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Clay Berta M: more detail |
41. President Elect - 2000 Charles W. Kane, Mel Martinez, John M. McKay, Dorsey C. Miller, Berta J.Moralejo, Anna R. Cablik, Teresa Jeter Chappell, Charles Commander Clay, http://www.presidentelect.org/e2000.html | |
42. New Center For Learning Reunion Page Clay R EAKINS. MANYA A EAST. PENNY L EBENSBERGER. JAMES WADE ECHOLS. LISA K EDGINGTON Berta MAGRANS. TRACEY A MALAREK. MATTHEW C MANNA. PATSY R MANNING http://www.tamu-commerce.edu/jreynolds/NCLreunion/NCLreunion.htm | |
43. Wilkes County, Georgia - Resthaven Cemetery R-Z Sutton, Clement E. 26Aug-1887, 18-Mar-1965, h/o Berta M. Green and Laura Lyle Vinson, Doyle Clay, 11-Jan-1915, 05-Apr-1972, h/o Mary Bennett http://www.giddeon.com/wilkes/cemeteries/resth-rz.shtml | |
44. INDEX Thomas M 20. Elmer Virgil 20. EVANS cont Le Roy 46. Brenda 46. Carl Lestie 46 Clay. Berta Allen 14. James Allen 14. Jeffery David 14. Jimmy Louis 14 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/5596/turmanbkindex.html | |
46. GOLDEN RETRIEVER SCULPTURE & FIGURINE PICKS - AT THE LAND OF PUREGOLD FOUNDATION Sandra uses an oilbased Clay that never hardens to create her original. A Clean Bill of Health bears the Berta Hummel hallmark and comes complete http://landofpuregold.com/goldensculpture.htm | |
47. Baldwin County Cemetery Information 191, Louis Clay Underwood, 1897, 1966, s/o George W. and Ada Clay Underwood 541, Berta M. Broadnax Kilgore, 1912, 1986, w/o Charlie Kilgore http://www.friendsofcems.org/Baldwin/SQL.asp?CemNumber=20 |
48. A - C Hood County Death Records 1903 - 1940 M. Elizabeth 127-40 3346 Boyt, Thomas F. 5-27-30 34637 Bradley, Berta 6-10-37 Henry Clay 4-25-10 3481 Carey, Roberts 9-26-35 42877 Carl, Push M. http://www.granburydepot.org/church/d3-40a-c.htm | |
49. REFERENCES: LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION OF THE TIME OF ORIGIN OF CETACEA AND THE TIME Berta, A. 1994. What is a whale? Science, 263180181. Blanckenhorn, M. 1900 . Zeuglodont remains reported from Twiggs Clay Member, Barnwell Formation http://palaeo-electronica.org/1998_2/ging_uhen/refer.htm | |
50. Chuckanut 50K Race Results 2003 12 Eric Bard 37 M 42700 836 M3539 1 / 21 4 17 John Berta 32 M 42935 9 58 138 Mike Moser 35 M 53907 1055 M35-39 9 / 21 59 86 Clay Harris 26 http://www.gbrc.net/results/results_c50k_03.html | |
51. Fountain Waller Cemetery - Clay County, Missouri Cemetery records of Fountain Waller Cemetery in Kansas City, Clay County, 1842, d. 1912 Tibbs, Sarah, b. no dates Walker, Berta R., b. 1875, d. http://www.interment.net/data/us/mo/clay/fountain_waller/ | |
52. HotDog Express For AOL Hometown Document Jones, Herbert Clay Inf Of 111-1927 F Mary Mcdonald Anderson Herbert Clay Jones Corbell, Dortha Viola 12-29-1927 F Berta Long MM Corbell http://members.aol.com/dba1013/1927BIRTHScontinued.html | |
53. The UltraRunning Link For The US Chuckanut Mountain 50K 2003 2 Lang Rob M 46 42502 3 Bard Eric M 37 42700 4 Berta John M 32 42935 Ringstad Curtis M 51 53901 58 Moser Mike M 35 53907 59 Harris Clay F http://www.ultrarunner.net/chuckanutresults03.html | |
54. 2005 State Of Washington Employment Security Department List Of Employees KATHLEEN A WORKSOURCE SP 3 3215 ATHERLEY, Berta M UI SPEC 3 3291 ATWATER, 3 2841 ClayPOOLE, SCOTT T RES INVEST 3 5015 CLEMENT, SHARON M SECRETARY http://lbloom.net/esd05.html | |
55. Bethel Christian Church Cemetery AS 02/14/1861 04/09/1920 Black, Berta 11/28/1898 04/09/1916 Black, Charley08/07/1894 M/M JD Clay Clay, John David 12/15/1865 12/09/1944 Clay, http://mtf.home.mindspring.com/bethel.htm | |
56. Bluegrove Cemetery, Clay County By Gloria B. Mayfield- Cemeteries Of Texas Clay County, Texas, Cemetery, one of many pages at the West Texas Van Houten,Berta, 1893, 1977, 22, 30 Van Houten, Edward F., 1850, 1917, 11, 17 http://www.cemeteries-of-tx.com/Wtx/Clay/cemetery/BlueGrove.html | |
57. Cockeyed.com Reader Appreciation Week 2004 Berta Cornell Bertie Moon Bessie Gabriel Bessie Tomlinson Best Price Cigs Clay Park Clement K. Mayfield Cleo Crocker Clifford Cleveland Clint Hathaway http://www.cockeyed.com/personal/appreciation/2004/from.html | |
58. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation M Fellows Page George Whitelaw Mackey, Landon T. Clay Professor Emeritus of Mathematics andTheoretical Science Berta Margoulies, Sculptor, Berkeley, California 1946. http://www.gf.org/mfellow.html | |
59. NAPERVILLE SPRING AHEAD 5K RACE M 8 CLARENDON HILLS IA 03515.2 714 / 382 15 BAKOSH Clay M 9 NAPERVILLE IL SCOTT M 36 PARK RIDGE IL 02837.4 447 / 292 59 Berta RICK M 35 CHICAGO http://www.drkomputing.com/results/nsa01.htm | |
60. Combs &c. Families Of Laurel Co, Kentucky Bertie might possibly be Berta E. RODGERS listed on the KBI as having Herald John M. was the son of Amerideth COMBS and Esther ALLEN of Clay County. http://www.combs-families.org/combs/records/ky/laurel/ | |
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