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Cobb Irvin S: more books (51) | ||
61. Insulting Gravestones, Epitaphs, Headstones, Graves And More From Insults.net Epitaph A belated advertisment for a line of goods that has been permantlydiscontinued. Irvin S Cobb (18761944). Here Lies Ezekail http://www.insults.net/html/graves/index.html | |
62. REH Bookshelf - C Cobb, Irvin Shrewsbury. (18761944) January 1934 Some notable men talkover the air; I ve heard Irvin S. Cobb BACK TO TOP http://www.rehupa.com/bookshelf_c.htm | |
63. BiblioMan.Com - The Great Literary Works Arthur Hugh, 18191861 Clousten, J. Storer, 1870-1944 Coalition for NetworkedInformation AKA CNI Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944 Coke, Henry J http://www.biblioman.com/authors.htm | |
64. American Writers Cobb, Irvin, S. The Abandoned Farmers, His Humorous Account of a Retreat from the Company 1920 First Edition thus Hard Cover Very Good Cobb,18761944, New York http://www.bookmaven.net/?page=shop/browse&category_id=175&CLSN_827=110154984282 |
65. Humor 9. Cobb, Irvin, S. The Abandoned Farmers, His Humorous Account of a Retreat from Company 1920 First Edition thus Hard Cover Very Good Cobb,18761944, New York http://www.bookmaven.net/?page=shop/browse&category_id=310&CLSN_827=110156857982 |
66. Search Results For "Irvin S. Cobb" 1996 to stop the victim s watch, snap his suspenders and crack his glass eyeright across. ATTRIBUTIONIrvin S. Cobb (18761944), U.S. author. Attributed. http://www.bartleby.com/cgi-bin/texis/webinator/sitesearch?db=db&query=Irvin S. |
67. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Cob" To "Cobwebs" B4 Cobb, Irvin S. (IrvinShrewsbury), 1876-1944. Right off the Chest / by Nellie Revell ; with an http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/crri/cob.htm | |
68. Reading Room Index: Flab Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 18761944. III. Goldberg, Rube, 1883-1970.IV. Drayton, Grace G. (Grace Gebbie) V. McGurk, JW VI. Hill, WE VII. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/frri/flab.htm | |
69. The Henry Luce III Center | Browse Category 11. 1990.1.3 , Sven A. Hedin (18651952), Portrait, Works on Paper, 12.1990.1.4 , Irvin S. Cobb (1876-1944), Portrait, Works on Paper, 13. http://luceweb.nyhistory.org/luceweb/category_browse.htm?qcat=work&qpage=1&qtab= |
70. The Henry Luce III Center | Item Detail ITEM NUMBER 1990.1.4. ARTIST/MAKER Walker, William H. Search with thisartist/maker . OBJECT TITLE Irvin S. Cobb (18761944). OBJECT TYPE Portrait. http://luceweb.nyhistory.org/luceweb/item_detail.htm?qmkey=610073 |
71. Famous Kentuckians - Authors Journalists The Emerging South, Kentucky Land of Contrast, Pills, Petticoats and PlowsThe Southern Country Store. Irvin S. Cobb (18761944) Journalist, humorist http://www.bigdogdesign.com/famous5.html |
72. Irvin Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb (18761944) American author. Military Figures IrvinMcDowell (1818-1885) American general. Miscellaneous Irvin Feld (1918-1984) http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/i/irvin.html | |
73. Project Gutenberg Coalition for Networked Information AKA CNI. Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury),18761944. Cohen, Josef, 1886-. Coke, Henry J. (Henry John), 1827-1916. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
74. Project Gutenberg Titles Clue Of The Twisted Candle, The, by Wallace, Edgar, 18751932. Cobb s Anatomy, byCobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944. Codex Junius 11, by Unknown. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
75. Quotations, Anecdotes, Humor, History, Speech, Writing Irvin S. Cobb (18761944) American journalist, humorist and writer. *. Brevity isthe soul of lingerie. Dorothy Parker (1893-1967) http://www.executive-speaker.com/idea_1.html | |
76. Smile Irvin S. Cobb (18761944) American journalist, humorist and writer * With 1000words you can have The Lord s Prayer The twenty-third psalm, http://www.rotacal.org/smile.htm |
77. :: Literature On The Web :: C :: Samuel (Mark Twain) 18351910; Clifton, Lucille 1936-; Clough, ArthurHugh 1819-1861; Cobb, Irvin S. 1876-1944; Coffin, Robert Barry 18261888 http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/c/c.html |
78. Literature On The Web - Cobb Home. Literature on the Web. Irvin S. (Shrewbury) Cobb. 18761944. Last updatedon April 7, 2003. Texts. For more information about the http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/oldlit/c/cobbi.htm |
79. Free EBooks A Plea For Old Cap Collier, Cobb, Irvin S. (Shrewsbury) 18761944. Project Gutenberg,1999. A Poetess, Wilkins, Mary E. University Of Virginia Library, 2000 http://library.morgan.edu/electron/ebook/public.htm |
80. Authors C-F Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 18761944 Cohen, Josef, 1886- Coke, Henry J.(Henry John), 1827-1916 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/c-f.htm | |
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