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         Confucius:     more books (100)
  1. The Essential Analects: Selected Passages With Traditional Commentary by Confucius, Edward G. Slingerland, 2006-05-03
  2. The Analects of Confucius (Lun Yu) by Confucius, 1997-05-29
  3. Confucius: The Wisdom (Spiritual classics) by Peg Streep, Claudia Karabaic Sargent, 1995-09-01
  4. The Value of Honesty: The Story of Confucius (ValueTales) by Spencer Johnson, 1979-06
  5. Confucius: A Life of Thought and Politics by Annping Chin, 2009-05-26
  6. Confucius: In Life and Legend by Betty Kelen, 1992-06
  7. Confucius Speaks: Words to Live By by Tsai Chih Chung, Brian (Translator) Bruya, 1996-09-01
  8. On Confucius (Wadsworth Philosophers Series) by Peiman Ni, 2001-01-29
  9. Zen and Confucius in the Art of Swordsmanship:The Tengu-geijutsu-ron of Chozan Shissai by Reinhard Kammer, 1978-02
  10. Ta Hio: The Great Learning Of Confucius by Confucius, 2010-05-22
  11. Remastering Morals with Aristotle and Confucius by May Sim, 2007-06-18
  12. The Great Learning by Confucius, 2000-01-01
  13. The Analects Of Confucius: Deeds And Sayings Of The Master Teacher by Confucius, 2010-05-23
  14. Musing with Confucius and Paul: Toward a Chinese Christian Theology by Khiok-khng Yeo, 2008-11-27

61. Confucius Publishing Russian
Учитель. Биография, Линь юй , комментарии.

62. The Sayings Of Confucius. 1909–14. Vol. 44, Part 1. The Harvard Classics
The Sayings of Confucius. 1909–14. Vol. 44, Part 1. The Harvard Classics.
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63. Confucius
Dossier sur le penseur chinois dans l'encyclop©die de l'Agora.

64. 孔學出版社

65. Confucianism Revival In Chinese Schools

66. Works By Confucius
Analects, Doctrine of the Mean, and Great Learning online.
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Works by Confucius Buy more than 2,000 books on a single CD-ROM for only $19.99. That's less then a penny per book! Click here for more information. Read, write, or comment on essays about Confucius Search for books Search essays Analects Doctrine of the Mean Great Learning
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67. Writings Of Confucius - Kong Zi [Kung Tze]- China The Beautiful
Writings of Confucius Kung Tze Kong Zi. The collection of writings by Confuciusand his disciples is often referred to as
Writings of Confucius - KongZi [Kung Tze]
English translations of the Classics by James Legge
ShuJing, XiaoJing, DaXue, and ZhongYong

Full Chinese texts [Fanti]

68. Confucius, Un Maître Spirituel
Pr©sentation de Confucius.
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Confucius (env. 551- 479 av. J.-C.)
Ce philosophe et penseur chinois exerça une puissante influence sur la culture chinoise et sur son histoire même.
Ainsi, comme la médecine chinoise se préoccupe avant tout de soigner la cause du mal, la doctrine confucéenne propose de soigner la cause profonde des désordres sociaux.
C'est ainsi que les disciples de Maître K'ong développèrent l'idée qu'en cultivant sa personne, l'homme devient un être supérieur rayonnant d'une sagesse qui va immanquablement se propager autour de lui en un principe d'ordre, et influencer positivement toute la société.
Sans pour autant évoquer le nom de Dieu, Confucius s'est fait l'ambassadeur de Son ordre cosmique qu'il propageait par sa quête d'idéal et son souci de l'évolution personnelle dans le respect et l'Amour des autres. Aussi fut-il davantage considéré comme un maître de sagesse plutôt qu'un mystique. Et encore aujourd'hui, nous rendons hommage au Maître spirituel qu'il est, au fils de Lumière venu semer quelques graines d'Amour… 500 ans avant la venue de Jésus-Christ !
Lectures conseillées
Le livre de la sagesse de Confucius Confucius : L'ouvrage comporte deux parties : la traduction française de la biographie de Confucius rédigée par Sima Qian et la traduction française des propos de Confucius.

69. Free Quotations, Ecards, Authors, Jokes, Poems, Celebrity, Birthday From CuteCho
Resource of sayings from Confucius, Lord Chesterfield and Victor Frankel.
Great Quotations, Famous Authors, Great Poems, Famous Poems, Celebrities, Greetings, Poems, Funny Jokes, Celebrity Birthday, Celebrity Picture, Celebrity Biography, Celebrity Profile, Celebrity Filmography, Celebrity Carrier, Famous Quotations, Great Authors, Flower of The Month ecards, Love Quotes, Romance Quotes, Love Poems You Are At Home Home Authors Quotes Poems Jokes ... Celeb-Birthday Some Famous Events Send A Smile Share A Hug Missing You Best Friends ... Good Luck Quotation Of The Day "By the definition accepted in the United States, any person with even a small amount of Negro Blood... is a Negro. Logically, it would be exactly as justifiable to say that any person with even a small amount of white blood is white. Why do they say one rather than the other? Because the former classification suits the convenience of those making the classification. Society, in short, regards as true those systems that produce the desired results. Science seeks only the most generally useful systems of classification; these it regards for the time being, until more useful classifications are invented, as true." America

Administrative Professionals Day®


Humor Month
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70. EAWC Anthology: The Analects
Confucius said, The Yin dynasty followed the regulations of the Hsia wherein it Confucius said of the head of the Chi family, who had eight rows of
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Readings from Ancient China
The Analects of Confucius
Translator Unknown Chapter 1 The Master said, "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? "Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? "Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?" The philosopher Yu said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors. There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion. "The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up. Filial piety and fraternal submission, are they not the root of all benevolent actions?" The Master said, "Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue." The philosopher Tsang said, "I daily examine myself on three points: whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not faithful; whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not sincere; whether I may have not mastered and practiced the instructions of my teacher." The Master said, "To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at the proper seasons."

71. Philosophers : Sung Tzu
Picture of Confucius Kung Futzu. Confucist. Chinese. sixth-fifth century, BC.Founder of the Confucist school of thought, Kung Fu-tzu s teachings are
Kung Fu-tzu
sixth-fifth century, B.C.
Founder of the Confucist school of thought, Kung Fu-tzu's teachings are recorded in the Lun Yu , or Analects . This book records a collection of sayings and conversations with Kung and his disciples. Some of his more important ideals include: jen (goodness), his highest principle, yung (bravery), li (rites), yi (duty), shu (consideration), and chung (loyalty). Following li will lead to better relations between people, Yi ensures that people will follow. See Also: Index Interactive Search ... Feedback

72. Confucius Online Tribute
Introduction to the man and his teachings. Biography, teachings, bibliography and links.


74. Confucius - Wikipédia
Biographie interactive du philosophe dans l'encycop©die Wikip©dia.
Wikim©dia a besoin de votre aide
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Kǒng FÅ«zǐ (孔夫子), d’apr¨s un bronze chinois Confucius 551 av; J-C. 479 av. J-C. ) est le fameux sage-philosophe chinois auquel sont attribu©s   tort tant de proverbes dits chinois. N©   Qufu dans l’actuelle province du Shandong J©suites
Sa vie
Selon la tradition, son p¨re fut un descendant de la dynastie Shang et gouverna la province de Lu 鲁 (dans le sud-est de l’actuelle Shandong ). Il ©pousa en secondes noces, alors qu’il avait 70 ans, une jeune fille de 20 ans. Il mourut alors que Confucius n’avait que trois ans et laissa sa famille dans la pauvret©. Confucius D¨s l’¢ge de dix-sept ans, gr¢ce   un go»t pr©coce pour les livres et les rites, Confucius serait devenu pr©cepteur. Il se maria   vingt-quatre ans et eut trois enfants (un fils (Kong Li) et deux filles). Pour vivre, il effectuait probablement des t¢ches administratives pour le chef de province. La l©gende affirme qu’il aurait rencontr© Lao Zi en allant consulter des annales, et qu’il en aurait ©t© si fortement impressionn© qu’il n’aurait plus parl© pendant trois jours ou un mois.

75. Quoteland :: Quotations By Author
Books Books by and about Confucius Engrave a Quote Click this icon to engravethe quote on mugs, Click here for more information about Confucius

76. Confucianism
Confucius spoke and lived and dreamed of a world where happiness, good, An Overview of Confucianism by Michael A. Ashby Confucius was born in 551 BCE
Confucius and Confucianism
Named for at 6th century B.C. Chinese teacher and thinker, K'ung Fu-tzu, whose Latinized name is Confucius, Confucianism is one of the three religions that form the traditional heritage of China (together with Taoism and Buddhism). read more Neo-Confucianism as propagated by Zhu Xi (1130-4200, in Japanese, Shushi) of Song China became the most influential doctrine in shaping the thought and behavior of the Japanese people. This was in part due to the state sanction and encouragement given to its teachings. Tokugawa Ieyasu and his successors found its ideal of orderly submission to the authorities well suited to the bakufu's desire to maintain a stable political and social order. read more
In its early form (before the 3d cent. B.C.) Confucianism was primarily a system of ethical precepts for the proper management of society. It envisaged man as essentially a social creature who is bound to his fellows by jen, a term often rendered as humanity,?or human-kind-ness.?Jen is expressed through the five relations overeign and subject, parent and child, elder and younger brother, husband and wife, and friend and friend. Of these, the filial relation is usually stressed. read more
The Confucian tradition has a long historical legacy in East Asia extending from China across Korea and Japan and into Vietnam. The influence of Confucianism has been significant in political thought and institutions, social relationships and ritual exchange, educational philosophy and moral teaching, cultural attitudes, and historical interpretation. Indeed, Confucian values still play an important part in East Asian life despite the striking inroads of modernization and westernization.

77. Confucius Quotes
73 quotes and quotations by Confucius. Confucius A superior man is modest inhis speech, but exceeds in his actions. Confucius
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Web Confucius Quotes
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

Ability will never catch up with the demand for it.

An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.
And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. Confucius Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. Confucius By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Confucius Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius Death and life have their determined appointments; riches and honors depend upon heaven. Confucius Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage. Confucius Go before the people with your example, and be laborious in their affairs.

78. Confucius
The name “Confucius” is a Latinized version of “Kong Fuzi,”meaning “Master.? Major school of thought in China which defends an ethical and political ideal

79. Confucius Publishing French
Biographie et texte complet des 499 proverbes de Confucius.

80. Malaspina Great Books - Confucius (551 BCE-479 BCE)
Confucius (traditionally 551 BCE 479 BCE) was a famous sage and social According to traditional belief, Confucius was born in 551 BC (during the
Biography and Research Links:
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