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Conway Moncure Daniel: more detail |
21. SurfWax: News, Reviews And Articles On Ralph Waldo Emerson Letters to the Editor Oct 15, 2004 Ralph Waldo Emerson is the childhood home of renownedabolitionist, writer, and lecturer Moncure Daniel Conway (18321907). http://news.surfwax.com/authors/files/Ralph_Waldo_Emerson_Book.html | |
22. Adelman Letters And Documents Collection - A | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr C Moncure Daniel Conway, 18321907 1 item (2 p. on double sheet) ; 18 x 23 cm foldedto 18 Letter London, to the Editor of the Dublin University magazine http://www.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/adelmana.shtml | |
23. New Acquisitions: LC Class "N" Author Conway, Moncure Daniel, 18321907. Title Perjalanan 1999 / EditorIrianto PH, Yori Antar ; Editor foto Yori Antar ; kontributor Aaron Purbo http://www.library.ohiou.edu/libinfo/news/2005-04/n.htm | |
24. Dictionary Of Early American Philosophers Conway, Moncure Daniel, 18321907, Unitarian minister and abolitionist in Logic, Rhetoric, and Philosophy of History at Michigan (1845-51), Editor of http://www.pragmatism.org/deap/ | |
25. Entries In The Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Conway, Moncure Daniel, 18321907, Unitarian minister and abolitionist in Peabody, Andrew Preston, 1811-1893, Editor of The North American Review http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/names.htm | |
26. Studia AS Moncure Daniel Conway (18321907) is an important figure in the theMethodist church, in 1852 Conway moved to School, and served as Editor of The...... http://www.studia.no/vare.php?ean=9781843710738 |
27. Listing Of Authors Translator Comfort, William Wistar, 18741955, Translator Constable, Thomas,1812-1881, Translator Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907, Editor Cooper, Frederic http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/editors_translators.htm | |
28. Christianism -Articles Bibliography 39; The Book Your Church Doesn t Want You to Read, Editor Tim C. Leedom, Collected and Edited by Moncure Daniel Conway 18321907, 4 Vols., Vol. http://www.christianism.com/articles/bibliography.html | |
29. Janet Camp Troxell Collection Of Rossetti Manuscripts 13, Conway, Moncure Daniel (18321907). 14, Cotton, Albert L. 15, Courlicey (? 11, The Academy (Editor). 12, Ellis, Frederick S. 13, Ellis, Gilbert I. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/rossetti-troxell.html | |
30. Jewels In Her Crown: Treasures Of Columbia University Libraries Moncure D. Conway (18321907), a Virginian by birth, He did his most importantwork as an Editor in Boston, Gift of Mrs. Daniel Longwell, 1969 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/exhibitions/treasures/html/long_topic | |
31. Kresge Law Library Acquisitions Conway, Moncure Daniel, 18321907. Moral choices memory, desire, and imagination The Oxford dictionary of Islam / John L. Esposito, Editor in chief. http://www.nd.edu/~lawlib/innopac/acq200311.html | |
32. Online Archival Search Information System 1s.(4p.). (40) Conway, Moncure Daniel, 18321907. Notes, possibly of an Editor,regarding messages to be Amos Bronson Alcott (by sculptor Daniel Chester French http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00659.html | |
33. Online Archival Search Information System Clarke was Editor of the Western Messenger (18361839 and end wanting) to Mrs. JamesFreeman Clarke; np, nd 3p. (157) Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00934.html | |
34. Peabody Books, 1524-1878 (bulk 1820-1850). Boston Printed for the Editor William Batchelder Greene, 1866. 144 pages.Cloth. Conway, Moncure Daniel (18321907). The Golden Hour http://www.concordnet.org/library/scollect/Fin_Aids/Peabody_E_P.html | |
35. Autorzy - Biblioteka Wirtualna Kolegium Karkonoskiego - Project Translator Comfort, William Wistar, 18741955, Translator Constable, Thomas,1812-1881, Translator Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907, Editor Cook, http://www.kk.jgora.pl/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
36. Primary Sources In The SOU Library Editor William Bell Clark. With a foreword by President John F. Kennedy, and anintrod. by Ernest McNeill AUTHOR(S) Conway, Moncure Daniel, 18321907. http://www.sou.edu/history/carney/sources.htm | |
37. Rare, Out Of Print, Antique And Used Books, Maps And Prints From Ariel Books Demonology and DevilLore 2 Volume Set Conway, Moncure Daniel 1832-1907 $765.00 With a Glossary of Pascoe, Charles Eyre (Editor) $65.00 http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/dump/Ariel_Books/books-0001.html |
38. Inventory Of The Mortlake Collection Of English Life And Letters ALS, 5 January 1805, to the Editor of the Monthly Mirror, declining to have her Conway, Moncure Daniel, 18321907 APS, 23 May 1879, to William Rossetti, http://www.libraries.psu.edu/speccolls/FindingAids/mortlake4.html |
39. Univ. Of Haifa Library - Electronic Texts List - Index By Authors Knickknacks from an Editor s table. Clark, Michele. A guide to promising practicesin educational Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907. The golden hour http://lib.haifa.ac.il/www/elect_data/etexts/indexes/A67.html | |
40. Project MUSE The last importation is a Dr. Appleton Editor of the Academy who is puzzled to Moncure Daniel Conway (18321907), a native of Virginia and descendant of http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/resources_for_american_literary_study/v027/27.2moor | |
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