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         Cni:     more books (103)
  1. The Wall Decoration of Three Theban Tombs (CNI Publications) by Lise Manniche, 1988-01
  2. Araby the Blest (CNI Publications)
  3. Studies in Zoroastrian Family Law: A Comparative Analysis (CNI Publications) by Bodil Hjerrild, 2003-07
  4. Aus Der Buchhaltung Des Weinmagazins Im Edfu-tempel: Der Demotische P. Carlsberg 409 (Cni Publications) (German Edition) by Maren Schentuleit, 2006-11-30
  5. The Petese Stories II (Cni Publications 29: the Carlsberg Papyri) (No. 2) by Kim Ryholt, 2006-01
  6. The Carlsberg Papyri 2: Hieratische Papri Aus Tebtunis, I (Cni Publications) (v. 2) by Jurgen Osing, 1998-10
  7. Archive of Wullu Family (CNI Publications) by Katarzyna Grosz, 1988-01
  8. Babylonian Liver Omens: The Chapters Manzazu, Padanu, and Pan Takalti of the Babylonian Extispicy Series Mainly from Assurbanipal's Library (Cni Publications, 25) by Ulla Koch-Westenholz, Ulla Susanne Koch, 2000-09
  9. Miscellanea Hasaitica (CNI Publications) by D. Potts, 1989-01
  10. Supplement Pre Islamic (CNI Publications) by Dan T. Potts, 1994-01
  11. The Story of Petese Son of Petetum and Prophet of Atum at Heliopolis: 35 Other Stories (Cni Publications, 23) by Kim Ryholt, 1999-10
  12. Educating Middle Class Daughters: Private Girls Schools in Copenhagen, 1790-1820 (CNI Publications) by Carol Gold, 1996-01
  13. Grundriss Des Laufes Der Sterne: Das Sogenannte Nutbuch (Cni Publications: Carlsberg Papyri 8) (German Edition) by Alexandra Von Lieven, 2007-12
  14. Natufian Chipped Lithic (CNI Publications) by Charlotte Hoffmann Pedersen, 1995-01

An online business information and database product aimed at senior executives in the chemical industries.

2. CNIAdsOnline
Current news, publications list, and business directory.

3. CNI
Canal de noticias y documentales de la Ciudad de M©xico, con cobertura nacional por cable y sat©lite.
Directorio Corporativo Cobertura Audiencia ... CNI como página principal Programación L M M J ... D Programación Selecciona un programa [PRODUCCIONES] A balón parado CNI Noticias Dinero y Alebrijes El Pulso del Papa En el límite Platícame Otros Ángulos Realidades Séptimo Día Sexo diario [PELÍCULAS] Cinerama [TELENOVELAS] Mambo y canela [SERIES] Café con leche Derecho en Familia El Fugitivo [DOCUMENTALES] Expedición Enviado especial Archivos secretos Misterio, Magia y M. Ovnis [INFANTILES] Cuentos Clásicos Intriga Misteriosa Inspector Gadget Nancy Drew Ayuda Buscar inicio secciones nacional ciudad de México mundo al estilo CNI ... escenarios servicios el callejero finanzas clima horóscopos ... cartones programación programación de tv noticieros producciones CNI películas ... deportivos Sumario CNI noticias de hoy ciudad de México más INFORMACION PUBLICADA EL 18 DE JULIO DE 2005 nacional más Queda sin fuero Andrés Manuel López Obrador PGR impugnará amparo de Montemayor mundo más Exitosos simulacros de ataques terroristas en EU Realizan sepelio de hija del ex presidente Cubas Choque de trenes deja 2 muertos en Rusia deportes más Iniciaron las actividades del Grand Prix 2005 al Estilo CNI más Encuesta GEA-ISA: Popularidad de políticos mexicanos tecnociencia más Caracol de jardín contra la celulitis Ellos la prefieren subordinada cni opina más Sin estudios de personalidad, no habrá entrevista con Ahumada

4. Documento Sin Título
Translate this page Organismo estatal encargado de conocer e informar al Gobierno de aquello que pueda afectar a la seguridad, estabilidad y defensa del Estado.

5. CNI Compagnia Nuove Indye
Roma Si occupa essenzialmente di musica etnica. Il sito offre informazioni sugli artisti prodotti, foto, file audio e video.

6. CNI Compagnia Nuove Indye
Musica etnica italiana e internazionale. Demo da ascoltare e acquisto con con carta di credito.
La nostra compagnia ha iniziato la sua attività nel 1992 nella produzione - promozione e distribuzione di prodotti discografici e circuitazione di spettacoli musicali. Fin dall'inizio il nostro obiettivo è stato il recupero di quei valori delle tradizioni culturali presenti su tutto il territorio del nostro paese, che erano rimaste soffocate e svilite dal massiccio bombardamento dei mezzi di comunicazione, pilotati da culture dominanti e da multinazionali. Noi abbiamo avuto successo anche perché venivamo incontro ad un' esigenza latente e inespressa: quella di recuperare il valore delle radici, l'esigenza di abbandonare gli stereotipi di una musica di importazione, totalmente omologata. Piano piano molti giovani hanno riacquistato la consapevolezza di una propria identità culturale, della quale non si vergognano, ma che anzi diventa punto di riferimento per i propri orientamenti nell'ambito della creatività e dell'arte della comunicazione. Noi pensiamo che la civiltà di un paese non possa esistere senza il rispetto della propria lingua, della propria musica, il rispetto delle proprie origini e del loro profondo valore. Se dovessimo definire la nostra produzione musicale diremmo "Nuova Musica Popolare" in contrapposizione non tanto alla musica "classica" ma alla musica "pop", che non nasce quasi mai spontaneamente dal territorio, ma viene costruita in maniera quasi sempre artificiale - evitando di cadere nell'equivoco di una musica folcloristica dove il prodotto è un documento sonoro spesso poco affascinante e adatto agli addetti ai lavori o agli studiosi di etnomusicologia.

7. Homepage CNI - PO BK-148 Hung Jen
Infoinfo tentang CNI, ada profil CNI, info distributor dan order online.
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8. C N I D E S I G N
Includes company profile, awards, projects and contact information. Located in Los Angeles, California, USA.
6310 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90048 TEL: 323.931.0993
FAX: 323.931.2285 email:

9. Coalition For Networked Information
For announcements about the CNI community, subscribe to CNIANNOUNCE or CNI executive director Clifford Lynch has been named the 2005 recipient of the the web
Welcome to CNI
The Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) is an organization dedicated to supporting the transformative promise of networked information technology for the advancement of scholarly communication and the enrichment of intellectual productivity. Some 200 institutions representing higher education, publishing, network and telecommunications, information technology, and libraries and library organizations make up CNI's Members Learn more about CNI For announcements about the CNI community, subscribe to CNI-ANNOUNCE or subscribe to the CNI RSS news feed NEWS FOR SEPTEMBER 2005
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: The PAUL EVAN PETERS AWARD recognizes the most notable and lasting international achievements related to high performance networks and the creation and use of information resources and services that advance scholarship and intellectual productivity. For more information see CALL FOR PAPERS: The Society for Imaging Science and Technology ( seeks proposals for Archiving 2006, to be held in Ottawa, Canada in May 2006. Deadline for proposals is November 11, 2005. The call has been posted as a PDF document on the conference website at

10. Coalition For Networked Information
CNI Fall Task Force Meeting, Phoenix, AZ December 56, 2005 CNI Spring Task Force Meeting, Arlington, VA April 3-4, 2006

11. Coalition For Networked Information
The CNICOPYRIGHT forum is moderated, and as a result postings may be delayed by up to To search the archives of the CNI-COPYRIGHT Forum, simply go to the web
For additional information, see:
Northwestern University's (frequently updated)
Association of Research Libraries, Issues in Scholarly Communication

sponsored by the Media Institute
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12. CNI Corporation
Supplier of publishing and prepress systems. Provides a range of systems and services, including hardware, software, networking, planning, integration, training and support.
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13. CNI Servicios Financieros
Ofrece servicios y asesor­a en el ¡rea de finanzas corporativas, mercados de capitales y administraci³n de activos.
West Texas (US$/Barril) Dow Jones (Puntos) Bolsa de Caracas (Puntos) Dólar (tipo de cambio oficial) (Bs/US$) Visitante No.
desde Agosto 24,2004
Septiembre 09, 2005 : 09:16pm

Roma Portale che presenta organizzazione, servizi online, normativa ed attivit , albo professionale ed ordini regionali, comunicati e news, link utili.

About the CNICOPYRIGHT Forum Issues related to copyright, intellectual property rights, and public access to information in the digital age are

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Club Of The Air) on one of CNI Building Downstairs his many radio shows CNI Building at Night

17. CNI
Chemical News and Intelligence, Announcements. headlines, Chemical Insight. Noon Snapshot CNI has launched another new initiative designed to keep its

18. Coalition For Networked Information
Email discussion list for issues related to copyright, intellectual property rights, and public access to information in the digital age. With online archives. the web
For additional information, see:
Northwestern University's (frequently updated)
Association of Research Libraries, Issues in Scholarly Communication

sponsored by the Media Institute
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19. CNI Newspapers
Current news, publications list, and business directory.

20. CNI - Colorado Neurological Institute - Neurology Specialists And Treatments
Information about the organization that treats and researches disorders such as epilepsy, brain tumors, spinal cord injuries, stroke, sleep, movement, hearing, and neuromuscular disorders.
CNI Home What's New Colorado Neurological Institute (CNI)
701 East Hampden Ave.
Suite 330
Englewood, CO 80113
(303) 788-5469 fax

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of CNI REVIEW Online
Welcome to the Colorado Neurological Institute
The Colorado Neurological Institute (CNI) is the largest, most comprehensive neuroscience center in the Rocky Mountain region. Integrated, multi-disciplinary teams of neuroscientists provide comprehensive care for adults with neurological disorders and adults and children with hearing loss and ear disease. CNI's talented professionals are involved in exciting new research and treatments for Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and other movement disorders epilepsy brain tumors , spinal cord injuries, hearing disorders stroke Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) sleep disorders ... neuromuscular disorders , and many more illnesses. Exciting treatments available at CNI include:
  • The latest techniques in neurosurgery, radiation and chemotherapy for malignant brain tumors

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