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81. Seamus MacManus Irish History And Literature Collection In The Library's Catalog C58, Cross roads in Ireland,, Colum, Padraic, 18811972. The Macmillan Company,,Arch/McMa. DA925 .D25, In Ireland long ago. Danaher, Kevin. Mercier Press http://library.shu.edu/New_Books/ArchiveMcMaBooks.htm | |
82. Éditions Verdier - Anthologie De La Poésie Irlandaise Du XX Translate this page Colum, Padraic (1881-1972). Né à Longford, Padraic Colum grandit à Sandycove oùson père fut chef de gare, et rentra lui-même dans ladministration des http://www.editions-verdier.fr/v2/oeuvre-poesieirlandaise-5.html | |
83. Books By Author Colum, Padraic (1881 - 1972) - LearningToGo by Colum, Padraic (1881 1972). Formats PalmDoc iSilo PalmReader MS Reader (LIT)Portable Document Format (PDF). Home Downloads Purchase Company http://eb2.learningtogo.com/books.search.php?t=author&q=127 |
84. Golden Fleece And The Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles, The By Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles, The. by Colum, Padraic (1881 1972). Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles, The http://eb2.learningtogo.com/view/431-Golden_Fleece_and_the_Heroes_Who_Lived_Befo |
85. Padraic Colum Collection At Bartleby.com Padraic Colum. 18811972, IrishAmerican author, b. Longford, Ireland. He was activein the Irish literary renaissance and helped to found the Abbey Theatre. http://bartelby.org/people/Colum-Pa.html | |
86. Alphabetical Index Of Authors: C To D. Indexes To Anthologies. Bartleby.com Ode Written in 1746 (Gold). Passions (Gold). To Evening (Gold). Colum, Padraic.18811972, An Old Woman of the Roads (MBP). Plougher (MBP). Congreve, William. http://bartelby.org/verse/index2c.html | |
87. Padraic Colum - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Colum, Padraic pa drik kol m, 1881 1972, IrishAmerican author, b. Longford,Ireland childrens stories based on Irish folklore. http://www.questia.com/search/padraic-colum | |
88. SEARC'S WEB GUIDE To Padraig Colum Searc s Web Guide to 20th Century Ireland Padraig Colum (1881-1972) PadraicColum was born in Longford and was educated locally. http://www.searcs-web.com/colum.html | |
89. The Baldwin Project...Bringing Yesterday's Classics To Today's Children Padraic Colum. (1881 1972). Books. A Boy in Eirinn, illustrated by Jack B.Yeats. New York, Dutton, 1913. The King of Ireland s Son, illustrated by Willy http://www.mainlesson.com/authors/colum.shtml | |
90. The Baldwin Project: Padraic Colum Padraic Colum. (1881 1972). 1913, A Boy in Eirinn. 1916, The King of Ireland sSon, Legends. 1918, The Boy Who Knew What the Birds Said, Legends http://www.mainlesson.com/displayauthor.php?author=colum |
91. SteinerBooks - Books By Padraic Colum Padraic Colum Padraic Colum (18811972) was born in Longford, Ireland, and typifiesthe best of the early twentiethcentury renaissance of Irish literary. http://anthropress.com/author.html?au=264 |
92. Part II. The Return To Greece. Chapter III. The Winning Of The Padraic Colum (18811972). The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived beforeAchilles. 1921. Part II. The Return to Greece. Chapter III. http://www1.bartleby.com/72/19.html |
93. Part I. The Voyage To Colchis. Chapter X. The Departure From Padraic Colum (18811972). The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived beforeAchilles. 1921. Part I. The Voyage to Colchis. Chapter http://www1.bartleby.com/72/14.html |
94. ResAnet Record ISBN 0805769013 (alk. paper) SUBJECTS Colum, Padraic, 18811972Criticismand interpretation Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972Critique et interprétation http://www.collectionscanada.ca/wbin/resanet/itemdisp/l=0/d=1/r=1/e=0/h=10/i=592 | |
95. Literature UK Colum Padraic (1881 1972) Poet Born Ireland. Compton-Burnett Ivy (1892-1969)Novelist. Born London. Connolly, Cyril, Vernon (1903-74) Writer. http://www.britisharts.co.uk/literature.htm | |
96. Biography Of Colum, Padraic biography name Colum, Padraic. sex male. lived (18811972). biographyPoet and playwright, born in Co Longford, C Ireland. He http://www.allbiographies.com/biography-PadraicColum-7660.html | |
97. The Susquehanna Quarterly © Padraic Colum (1881 1972). Padraic Colum is the Gaelic name assumed by PatrickCollumb who was born in a workhouse of which his father was master, http://susquehannaquarterly.org/colum.htm | |
98. Academy Of Arts And Letters Colum, Mary M. (L) 1877 1957, 1953. Colum, Padraic (L) 1881 - 1972, 1948, 1963.Commager, Henry Steele (L) 1902 - 1998, 1952 http://www.artsandletters.org/index.php?page=membership&cat=D&called=C |
99. Academy Of Arts And Letters Colum, Padraic (L) 1881 1972, 1948, 1963. Cowley, Malcolm (L) 1898 - 1987,1949, 1964. Cummings, EE (L) 1894 - 1962, 1949, 1953 http://www.artsandletters.org/index.php?page=membership&cat=D&called=C&sort_by=i |
100. MYTH MAN'S PROMETHEUS Mythology s Original Rebel Illustration by Willy Pogany, from The Golden Fleeceand the Heroes Who Lived before Achilles, 1921, by Padraic Colum (18811972). http://thanasis.com/modern/pro01.htm | |
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