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Clay Henry: more books (43) |
61. Henry Clay Henry Clay (17771852), a slave holder (Sterling 190), cannot be counted amongthe abolitionists; his efforts, rather, involved the formation of compromises http://www.bchistory.org/beavercounty/booklengthdocuments/AMilobook/5Clay.html | |
62. Henry Clay Letter Index Terms. Clay, Henry, 17771852. United StatesEconomic conditions19thcentury. United StatesManufacturesHistory19th century. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/special/findaid/c3452.html | |
63. Butler Family Papers Clark, Daniel, 17661813. Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. Confederate States of AmericaArmy. Correspondence. CottonEconomic aspectsLouisiana. CourtsLouisiana http://www.lib.lsu.edu/special/findaid/b1026.html | |
64. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Clay, Henry@ HighBeam Research The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Clay, Henry@ HighBeam Research. Clay, Henry Clay, Henry 17771852, American statesman, b. Hanover co., Va. http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:Clay-Hen |
65. Cross-Collection Search and some of the principal speeches of Henry Clay / compiled from the latestand best authorities. Clay, Henry, 17771852. UP James Cincinnati c1854? http://purl.oclc.org/KUK/KDL/B92-84-27376103 |
66. Clay - Definition Of Clay By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclope Clay, Henry Known as the Great Compromiser. 17771852. American politician whopushed the Missouri Compromise through the US House of Representatives http://www.thefreedictionary.com/clay | |
67. Members Of Congress: Kentucky Clay, Brutus Junius, 18081878. Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. Clay, James Brown,1817-1864. Clay, James Franklin, 1840-1921. CLEMENTS, Earle C, 1896-1985 http://www.infoplease.com/biography/us/congress/ky.html | |
68. Daniel Webster The Ashburton Treaty Clay, Henry, 17771852. Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850. Statesmen United States Biography. United States Politics and government http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/classes/diplo/websterashburton.html |
69. West Virginia, Clay County History - SHG Resources Kanawha and Nicholas counties and named in honor of Henry Clay (17771852).Henry Clay was born in Hanover County, Virginia on April 12, 1777. http://www.shgresources.com/wv/counties/clay/ | |
70. Anecdote - Henry ["the Great Compromiser"] Clay - Clay In His Hands? Clay, Henry the Great Compromiser (17771852) American statesman and orator,secretary of state (1825-29) noted for his advocacy of the War of 1812 http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=2000 |
71. Henry Clay Henry Clay (17771852), statesman, secretary of state, unsuccessful candidatefor the presidency. One of the most popular politicians in American history. http://hungary.ciw.edu/kossuth/clay.html | |
72. George Glazer Gallery - Portrait Of Henry Clay Portrait of the politician and statesman Henry Clay (17771852) standing in alibrary, pointing with his right hand. His other hand rests upon a written http://www.georgeglazer.com/prints/portraits/henryclay.html | |
73. Clay Family Genealogy Forum John Clay, brother of Henry Clay the Statesman (17771852) - Bill LaBach 5/24/04.Re John Clay, brother of Henry Clay the Statesman (1777-1852) - maxine http://genforum.genealogy.com/clay/ | |
74. Historical Text Archive Articles Bibliography On Andrew Jackson Clay, Henry, 17771852. A supplement to the Address of Henry Clay to the public,which was published in December, 1827. Exhibiting further evidence in http://historicaltextarchive.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=406 |
75. Spotlight Biography: Civil War Henry Clay (17771852). George Peter Alexander Healy (1813-1894) Oil on canvas,circa 1845, NPG.65.44 National Portrait Gallery, http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/spotlight/civilwar1.html | |
76. The Gilder Lehrman Institute Of American History Author Clay, Henry (17771852) Year 1823/08/28 Place Ashland, Ky Type ofdocument Autograph letter signed Quotation I zealously supported the http://www.gilderlehrman.org/search/display_results.php?id=GLC00509 |
77. Henry Clay Quotes Henry Clay quotes and quotations, quotes by Henry Clay. Henry Clay. They are.American politician, 17771852. Quotations. In all the affairs of life, http://www.saidwhat.co.uk/quotes/h/henry_clay_3000.php | |
78. Clay County MOGenWeb 17771852. Source Clay County, Missouri Government. Clay, Henry (1777-1852),American statesman, who was secretary of state under John Quincy Adams and an http://www.rootsweb.com/~moclay/claybio.html | |
79. Morgan Bibliography Author List Speech of Henry Clay, at Dayton, Ohio, September 29, 1842. As Reported by 1842 Clay, Henry, 17771852. Speech of Henry Clay, Delivered at the Mechanics http://olc7.ohiolink.edu/morgan/authors.cgi?chunk=auth-11 |
80. Ibiblio :: More American West! Henry Clay s Remarks In House And Senate by Clay, Henry, 17771852 Released Dec1996. Indian Boyhood by Eastman, Charles A., 1858-1939 Released Oct 1995 http://www.ibiblio.org/index.old/west.july2002.html | |
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