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61. ELT Index IV Corelli, Marie (18551924). Article. Casey, Janet Galligani. Marie Corelli andFin de Siècle Feminism, 352 (1992), 163-78. MacLeod, Kirsten. http://www.uncg.edu/eng/elt/index1.htm | |
62. Scientific Marie Corelli 1855-1924 It wouldn t be bad to include among these She , SHEby H. Rider Haggard a weird thing - but we are dealing with the http://www.cayce.egympie.com.au/booksScientific.htm | |
63. The Autograph Collectors Gallery HIS 18 Marie Corelli HIS 18 Marie Corelli 18551924 English novelist . Pseudonym of Mary Mackay .She was the writer that critics loved to hate . A signature on small part of http://www.autograph-gallery.co.uk/acatalog/Autograph_Catalogue_HIS_18_Marie_Cor | |
64. Marie Corelli (Mackay) .. Bertha Vyver Pess?te?e? ?st?e? ?st?sede?; Marie Corelli and Bertha Vyver ; Marie Corelli (1855-1924) - (WestMidlands literary official site - uk.gov); the Victorian Women Writers http://www.sapphogr.net/les/mcorelli.html |
65. Victorian Women Corelli, Marie (Mary Mills or Minnie Mackay, 1855-1924). Autograph letter toSir James Forrest, New Lyric Club, on embossed notepaper with a London address http://rarebooksinjapan.com/Victorian/ | |
66. Corelli Cordy, Jane, Canadian senator Corea, Chick, (born 1941), musician Corelli, Arcangelo,(16531713), Baroque composer Corelli, Marie, (1855-1924), best-selling http://www.wikisearch.net/corelli |
67. Conan Doyles Lost Papers... - Www.ezboard.com I suspect he means Marie Corelli (18551924). Author of far-fetched, melodramaticnovels such as The Sorrows of Satan, The Mighty Atom and The Silent Power, http://p067.ezboard.com/fscarletstreetsherlockholmes.showMessage?topicID=325.top |
68. IPL Online Texts Recent Additions By Author Corelli, Marie, 18551924. Innocent Her Fancy and His Fact. full entry.Council on Library and Information Resources. Scholarly Work in the Humanities http://www.ipl.org.ar/reading/books/recent-author.html | |
69. IPL Online Texts Recent Additions By Title Innocent Her Fancy and His Fact, Corelli, Marie, 18551924 full entry.Internet Jobs! The Complete Guide to Finding the Hottest Internet Jobs, Kador, http://www.ipl.org.ar/reading/books/recent.html | |
70. ABSINTHE.SE - The Absinthe Drinkers Marie Corelli (18551924) Novelist Marie Corelli (real name Mary Mackay ) wasprobably born somewhere in London in May of 1855, daughter of Charles Mackay, http://www.absinthe.se/poets/ | |
71. Stories, Listed By Author Corelli, Marie; pseudonym of Mary MacKay, (18551924) (chron.) * Amazons inArms, (ar) Nashs Magazine Jun 1913 * Jane, (ss) The Ladys Realm Nov 1896 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s332.htm | |
72. Chronological List Corelli, Marie; pseudonym of Mary MacKay, (18551924) (stories) Jane (ss) TheLadys Realm Nov 1896 Old-Fashioned Fidelity (ss) The London Magazine Nov http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/d268.htm | |
73. The Victorian Literary Studies Archive, Hyper-Concordance, Concordance, Concorda AH (18191861); Coleridge, ST (1772-1834); Collins, Wilkie (1824-1889);Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924); Corelli, Marie (1855-1924); Craik, Mrs. (1826-1887) http://victorian.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp/concordance.html | |
74. Victorian To Modern Long List Marie Corelli (18551924). Ella Hepworth Dixon (1855-1932). OliveSchreiner (1855-1920). H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925). Vernon Lee VioletPaget (1856-1935) http://www.engl.virginia.edu/graduatestudents/oralsonline/VictoriantoModernLongL | |
75. Marie Corelli Marie Corelli (18551924). Biographical Remarks by Eva Fitz. The name MarieCorelli sounds very nice. Marie herself must have thought so when she chose it, http://www.e-fitz.de/literature/authors/corelli.html |
76. Mount Shasta Annotated Bibliography - Chapter 18 Corelli, Marie 18551924. Romance of Two Worlds. Chicago, Ill. Rand McNally andCompany, 1900? First published in 1886. This copy inscribed in 1900. http://www.siskiyous.edu/shasta/bib/B18.htm | |
77. University Of Canterbury Library Catalogue Broughton, Rhoda, 18401920. , Cholmondeley, Mary, 1859-1925. , Corelli, Marie,1855-1924. , Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885. , Kingsley, Henry, http://ipac.canterbury.ac.nz/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=a&npp=30&index=.sw&term=eng |
78. University Of Canterbury Library Catalogue A romance of two worlds. by Corelli, Marie, 18551924. Add to my list. Add to mylist. Add to my list. Add to my list. 1976. Add to my list. 22. Sherborne. http://ipac.canterbury.ac.nz/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=a&npp=30&index=.se&term=vic |
79. Books & Collectibles Online Bookstore And Search Engine For Rare, Out Of Print, York Very Good ThreeQuarter Leather Marie Corelli (1855-1924), popularVictorian novelist. 000936 Corelli, Marie ARDATH The Story of a Dead Self http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/bsearch.php3?bsearch_submit=Search&auth=C |
80. Performing Arts Poster Collection: Creator/Related Name Index Corelli, Marie, 18551924. Cort, John. Courier Co. Courier Co. Lith. Dpt.Courier Litho. Co. Crane Players. Crane, Wm. H. (William H.), 1845-1928. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/varhtml/varAuthors02.html | |
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