanan.Sara Jeannette Duncan, 18611922 (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes http://www.richread.com/04mprls10.html | |
51. Etext » Books Sara Jeannette Duncan, 18611922 (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes). The Imperialist. 1904.Chapter I. It would have been idle to inquire into the antecedents, http://etext.teamnesbitt.com/books/etext/etext04/mprls10.txt.html | |
52. Abebooks: New & Used Books, Textbooks, Rare & Out Of Print Books SET IN AUTHORITY Sara Jeanette Duncan, 18611922. Ontario, Canada1996 BroadviewPress, 1551. 10. Cotes, Mrs. Everard (Sarah Jeannette duncan). http://www.abetitles1.com/Title/2477075/Set in Authority.html | |
53. Badminton At The 2004 Summer Olympics Mrs. Sara Jeannette Duncan, 18611922 (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes) The Imperialist1904 Chapter I It would have been 2o04 to inquire into the antecedents, http://discover.bpa.nu/badminton-at-the-2004-summer-olympics/ |
54. The Imperialist By Sara Jeannette Duncan EBook By BookRags This etext was produced by Gardner Buchanan. Sara Jeannette Duncan, 18611922 (akaMrs. Everard Cotes). The Imperialist http://www.bookrags.com/ebooks/5301/ | |
55. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Home, Sir James Everard (17981853) 2nd Baronet Captain RN (3) Singh, SirSawai Madho (1861-1922) Maharajah of Jaipur, Knight (1) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=12 |
56. John Lane Company Records, Index Of Correspondents Patchett Martin, Mrs. (Harriette Anne)36.2, 51.4 (with Watson, Rosamund BM) Raleigh, Walter Alexander, Sir, 1861192239.6 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/lane.john.corr.html | |
57. ResAnet Browse Results Cotes, Roger,1682-1716 (1 doc); Cotes, Roger, 1682-1716 (1 doc); Cotham, http://www.collectionscanada.ca/wbin/resanet/resultsm/s=b/n=SU/l=0/d=1/r=1/e=0/h | |
58. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Duncan, Sara Jeannette, 1861-192 Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://database.delphi.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_duncan_sara_jeannette | |
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