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         Casson Herbert Newton:     more detail
  1. Up-to-date Sales Management / Herbert N. Casson by Herbert Newton (1869-) Casson, 2222
  2. The Crime of credulity by Casson Herbert Newton 1869-, 1901-01-01
  3. The romance of the reaper by Herbert N. Casson illustrated from by Casson. Herbert Newton. 1869-, 1908
  4. The history of the telephone. by Herbert N. Casson by Casson. Herbert Newton. 1869-, 1910-01-01
  5. Cyrus Hall McCormick, his life and work by Casson Herbert Newton 1869-, 1909-01-01
  6. How to get things done. A book of suggestions of executives. by Casson. Herbert Newton. 1869-, 1920-01-01

41. Unde Sunt Manierele De Altãdatã ?
Dupã douã sute de ani, ultimele sfaturi ale lui Herbert Newton Casson, menite a aduce succesul si fericirea, sunt ?Pretuieste pe aproapele tãu ca pe tine
Despre autor Sumar Home
„Un alt mijloc de a captiva cineva pe iubita sa este înlãturarea oricãrei minciuni şi respectarea onoarei." „În materie de divorţ, bãrbatul e întotdeauna vinovat." De citit: Arta seducţiei, o artã veche de când lumea. Chiar Mihail Kogãlniceanu publicând în 1840, în „Dacia Literarã", acele
Jurnalele şi epistolele de la 1850, pe care le-am reprodus pe larg datoritã, pe de o parte, relativei confidenţialitãţi a primei lor apariţii („Cotidianul", suplimentul „Litere, Arte & Idei", 19 şi 26 februarie 1996), iar pe de altã parte interesului pe care aceste file de demult îl pot stârni în actualitate, ca document (datat, dar cu atât mai interesant), al relaţiei masculin / feminin. Şi ce ne spune el? Cã la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea, tinerii din societatea cultivatã româneascã tratau feminitatea cu respect plin de delicateţe, curtoazie tandrã, neostentativã. De l'amour sau , situându-se departe atât de idealismul lui Stendhal ce proiecta asupra persoanei iubite calitãţi, perfecţiuni inexistente în realitate, existente doar în imaginaţia privitorului (iubirea ca „fraudã", dupã sancţiunea modernã a lui Ortega y Gasset), dar şi de rãceala cu care Flaubert consemneazã eşecul iubirii platonice, al iubirii pasiune, al iubirii matrimoniale, singurã triumfãtoare rãmânând prietenia. Aşa cã, deşi prin data de apariţie înscrisã pe pagina de titlu

42. Available Audiobook Titles - Sorted By Author - C
1661 Casson, Herbert (Telephone, The History Of) 1662 Castlemon, Harry (Frank On A Gun Boat) 1740 Chittenden, Newton (Queen Charlotte Islands)

43. [1000] Abbott, Edwin (Flatland) [1001] Abbott, Eleanor (White
Gordon (Jungle Girl, The) 1661 Casson, Herbert (Telephone, Addie (Why And How) 1740 Chittenden, Newton (Queen Charlotte Islands) 1741

44. - Library - Herbert N. Casson
Herbert N. Casson (1869 1951). Herbert Newton Casson was born in Odessa, Ontario on September 23rd, 1869. His father was the Reverend Wesley Casson,
Home Library Encyclopedia Links
Text Title In All Grimm Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Julius Haldeman O Henry Homer Plato Sophocles Marshall History Documents Religion books Cody H. A. Leeds F. H. Sunshine and shadow series Authors of Greece Powell J. W. Mary Hallock Foote Laura Lee Hope Abraham Lincoln Abraham Merritt Agatha Christie Agnes Strickland Alan Alexander Milne Alexander Hamilton Alexander Maclaren Alexander Hewat Alexandre Dumas Alfred Ollivant Algernon Charles Swinburne Ambrose Bierce Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Andrew Lang Angela Brazil Anna Sewell Anna Howard Anne Bronte Anne C. Lynch Anne Douglas Sedgwick Annie Fellows Johnston Anton Chekhov Aristotle Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Symons August Strindberg Beatrix Potter Ben Hecht Benjamin Disraeli Bernard Shaw Bernard de Mandeville Bertrand Russell Bill Clinton Bjornstjerne Bjornson Booker T. Washington Bram Stoker Bramwell Booth Bret Harte Carlo Collodi Carolyn Wells Charles Darwin Charles Dickens Charles Kingsley Charles Nordhoff Charles Waterton Charles Reade Charles Lamb Charles Willing Beale Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Perkins Gilman Christopher Marlowe Clinton Scollard Daniel Defoe Danske Dandridge David Graham Phillips Dean S. Fansler

45. Mueller Science - Wirtschaft: Literatur: Praktische Tips Für Manager
Translate this page Herbert Newton Casson Factory efficiency. How to increase output, Herbert Newton Casson Tips on leadership. Life stories of twenty five leaders.
Literatur / Bibliography (1798-2003) Efficiency and self-management for business people siehe auch: Erfolgstraining Inhalt Was hilft mir, Manager-Latein zu verstehen? (ab 1983) Projektmanagement (1962) Arbeitstechnik (1903), Zeitmanagement (1948/59), Selbstmanagement (1918/67) Stressmanagement (1956) Balancing: Privatleben und Berufswelt in Einklang bringen (ab 1983) Fitness/ Wellness (ab 1987) Sinnmanagement (ab 1988) Was hilft mir, Manager-Latein zu verstehen? Jay N. Nisberg: The Random House Handbook of Business Terms. New York: Random House 1988. Alistair D. Williamson (Hrsg.): Field guide to business terms. A glossary of essential tools and concepts for today's manager. Chief contributor: Tim Hindle. Boston, Mass.: HarvardBusinessSchool Press 1983 Tim Hindle: Guide to management ideas. London: Economist in association with Profile Books 2000;
Projektmanagement David M. Stires, Maurice M. Murphy: Modern management methods PERT and CPM : program evaluation review technique and Critical Path Method. Boston, Mass.: Materials Management Institute 1962, 3. ed. 1963. John Stanley Baumgartner: Project management. Homewood, Ill.: Irwin 1963.

46. Mueller Science - Psychologie: Literatur: Creativity /Schöpferkraft
Translate this page Eduard von Hartmann Philosophie des Unbewussten. 1869. Karlsruhe Braun 1927. Herbert Newton Casson Creative Thinkers. 1928.
Literatur / Bibliography (1668-1997) (und etwas Unbewusstes, insight) Creativity, creative mind, phantasy (and some unconsciousness, insight) siehe auch/ see also: siehe auch/ see also: Lit. Genie Jacobus Geel. Onderzoek en phantasie . Leiden: C. C. van der Hoek 1838, 4. ed. 1880;
dt.: Forschung und Phantasie. Leipzig: Weigel 1842. August Neander: Das Princip der Reformation oder Staupitz und Luther. Einladungsschr. der preuss. Haupt-Bibel-Gesellsch. bei d. 31. Stiftungsf. d. Gesellsch., welche am 8. Okt. 1845 ... zu Berlin begangen werden. Berlin: Trowitzsch 1845. Rowland Gibson Hazard: Freedom of mind in willing, or, Every being that wills a creative first cause. New York, London: D. Appleton 1864; Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1889. Eduard von Hartmann: Philosophie des Unbewussten. 1869. Hermann Cohen: Die dichterische Phantasie und der Mechanismus des Bewusstseins. 1869. Rowland Gibson Hazard: Two letters on causation and freedom in willing, addressed to John Stuart Mill. Boston: Lee and Shepard 1869;
dt.: Zwei Briefe über Verursachung und Freiheit im Wollen. New York: Westermann/ Leipzig: Hermann 1875.

47. Index
Casson, Herbert Newton (1869 ). The History of the Telephone. Cather, Willa (1873-1947). Alexander s Bridge My Antonia One of Ours O Pioneers!

48. Bedford County, Tennessee Queries
Am seeking information on siblings and parents of Casson C. ANDERSON. b. ca Other Grahams are Pearl, Herbert, Robert Marren?, Thomas Newton,and Memie.
Bedford County, Tennessee Queries
November '98 Queries
Please feel free to enter a query for your lines in Bedford County. If your lines are not in this county, please do not enter a query here. Queries without a stated Bedford Co. connection will not be posted. Queries will be posted ASAP, however, no guarantees are made. Due to the very large number of queries being received for Bedford County, as of 6/11/98 the Current Query page now only contains the previous four week's queries. For past queries, see the list at the end of this page. Query pages within the TNGenWeb project are for those researchers requesting or offering assistance in tracing their lineage. If you are asked to pay for any information, other than to cover the cost of postage and copying, please let the State Coordinator know. Enter a New Query
Gideon GREEN, b. 1790-1800 pro. NC. Died ca 1832 Bedford Co., TN. Lived in area that became District 1 of Coffee County. His heirs were Elisha D. GREEN, Reubin GREEN, Travis GREEN, William GREEN, Elizabeth GREEN ADCOCK, Nancy Green.

49. Farnley Parish Marriages
FERGUSON, Henry J, Casson, Dorothy M. 1929. CE16/C/172. POOLE, Kenneth, ROBSON, Gladys M Newton, Herbert, PROCTER, Maud. 1934. CE16/C/249
Farnley St Michaels Marriages T he existing church of St Michael in Farnley is comparively new, though built on the site of older chapels. Baptisms and burials were carried out here from an early period; some memorial stones in the church yard date back to the 17th century. Known records date back to 1624. Marriages for Farnley were carried out at Leeds parish church until 1839. The basic marriage index here consists of all the 1,670 marriages that took place in the 110 year period between 1839 and 1950. They are in date order. The reference is the registration number at Leeds Register Office. Groom Name Bride Name Date Reference TAYLOR Joseph RAPER Jane ILLINGWORTH John STANDING Sarah STAND(R)ING Thomas WALLIS Eliza SELLER Joseph SOWDEN Mary BROWN Walker ROSE Ann ADAMS Thomas J ARMITAGE Charlotte TAYLOR Christopher T WAITE Harriet RAPER Richard HOLT Sarah BECKWITH Thomas HAYES Ruth MILNER Joseph JENKINSON Mary GOMERSAL Joseph SLACK Mary MANN Thomas IBBOTSON Rebecca CLARK Thomas HAIGH Agnes CRAWSHAW Charles HAYES Naomi MYLE John W ODDY Elizabeth ROBERTS William LOCKWOOD Elizabeth BRIGGS John STENCLIFFE Caroline FACER Thomas RILEY Jane GILL Patrick GOODSON Rebecca LATTIMORE William ROYCE Mary HORROCKS William GRAYSON Martha ROBERTS William JONES Harriet WATMOUGH Abraham RILEY Sarah GRAY Eli SMITH Harriet RADCLIFFE William GRAHAM Martha GALLOWAY George INGHAM Ann BUTTERFIELD Seth GREENOUGH Ruth WALKER Jackson UMPLEBY Elizabeth BATTLEY James LIGHTOWLER Susannah VARLEY William ALDERSON Mary A HOLDSWORTH George WHITEHEAD Ann ROBINSON William PINDER Ann WILKINSON William F EDMONDSON Elizabeth

50. Master List Of Finding Aids In Manuscript And Like Collections In The Princeton
Beam, Jacob Newton, 18691954. Jacob Newton Beam Correspondence Consists of letters to Johnson (Class of 1948) by Sir Lewis Casson, Laurence Housman,
Master list is in two parts A to L M to Z
Master List of Special Collections in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library
Links to Finding Aids are provided when available; Princeton University Archives are not included (see University Archives at Mudd Library).
Abbott Family
Abbott Family Collection
Contains original poems, correspondence, and a commonplace book of the Abbott family of New Jersey, but the bulk of the collection consists of family documents, such as marriage certificates, deeds, bonds, promissory notes, receipts, surveys, and bills of sale, as well as other legal papers.
Abbott, Charles C. (Charles Conrad), 1843-1919
Charles Conrad Abbott Papers
Consists of Abbott's papersdiaries, manuscripts of essays on natural history, correspondence with family members, publishers, and learned societies, documents, and photographswith some family papers of the 1700s and 1800s. The collection reflects Abbott's life-long interest in the investigation, observation, and description of nature and Indian archaeology in the Delaware River Valley of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Abeel, Neilson, 1902-1949

51. Cemetery Records - Veterans C-D
Carmer, William R., 18691898, Spanish - American War Chase, Herbert B., 1863-1936, no info Disbrow, Robert Newton, MD, 1852-1923, World War I
Cemetery Records Veterans, ca. 1935-1939
Personal Name Index C-D Main Page Cemetery Records - Veterans Last Names
Beginning With: A-B C-D E-G H-J ... U-Z If you find a record listed that you would like to see at the Archives or order a copy of , please note down all the information listed for it. Note: It is recommended that this index be scrolled through, rather than using the "Find" function of your browser. See our online indexes searching suggestions for more information. Index Arrangement : Alphabetical by last name, followed by birth and death years (if available), and conflict served in (if available). Cables, Charles , 1836-1900, Civil War Cables, William , 1832-1893, Civil War Caddell, Patrick , 1864-1938, Spanish - American War Cadien, Lee , 1891-1938, no info Cadis, James , 1830-1878, Civil War Caesar, Julius , -1939, World War I Caffery, Thomas P. , 1888-1918, World War I Caffey, Alberto , 1842-1921, Civil War Caffrey, Thomas

52. Rare, Out Of Print, Antique And Used Books, Maps And Prints From The Basilisk Bo
Casson, Herbert N.and BURGESS, Frederick H. (Translators) / KAUFMANN, Dr. Kurt $28.00 Foreword by Slim Dusty WOSITZKY, Jan and Dobe Newton.
The Australian Short Story. An anthology from the 1890s to the 1980s. : HERGENHAN, Laurie. (Edited and introduced).
The Australian Slanguage : HORNADGE, Bill

The Australian Victory over Conscription in 1916-17 : HOLLOWAY, E. J

The Australian Way of Sex : ARNDT, BETTINA (ED)
The Australian Short Story. An anthology from the 1890s to the 1980s. : HERGENHAN, Laurie. (Edited and introduced).
The Australian Slanguage : HORNADGE, Bill

The Australian Victory over Conscription in 1916-17 : HOLLOWAY, E. J

The Australian Way of Sex : ARNDT, BETTINA (ED)
The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development : HUGO, Graeme J., HULL, Terence H., HULL, Valerie J. and JONES, Gavin W.

53. Ampleforth Old Boys 1866-1895
Casson, Francis, London. Charnock, Hugh, Barton, Lanc. Dilcock, Joseph, York. Pegge, John, Newton Heath. Railton, Herbert, Blackburn.
# Became secular priest
OSB Monk of Ampleforth
The first name given is the place of origin
Link to monks' Obituaries
Browne, George Gregory, O.S.B.
Cajueiro, Ignatius,
Rio Janeiro.
Casson, Francis,
Charnock, Hugh,
Barton, Lanc.
Dilcock, Joseph,
Doane, Richard,
Flanagan, John,
Froës, Theodore,
Froës, Thomas,
Hailwood, William,
Holden, Austin Caley,
Holden, Richard,
Holden, Richard,
Hughes, Michael,
Hussey, William,
Jackson, Alphonsus,
James, Cornelius,
Lambert, Henry,
Rigby, Richard,
Smith, Philip,
De Sommery, Charles,
Taylor, William,
Walker, Walter,
Chamberlain, George,
Chamberlain, Bernard,
Darby, John Wilfrid, O.S.B.
Dees, William,
Delaney, Joseph,
Dilcock, Thomas,
Dobson, Edwin,
Dobson, John,
Dorca, Genaro,
Fishwick, John,
Fishwick, Robert Athanasius, O.S.B.

54. PLAY PICTORIAL 1902-10
author Tarkington, Newton Booth, Mr., 18691946 James Wynnegate, Mr. Herbert Sleath as the Earl of Kerhill, Miss Dorothy Dix as Nat-u-ritch,
Theatre Collections : London Theatres
Vol. 2 : 1903 ... Vol. 16 : 1910
Play Pictorial, v.1, 1902
UKC/PER/PLY/011902 Play Pictorial, v.1, 1902, No.2
Prince of Wales Theatre, Coventry Street, Westminster, London, England
manager : Curzon, Frank, Mr., 1868-1927 musical director : Bucalossi, Ernest, Mr. stage manager : Saxon, E.F., Mr. manager : Donald, Arthur, Mr. play 1
author : Law, Arthur, Mr., 1844-1913
actor : Somerset, Charles W., Mr., fl.1920s
actor : Fitzgerald, Aubrey, Mr.
actor : Du Maurier, Gerald, Sir, 1873-1934 (son of author George L. Du Maurier)
actor : Beveridge, J. D., Mr.
actor : Volpe, Frederick, Mr., 1865-1932
actor : Templeton, H., Mr.
actor : Granville, Miss
actor : Featherson, Vane, Miss, 1864-1948 actor : Brooke, E. H., Mrs. actor : Hughes, Annie, Miss Photographs, notes etc.

55. English Classics 3000 Table Of Contents ( Listed By Author ) A
Jacques (17251798) The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova (30 volumes) Casson, Herbert Newton (1869- ) The History of the Telephone Cather,

56. Waterport Cemetery, (established 1864) Eagle Harbor - Waterport
WIFE OF STANLEY G. Casson, STANLEY G. N R13L 2 1942 HUS OF ELIZABETH 1921 OCT 16, 1920 CARLTON, NY Newton, Herbert AUG 29.

57. Dictionary Of British Classicists
hb = Herbert BENARIO kb = KAI BRODERSEN cc = CHRISTOPHER COLLARD rc = ROBERT COUSLAND Casson, Stanley (18891944) dg Chadwick, John (1920-1998) ei
Dictionary of British Classicists,
General Editor : Robert B. Todd
Set Details Full List of Entries Editors/Contributors
List of Entries
The initials beside entries are those of Supervising Editors:
rt = ROBERT TODD ge = GENERAL EDITOR. Asterisked entries (*) are unassigned.
Abbott, Edwin Abbott (1838-1926) cas Adam, Adela Marion (1866-1944) rt Adam, Alexander (1741-1809) mas Adam, James (1860-1907) rt Adams, Francis (1796-1861) rt Adcock, Frank Ezra (1886-1968) hb Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

58. Apr 2 - Author Anniversaries
(Henry Francis) Herbert THOMPSON, Baronet THOMPSON 1859 Sir, Charles Edward Carroll STUHLMUELLER 1925 (Frederick) Michael Casson 1927 Kenneth
Author Anniversaries for Apr 2
If you find a person's date of birth or death on this page and want to find that person's date of death or birth, or other information, try looking them up in the New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors pages. Born: nee nee nee nee nee )Clements THOMPSON 1907: Beti REES 1907: Beti RHYS 1907: Irene SELZNICK, nee MAYER 1907: Roy Granville McELROY 1908: Arthur (Wolseley) RUSSELL 1908: Christian Rudolph EBSEN (ps: Buddy EBSEN) 1910: Blanche Wilhelmina GERSTMAN 1910: Carvel LEE, nee Died: 1657: Fr, Jean Jacques OLIER De VERNEUIL 1705: John HOWE 1754: Thomas CARTE 1787: Thomas GAGE 1803: Hieronymus/Hieronijmus van ALPHEN 1820: Thomas BROWN 1830: Margaret COMPTON, Marchioness of NORTHAMPTON, nee nee de la FERRONAYS 1891: Thomas Charles BARING 1891: William Laurence SAUNDERS 1898: William Cowper BRANN 1905: Prof, Albert Allen WRIGHT 1908: Andrew Wilson BAIRD 1912: Edward O'Connor TERRY 1913: Sir, William James BELL 1913: William Arthur LAW 1914: Paul (Johann Ludwig) von HEYSE [Nobel-1910] 1917: Prof, John GWYNN 1919: George WREFORD 1920: Col, Henry Blackburne HAMILTON 1922: Prof, Henry Newton DICKSON 1922: Rev, Archibald Geikie BROWN 1925: Charlotte Eliza HUMPHRY, nee nee nee LAI 2003: Michael KELLY 2003: Ramon MOIX MESSEGUER (ps: Terenci MOIX) 2003: Ruth Leslie SMITH

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