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81. Encyklopedia: Cellini Benvenuto Cellini Benvenuto (15001571), wloski zlotnik, rzezbiarz i pisarz, jeden z glównych przedstawicieli manieryzmu. Wskutek swojego przestepczego http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/41085,haslo.html?drukuj=1 |
82. CELLINI, Benvenuto Cellini, Benvenuto. Italian sculptor and goldsmith (b. 1500, Firenze, d. 1571, Firenze). Preview, Picture Data, File Info, Comment. Bust of Cosimo I http://www.wga.hu/html/c/cellini/ | |
83. BENVENUTO CELLINI 1500 - 1571 This Is A Statue Of Perseus Sculpted Benvenuto Cellini 1500 1571 Chappel, Miles L. Benvenuto Cellini. Grollier Electronic Publishing Inc., 1995, pp. 1 - 2. 2. Nelson, WA Welister. http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/renaissance/cellini.html | |
84. I. Cellini, Benvenuto. 1909-14. Autobiography. The Harvard Classics I. Cellini, Benvenuto. 190914. Autobiography. The Harvard Classics. http://www.bartleby.com/31/1001.html | |
85. Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571) Artwork Images, Exhibitions, Reviews Benvenuto Cellini Born in Florence, Benvenuto Cellini began training as a goldsmith at the age of thirteen. He worked with a several artists, http://wwar.com/masters/c/cellini-benvenuto.html | |
86. 16th Century Artists - Art History Movements - Wwar.com Cellini, Benvenuto (1500 1571) Cesari, Giuseppe (1568 - 1640) Cesi, Bartolomeo (1556 - 1629) Ceulen, Cornelius Janssens van (1593 - 1661) http://wwar.com/masters/centuries/15th.html | |
87. Benvenuto Cellini @ Catharton Artists Benvenuto Cellini and resources concerning his works. Benvenuto Cellini. 1500 1571. Pssst do you like computer or video games? http://www.catharton.com/artists/123.htm | |
88. Crystal Clouds Quotations: Source Profile Cellini, Benvenuto (1500 1571), Click For External Online Reference Florentine Sculptor. Quotations By This Source. Sculpture http://www.crystalclouds.co.uk/search.php?option=ThisSource&searchbioid=2725 |
89. Testi Di Storia Gay - Benvenuto Cellini - Estratti Da ''La Vita'' - Libro II Cap Cellini fare clic qui. Libro II, capitolo LXI. http://digilander.libero.it/giovannidallorto/biografie/cellini/vita261.html | |
90. Thais - 1200 Anni Di Scultura Italiana - Benvenuto Cellini http://www.thais.it/scultura/cellini.htm | |
91. Tallulahs Directory Of Classical Master Artists And Nude Images; Benvenuto Celli Benvenuto Cellini 1500 1571 Firenze, Italy. Born in Florence, on November 3, 1500, Cellini was apprenticed to a goldsmith at the age of 15. http://tallulahs.com/cellini.html | |
92. Italica - Cellini Benvenuto: Biografia http://www.italica.rai.it/index.php?categoria=biografie&scheda=cellini |
93. Italica - Cellini Benvenuto: Il Perseo Benvenuto Cellini comincia l opera che lo terrà occupato per circa nove anni Il Biografia di Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571) http://www.italica.rai.it/index.php?categoria=arte&scheda=cellini |
94. Biografia Di Benvenuto Cellini http://www.culturagay.it/cg/bio.php?id=3 |
95. Cellini-Salzfass CelliniSalzfass, die einzige sicher von Benvenuto Cellini (* 1500 Florenz, 1571 ebenda) stammende, Copyright. Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571), Stich http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.c/c258823.htm | |
96. Copyright: Benvenuto Cellini 1500 - 1571, Stich Translate this page Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571), Stich. © Copyright by Bildarchiv der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Wien. siehe Cellini-Salzfass. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.cp_right.image.c/c258823b.htm | |
97. Benvenuto Cellini@Everything2.com Benvenuto Cellini 1500 1571. Born to a musician father in Florence, Italy, he first studied music, but later developed exceptional skill as a Florentine http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=981430 |
98. Biographie Et Informations Auteur : Cellini, Benvenuto : - Dicocitations ⢠http://www.dicocitations.com/resultatauteurs.php?id=606 |
99. Benvenuto Cellini http://www.nanga.fr/c/cellini.htm | |
100. La Scultura Italiana - Benvenuto Cellini Translate this page Benvenuto Cellini (Firenze 1500 - 1571). Galleria Fotografica. Cellini fu il più grande orafo del Rinascimento. Avviato dapprima allo studio della musica, http://www.scultura-italiana.com/Biografie/Cellini.htm | |
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