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Clacy Ellen: more books (52) | |||||||||
61. Papers Of Patricia Clarke - MS 8363 Sarah Perry, Mrs Nugent Wood, Bess of the Forest , Eva O Doherty. Anne Bowman, Sarah Lee, Clara Aspinall. Ellen Clacy, Isabel Massary , Isabella Bird. http://nla.gov.au/nla.ms-ms8363 | |
62. Online Books 4 Free: Free History Books - Oceania, Australia, New Zealand A Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 185253, Written on the Spot by Ellen Clacy (HTML at SETIS). A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay http://www.onlinebooks4free.com/menu/history_oceania.html |
63. Travel > Travel > All Formats > Page 13 By Ellen Clacy Format Adobe Reader Availability Download Now Platforms Windows Computers, Mac, Linux, more Learn more Price $1.99 http://www.ebookmall.com/all-ebooks/group-746-all-ebooks-page13.htm | |
64. Adobe Reader EBooks At EBookMall - Alphabetical Letter *L* EBook Titles A Lady s Visit To The Gold Diggings Of Australia In 1852 to 1853 Ellen Clacy, Travel Travel, Download Now, Get eBook http://www.ebookmall.com/adobe-reader/ebook-titles-l-adobe-reader-ebooks.htm | |
65. Arawang Primary School: Classes: 4/3KP Ellen Clacy Harriette Walkers Martha Cledinning. Why did they go to the goldfields? What did they do while they were there? http://www.arawangps.act.edu.au/classes/4-3KP.htm | |
66. Library Contents For A Subject Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 18523, A, Ellen Clacy, 14066, 191 pages, 10 pt Duodecimo, $4.95 Add to Cart Little Tour in France, A, http://www.dngoodchild.com/lib2/ca2w_tra.htm | |
67. Scope - Activate Communities Manager Ellen Clacy. Phone 9737 1144 Fax 9737 1166 Ellen.Clacy@melbasupport.com.au Website http//. Posted 149-2004 Contributor Enter a Contributor http://www.activatecommunities.com.au/links/day_east.chtml | |
68. Www.4Kids.org | Coolspots In Literature, Ellen Clacy provides insight of what it was like to be a woman in the gold fields. For the real bling bling, check out Famous Australian http://www.4kids.org/servlet/coolspots.SearchCoolspotsByCategory?categoryId=8&ca |
69. Blackmask Online Collection by Ellen Clacy. A LAODICEAN A STORY OF TODAY. She wore a summer hat, beneath which her fair curly hair formed a thicket round her forehead. http://worldlibrary.net/Black_Mask/a_f.htm | |
70. Likely S Logo Likely Prospects Goldfields Introduction Recommended Goldfields and Mineral Districts of Victoria, Brough Smythe (R) A Ladys visit to the gold diggings, Mrs Charles (Ellen) Clacy (SP) http://users.netconnect.com.au/~likelyp/goldfields.html | |
71. WWW-VL History Index Gold Rush in New South Wales A Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 185253, by Ellen Clacy, from Gutenberg; Australian sketches, http://vlib.iue.it/history/oceania/Australia/ | |
72. UnitingCare Community Options - Professional Development - Community Leadership Ellen Clacy Deb Rouget enjoy learning conversation at a Community Leadership Forum event. Community Leadership Forum picture http://www.ucco.org.au/training/community_leadership_forum.php | |
73. Marxist Interventions There were the likes of Ellen Clacy who went to Bendigo to dig as a full partner with her brothers, as well as wives in cabbage tree hats capable of http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/interventions/eureka.htm | |
74. Fire - APT 2002 - Asia Pacific Triennial Of Contemporary Art 2002 Ellen Clacy 19th Century Australian writer You say that it s time to light the fire not that the tide s in and the fishermen are coming home but did you http://abcasiapacific.com/apt/fire.htm | |
75. A Lady's Visit To The Gold Diggings Of Australia In 1852 To 1853 Is Available Fr Author Ellen Clacy Producer Lightning Source Inc Other books by Ellen Clacy A Lady s Visit To The Gold Diggings Of Australia In 1852 To 1853 http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/1419101943BT.html | |
76. The Chronological Article And Book Archive Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 185253, A Mrs Charles (Ellen) Clacy (Coming Soon). Matthew Flinders Electronic Archive (Offsite) http://www.freewebz.com/matthewshistory/library/articles.html | |
77. Time Travel: Classic Travel And Tourism Books On CD ROM, From Seedy Press Books Australia. A Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 185253, by Mrs. Charles (Ellen) Clacy. Europe. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors by Francis http://www.samizdat.com/travelcd.html | |
78. Australia -- Books On CD ROM A Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 185253, by Mrs. Charles (Ellen) Clacy; McKinlay s Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia http://www.samizdat.com/australiacd.html | |
79. Szántay Antal Honlapja Clacy, Ellen, A Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 185253, - PG. Columbus, Christophorus, De insulis nuper in mari Indico repertis, http://www.bkae.hu/~szantay/ | |
80. Lecture 1 The First Immigrants Ellen Clacy, A Lady s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 18521853 (1853), Lansdowne, Melbourne, 1963. Mary Fortune (ed. Lucy Sussex), The Fortunes http://homes.jcu.edu.au/~hidm/Notes.htm | |
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