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Churchill Winston: more books (28) | |||||||
61. Browsing The Inventory Of Old Working Books By Catalog: Fiction Pre-1920 Churchill, Winston 18711947. Format Hardcover. New York MacMillan, May 1913..Illustrated by Howard Giles. First separate edition. http://www.biblio.com/browse_books/catalog/127083/20546.html | |
62. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Churchill, Winston, 18711947 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106-43 BC Clausewitz, Carlvon, 1780-1831 Claxton, William J. Clay, Berta M. (pseud. http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
63. Historical Novels On CD ROM, From Seedy Press Books On CD, B&R Samizdat Express Winston Churchill (American, not Sir Winston Churchill) (18711947). The Crisis.James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851). Afloat and Ashore (1844) http://www.samizdat.com/historicalcd.html | |
64. Essays On CD, From Seedy Press Books On CD, B&R Samizdat Express Winston Churchill (not related to Sir Winston Churchill) (18711947). An Essayon the American Contribution and the Democratic Idea http://www.samizdat.com/essaycd.html | |
65. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Churchill, Winston, 18711947 Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965 Cicero, MarcusTullius, 106-43 BC Cid, ca. 1043-1099 Cist, Henry Martyn, 1839-1902 http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
66. Papers Of FM Sir Archibald (Armar) Montgomery-Massingberd, GCB, KCMG (1871-1947) Papers of FM Sir Archibald (Armar) MontgomeryMassingberd, GCB, KCMG (1871-1947) the leadership qualities of Rt Hon Winston (Spencer Leonard) Churchill http://www.kcl.ac.uk/lhcma_new/cats/montgomerymassingberd/mo40-01-.shtml | |
67. The People Of Missouri - The United States Of America Winston Churchill, St. Louis, 18711947, Novelist. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (MarkTwain), Florida, 1835-1910, Humorist, author. Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. http://www.netstate.com/states/peop/mo_peop.htm | |
68. University Of Delaware: MCCLURE PUBLISHING COMPANY ARCHIVES 18471908 1898 Mar 8 ALS 1p To Mr. Clark Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947 1898Mar 9 TLS 1p Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909 1898 Mar 17 ANS 1p Roberts, http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/mcclure.htm | |
69. Eliot Porter: Library IMPRINT New York, Vintage Books 1974 vii, 161 p. illus. 28cm. AUTHOR Churchill, Winston, 18711947. http://www.cartermuseum.org/collections/porter/library.php?sec=books&page=c |
70. Gallery Of History - Auctioneer Of Historical Documents I am descended from John Churchill, who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1641, and I wasbaptized Winston. US author Winston Churchill (18711947), a graduate of http://www.galleryofhistory.com/html/chapter.asp?LOT=497 |
71. College In New Hampshire, New Hampshire Churchill, Winston (18711947); born in St. Louis, MO; lived in Plainfield, NH;buried in Plainfield, NH; novelist Cunningham, John Donovan (1933-); http://creekin.net/k22044-n234-college-in-new-hampshire-new-hampshire.html | |
72. ISSUE 76 SPRING 2003 Download Archive Links Search Contact Us The which under Winston Churchill the new British Colonial Secretary, Sir DavidElias Ezra (18711947) came from a prominent Iraqi Jewish family who http://www.dangoor.com/issue76/articles/76060.htm | |
73. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Chudnow" To "Chznonz" Churchill, Winston, 18711947. The Crisis / Winston Churchill. High Command the Stories of Sir Winston Churchill and General Montgomery. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/crri/chud.htm | |
74. Guide To The Dorothy Whitney Straight Elmhirst Papers, Churchill, Winston, 18711947. Croly, Herbert David. Croly, Louise. Cross, EllenStraight. Curtis, James. Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/htmldocs/RMM03725.html | |
75. Maxfield Parrish: Master Of Make-Believe; Essay By Alma Gilbert which was funded with a five hundred dollar check by his best friend andneighbor, American writer Winston Churchill (18711947). http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/5aa/5aa353b.htm | |
76. 19th Century Literary Figures Winston Churchill (18711947); Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906). Bonvibre udayton Digital Text Archives Resources For Learning More About Dunbar http://www.wsu.edu/~amerstu/19th/writers.html | |
77. 365Bookmark.it, La Scelta On Line Dell'editoria Indipendente Translate this page Winston Churchill , autore. Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947, American novelist,b. St. Louis, grad. Annapolis, 1894. He wrote several http://ebook.fieralibro.net/autore.asp?autore=42891 |
78. Index To NEA Newsletter:C Churchill,. EDWIN, 14(3)08 Winston 18711947, 08(4)04. CIA Newsletter, UtahFirst State with Politically Appointed State Archivist, http://www.newenglandarchivists.org/newsletter/letterc.html | |
79. WHMC-Columbia--Haskell, Agnes Hadley, Daybooks, 1909-1946 (C3467)--INVENTORY BlacksSocial Conditions; Capper, Arthur; Churchill, Winston (18711947);Clemenceau, Georges; Cooke, Elsie Thornton; Coolidge, Calvin; Daly, http://www.umsystem.edu/whmc/invent/3467.html | |
80. WHMC-Columbia--White, Robert M., II, Interview--INVENTORY (C3398)--INVENTORY Bloomington Pantagraf, Bloomington, Illinois; Cannon, Clarence; Churchill,Winston (18711947); Eisenhower, Dwight David; Field, Marshall; Fort Jackson, SC http://www.umsystem.edu/whmc/invent/3398.html | |
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