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101. Thomas Carlyle Thomas Carlyle, 1795 1881. Thomas Carlyle was a British essayist and biographerwhose reputation and influence were immense in the New England http://www.alcott.net/alcott/home/champions/Carlyle.html | |
102. RepeatAfterUs.com - Thomas Carlyle Contents Author Thomas Carlyle, 1795 1881. 5 Texts. Memorable Quotes ( 5texts ), Difficulty Level. Civilization, Beginning. Jesus, Beginning http://www.repeatafterus.com/author.php?f=Thomas&l=Carlyle |
103. Thomas Carlyle - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Subjects, Carlyle, Thomas17951881. LETTERS OF Thomas Carlyle TO WILLIAM GRAHAMLETTERS OF Carlyle, Thomas 1795 1881, English author, b. Scotland. http://www.questia.com/search/thomas-carlyle | |
104. CARLYLE, Thomas Translate this page Carlyle, Thomas, Schriftsteller, Historiker und Literarhistoriker, Sozialpolitiker, *4.12. 1795 in Ecclefechan in der schottischen Grafschaf Dumfries als http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/c/carlyle_t.shtml | |
105. Thomas Carlyle - A Hero Dwells Within [Index] Thomas Carlyle brief biography, resources. Thomas Carlyle (1795 1881).Thomas Carlyle. No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness http://humanitiesweb.org/human.php?s=i&p=c&a=i&ID=34 |
106. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database Carlyle, JBW, Next Carmichael, Dugald. Thomas Carlyle, 17951881. For a list ofall references in the database, including a list of any letters exchanged http://darwin.lib.cam.ac.uk/perl/nav?pclass=name;pkey=Carlyle, Thomas |
107. RA Forum > Carlyle, Thomas (1795â1881) Carlyle, Ruskin, Morris Work across the river of fire http://raforum.apinc.org/mot.php3?id_mot=1551 |
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