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81. Principal Authors In The English Poetry Database 1743; Carpenter, Edward, 18441929; Cartwright, William, 1611-1643; Cary, HenryFrancis, 1775-1844; Cary, Patrick, 1624-1656; Castillo, John, 1792-1845 http://www.letrs.indiana.edu/epd/epd-auth.html | |
82. Lettera C Dei Link Alfabetici A Personaggi GLBT Translate this page Carpenter, Edward (1844-1929) Su colui che fu uno dei pionieri del movimentoomosessuale inglese troviamo online-una bella biografia, che lo presenta sia http://digilander.libero.it/giovannidallorto/link/linkabc/c.html | |
83. Alibris: Browse Books By ISBN 0367664691 Edward Carpenter, 18441929 Democratic Author and Poet 0367665450Edward Carpenter, the man and his message 0367663938 Edward Carpenter http://www.alibris.com/books/isbns/4446 | |
84. CulturaGay.it - Amis & Amile: Storia Di Unamicizia Edward Carpenter (1844-1929). http://www.culturagay.it/cg/viewDoc.php?id=8 |
85. Edward Carpenter 18441929 - Cambridge University Press This is the first fullscale biography of Edward Carpenter, an eminent Last years; Epilogue; Notes; List of works by Edward Carpenter; Index. http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521019591 |
86. Edward Carpenter And The Age Of Aquarius - © Dr Shepherd Simpson turn on work in the 1920s by the English author Edward Carpenter 1844 1929 AD, In 1929 Edward Carpenter published the following in Astrosophie http://www.geocities.com/astrologyages/edwardcarpenteraquarius.htm | |
87. Women And Marxism Authors-Carpenter Women and Marxism Authors. Edward Carpenter. (1844 - 1929). Biography. 1879From Love s Coming-of-Age The Intermediate Sex http://www.marxists.org/subject/women/authors/carp/ | |
88. Edward Carpenter: The Intermediate Sex Edward Carpenter. The Intermediate Sex A Study of Some Transitional Types ofMen and Women FULL NAME Edward Carpenter BORN 29 August 1844, Brighton http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/pwh/carpenter-is.html | |
89. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - Edward Carpenter (1844 1929) UK Edward Carpenter Reformer, poet, philosopher and Gay Rightspioneer. Carpenter came of a naval family, though his father retired early. http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/bioc1/carp1.html | |
90. HTML Translation Of SGML/EAD Document By Tim Green about the Fellowship of the New Life)(2 docs). Access OPEN. CHUBB PERCIVAL1860 1960 FABIAN; Carpenter Edward 1844 1929 DEMOCRATIC AUTHOR AND POET http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/Chubb/m.html | |
91. Gay Christians Of West Texas Carpenter, Edward (1844 - 1929) Poet, Social Activist, Early Gay Rights ActivistCather, Willa - (1873 - 1947) Writer Clare, Arthur C. - Science Fiction http://groups.msn.com/gaychristiansofwesttexas/famousglbtpeople.msnw | |
92. Love's Coming Of Age Index Love s Coming of Age, by Edward Carpenter, at sacredtexts.com. This shortbook of essays by Edward Carpenter is a look at gender roles at the start of http://www.sacred-texts.com/lgbt/lca/ | |
93. The Political Graveyard: Politicians Who Were Born In 1844 1844) Edward D. Ziegler (18441931). Arranged By Date (where known) 1844);Nov 21 David Hollingsworth (1844-1929); Nov 21 Thomas Lynch (1844-1898) http://politicalgraveyard.com/chrono/1844/born.html | |
94. Edward Carpenter Biografia No Eres El UNICO Adolescente Gay Translate this page Edward Carpenter fue un pionero socialista y un profeta radical de una nueva era Edward Carpenter nació el 29 de Agosto de 1844 (en el 45 de Brunswick http://www.islaternura.com/APLAYA/NoEresElUnico/cLETRA/CarpenterEDWARD/Carpenter | |
95. Queer History Links Edward Carpenter s biography of George Merrill. Edward Carpenter s biography of his Edward Carpenter Archives Important works by the pioneer British gay http://www.infopt.demon.co.uk/gaylink1.htm | |
96. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors David Wynford (1871 1900) Carpenter, Edward (1844 - 1929) CARR, Emily (1871 -1945) CARROLL, Lewis (1832 - 1898) CARROLL, Lewis (1820 - 1914) CARTER, http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
97. Who's Who In GLBT History Carpenter, Edward (1844 1929), British poet, social activist, philosopher,Love s Coming of Age (1896). Carroll, Helen, American Athletic Diversity http://www.gallimauphry.com/glbt/list.html | |
98. FINDING AID NAME LIST Carpenter, Edward, 18441929Correspondence Carpenter, John Alden,1876-1951Correspondence. Carpenter, John Alden, 1876-1951. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/faid/faidcname005.html | |
99. Village Of Ilion NY Cemetery Town Of German Flatts Pt. 5 Carpenter Henry W. 1846 1925 LORD Alice 1858-1925 PETERS Edward H. 1857 -1925wf Alice SIMPSON Anna 1844 -1929 THOMPSON Margaret 1869 -1929 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyherkim/cemeteries/ilioncem5.html | |
100. Olive Schreiner she met Eleanor Marx, Karl Pearson, Henry Rider Haggard (18561925) and EdwardCarpenter (1844-1929), a writer, bisexual activist, and social reformer. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/schrein.htm | |
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