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41. Henry Clay - Statuary Hall - Office Of The Clerk Henry Clay Kentucky (17771852). Lawyer; statesman; parliamentarian; orator; USSenator, 1806-1807 (in contravention of the 30-year Statue of Henry Clay http://clerk.house.gov/histrecs/halls/House_vir/statues/kyhc.htm | |
42. Statuary Hall Virtual Tour - Office Of The Clerk Map of Statuary Hall, Kentucky Image of Kentucky statue Henry Clay (17771852) Cincinnati, OH (1855-1935) (Henry Clay , 1928), Bronze, 7 2 Donated 1929 http://clerk.house.gov/histHigh/Virtual_Tours/Statuary_Hall/map.html?state=Kentu |
43. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Clarke-streett To Claytee Clay, Harry See Henry Clay; Clay, Henry (17771852) also known as The Sage ofAshland ; The Great Compromiser of Lexington, Fayette County, Ky. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/clarken-claytee.html | |
44. Welcome To The American Presidency Clay, Henry (17771852), American statesman whose masterly compromises on sectionalissues helped pacify and preserve the nation during the troubled decades http://ap.grolier.com/article?assetid=0096560-00&templatename=/article/article.h |
45. U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Henry Clay: A Featured Biography Henry Clay of Kentucky (17771852), closely associated with the Golden Era ofthe Senate, was one member of a Great Triumvirate that made an indelible http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/Featured_Bio_Clay.htm | |
46. Untitled Henry Clay (17771852) By Henry Kirke Brown (1814-1886) Bronze, 1852 Size 161/4 h. Catalog No. 24.00009 S-228, Old Senate Chamber US Senate Collection http://www.senate.gov/vtour/clayb.htm | |
47. Museum Store - Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate, Lexington, KY - The Museum Store Written by Henry Clay s great, great, great grandson, this book tells the remarkable of Clays life, 17771852, and a genealogy of the Clay Family. http://www.henryclay.org/store.htm | |
48. Henry Clay, Famous Quotation/Quote Henry Clay (17771852) US Senator, Speaker of the House of Representatives.Source. Speech, 24 March 1818. More Henry Clay Quotes Books by or about Henry http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quotes.nsf/quotes5/873ceedcd05bb48485256c840011771 | |
49. Henry Clay, Famous Quotation/Quote Henry Clay (17771852) US Senator, Speaker of the House of Representatives Books by or about Henry Clay; This Henry Clay quote is found in these http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quotes.nsf/quotes5/6c0136935c19c2c885256cdb0010711 | |
50. Henry Clay Cigars Henry Clay (17771852), one of Americas most popular statesmen in his day, wasknown as The Great Pacificator . His genius lay in the art of compromise http://www.brighampipes.com/henryclay.htm | |
51. Daily Celebrations ~ Henry Clay, That Of Character ~ April 12 ~ Ideas To Motivat Celebrating statesman Henry Clay who held the Union together during the Virginia, statesman Henry Clay (17771852), The Great Pacificator, held the http://www.dailycelebrations.com/041202.htm | |
52. Henry Clay Cigars - Discount Henry Clay Box And Cigar Single Henry Clay cigars available in box, samplers and singles. centurypolitician (proclaimed greatest Senator in American history), Henry Clay (17771852). http://www.neptunecigar.com/Henry-Clay-cigars/ | |
53. World Of Quotes - Henry Clay Quotes. Henry Clay Quotes, Searchable and browsable database of quotations with authorand subject Henry Clay (1777-1852). Topic Heart-quotes Source None http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Henry-Clay/1/ | |
54. Some Descendants Of John Clay Of Virginia Henry Clay 17771852; the Statesman Orator resided on farm outside Lexington,KY. m. Lucretia Hart 1781-1864. Issue 2. Henrietta Clay 1800-1801 2. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6025/clay.htm | |
55. Getting The Message Out! Henry Clay Provides a minibiography of Henry Clay, Whig candidate for the presidency inthe election Henry Clay (1777-1852) was born in Hanover County, Virginia, http://dig.lib.niu.edu/message/candidates-clay.html | |
56. Lucretia Hart She married Henry Clay, (17771852) who had a long political career and was USDiplomat, US Congressman, Speaker of the House of Representatives, http://www.airtanker.com/mcnally/hart/lucretia.html | |
57. Famous Quotes By People Born On 1777 - ThinkExist Quotations Henry Clay quotes (American Statesman, US congressman (181114, 1815-21, 1823-25)and US senator (1806-07, 1810-11, 1831-42, 1849-52), 1777-1852) http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/top/born-on-year/1777/ | |
58. Henry Clay Quotes - ThinkExist Quotations 181521, 1823-25) and US senator (1806-07, 1810-11, 1831-42, 1849-52), 1777-1852.Henry Clay quotes. Popularity Henry Clay popularity 8/10 http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/henry_clay/ | |
59. Clay County History Clay county was named in honor of Senator Henry Clay (17771852). Born in HanoverCounty, Virginia on April 12, 1777, his parents moved him to Kentucky as a http://www.polsci.wvu.edu/wv/Clay/clahistory.html | |
60. WEISS COLLECTION Obv Bust of Clay Henry Clay. BORN APRIL 12, 1777. DIED JUNE 29, 1852 Henry Clay (17771852), American statesman and orator, was born in Virginia but http://www.historicalartmedals.com/MEDAL WEB ENTRIES/USA/WRIGHT/HENRY CLAY-BW282 | |
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