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         Campanella Tommaso:     more detail
  1. Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) by Evelio Moreno Chumillas, 1999-09-30
  2. Tommaso Campanella and the Transformation of the World by John M. Headley, 1997-08-29

41. Vivarium - Le Collane - Opere Di Tommaso Campanella
Translate this page Opere di Tommaso Campanella è una delle collane pubblicate dalla Casa Editrice Vivarium Dei settantuno anni che visse, Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639),

Casa Editrice VIVARIUM
Piazza S. Maria degli Angeli, 1
80132 - Napoli
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Le Collane
Opere di Tommaso Campanella
VIVARIUM di promuovere un'edizione sistematica e rigorosamente critica delle opere del Campanella, tale da rendere finalmente accessibile il suo pensiero agli studiosi d'ogni paese.
è una casa editrice impegnata, oltre che nella pubblicazione di testi di alta cultura e di classici della filosofia, anche nella produzione di videocassette di contenuto filosofico.
In quest'ambito VIVARIUM collabora con l'Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, l'Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana e la RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana Rai Educational per la realizzazione dell'Enciclopedia Multimediale delle Scienze Filosofiche.
La denominazione VIVARIUM vuole essere un esplicito riferimento al cenacolo o convento fondato da Cassiodoro nel VI secolo a Squillace, in Calabria, e al programma di studi consegnato nelle Institutiones divinarum et saecularium litterarum La invitiamo a visitare il nostro nuovo sito:

42. The City Of The Sun E-book By Tommaso Campanella
Campanella, Tommaso (15681639) Italian philosopher, poet, and prolific authorof over 50 works, mostly in Latin. Entered the Dominican order at age 15.
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The City of the Sun E-book
Author: Tommaso Campanella
Genre: Government / Economics Philosophy
Campanella, Tommaso (1568-1639) Italian philosopher, poet, and prolific author of over 50 works, mostly in Latin. Entered the Dominican order at age 15. Opposed to scholastic philosophy, he was seized by the Spanish Inquisition and accused of writing books he had not written and of having opinions that he did not hold. Incarcerated in various Italian prisons for 27 years, he was interrogated and cruelly tortured on seven different occasions. In 1634, disguised as a servant, he escaped to France where he came under the protection of Cardinal Richelieu. The City of the Sun (1602) Written in 1602 during his imprisonment, "The City of the Sun" (Civitas Solis) is Tommaso Campanella's masterpiece. It is a work similar in many ways to Plato's Republic and Thomas More's Utopia. In The City of the Sun, Campanella argues for a society based on Communistic principles and ruled by a philosopher priest.


43. Vol 6 #1
Tommaso Campanella (15681639) was one of the leading figures of the late ItalianRenaissance. His wide-ranging work, including the utopian The City of the
Volume 6 Number 1 Spring/Summer 2002
Germana Ernst The Sky in a Room: Campanella’s Apologeticus in defence of the pamphlet De siderali fato vitando, pp. 4 Editor's Note. Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) was one of the leading figures of the late Italian Renaissance. His wide-ranging work, including the utopian The City of the Sun (1613-1614), was an attempt to identify a distinctive order and direction which might be imposed on Europe as a solution to religious schism and political and military conflict. After the publication of De siderali fato , the seventh book of his Astrologici , in 1629, Campanella was accused of heresy and was forced to write the Apologeticus to defend himself. Campanella's text is presented here together with the introduction and commentary presented by Germana Ernst in Bruniana and Campanelliana , anno III 1997/2, both translated by Noga Arikha. Tommaso Campanella Apologia for the opuscule on De siderali fato vitando , pp. Editor's note. Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) composed the Apologeticus to defend himself against charges of heresy following the publication of his De siderali fato , the seventh book of his Astrologici , in 1629. Germana

44. Tommaso Campanella
Tommaso Campanella. By Albert Van Helden. Summary A brief biography of TommasoCampanella (15681639). Figure 1 Tommaso Campanella
Tommaso Campanella
By: Albert Van Helden Summary: A brief biography of Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639). Figure 1: Tommaso Campanella Giovan Domenico Campanella, born in Stilo, Calabria (southern tip of the Italian peninsula), was a child prodigy. At the age of fourteen, he entered the Dominican order and took the name Tommaso. His formal training in philosophy and theology was in Dominican houses. Early in his career he became disenchanted with Aristotelian philosophy and became a follower of Bernardino Telesio (1509-1588), whose great work De Rerum Natura (after Lucretius, see atomism ) influenced him greatly. Telesio thought that all knowledge is sensation and that intelligence is therefore an collection of isolated data provided by the senses. For this his books were placed on the Index of Forbidden Books after his death. But Telesio's philosophy, so influential in the south of Italy, pointed the way to empiricism. In 1592 Campanella published Philosophia Sensibus Demonstrata , or "Philosophy Demonstrated by the Senses," in defense of Telesio. In Naples, in 1589, Campanella came into contact with Giambattista della Porta, a

45. Tommaso Campanella
Abstract, A brief biography of Tommaso Campanella (15681639). Keywords,atomism, Campanella, Copernican system, Dominican order, Inquisition, peripatetic
Tommaso Campanella
By: Albert Van Helden
Name: Tommaso Campanella ID: Abstract: A brief biography of Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639). Keywords: atomism Campanella Copernican system Dominican order Inquisition peripatetic polymath Tommaso Urban VIII Document Type: -//CNX//DTD CNXML 0.5//EN License: Creative Commons Attribution License Authors: Albert Van Helden Albert Van Helden Maintainers: Albert Van Helden Robert Ahlfinger Version: history Created: May 18, 2004 11:07 am GMT-5 Revised: May 25, 2004 3:54 pm GMT-5
How to cite this content
Choose the citation style appropriate to your needs: American Chemical Society (ACS) Style Guide: Van Helden, A. Tommaso Campanella, Connexions Web site., May 25, 2004. American Medical Assocation (AMA) Manual of Style: Van Helden A. Tommaso Campanella [Connexions Web site]. May 25, 2004. Available at: American Psychological Assocation (APA) Publication Manual: Van Helden, A. (2004, May 25).

46. Adventures In Philosophy: A Brief History Of Political Philosophy
Tommaso Campanella (15681639). A resident of Naples, Tommaso Campanella (picture)was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment during the Spanish rule,
Adventures in Philosophy POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY - MODERN Select a Category... Ancient Philosophy Medieval Philosophy Modern Philosophy Recent Philosophy American Philosophy Islamic Philosophy Jewish Philosophy Political Philosophy Eastern Philosophy Political Philosophy Index Academy Resources Glossary of Philosophical Terms Philosophy Search Engine Timeline of Philosophy A Timeline of American Philosophy ... Books about Political Philosophy in The Radical Academy Bookstore Shop Amazon Stores in the Radical Academy Bookstore
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47. La Città Del Sole
Translate this page Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639). Frate domenicano e filosofo. Autore di numerositrattati teologici, filosofici e politici. Contemporaneo di Giordano Bruno e
Appendice della politica detta
di Tommaso Campanella
Dialogo poetico
Ospitalario e Genovese Nochiero del Colombo Ospitalario. Dimmi, di grazia, tutto quello che t'avvenne in questa navigazione. Genovese. Osp. Qui che t'occorse? Gen. Osp. Gen.
Di', di' mo, per vita tua. Gen.
Sopra il tempio vi stanno alcune celle nella cupoletta attorno, e molte altre grandi sopra gli chiostri, e qui abitano li religiosi, che son da quaranta.
Osp. Gen.
Nelle mura del tempio esteriori e nelle cortine, che si calano quando si predica per non perdersi la voce, vi sta ogni stella ordinatamente con tre versi per una.
Il Amore ha cura della generazione, con unir li maschi e le femine in modo che faccin buona razza; e si riden di noi che attendemo alla razza de cani e cavalli, e trascuramo la nostra. Tien cura dell'educazione, delle medicine, spezierie, del seminare e raccogliere li frutti, delle biade, delle mense e d'ogni altra cosa pertinente al vitto e vestito e coito, ed ha molti maestri e maestre dedicate a queste arti.

48. TOMMASO CAMPANELLA (1568-1639) I The Great Ruler Among Them Is A
Tommaso Campanella (15681639). I. The great ruler among them is a priest whomthey call by the name HOH, though we should call him Metaphysic.
TOMMASO CAMPANELLA I The great ruler among them is a priest whom they call by the name HOH, though we should call him Metaphysic. He is head over all, in temporal and spiritual matters, and all business anti lawsuits are settled by him as the supreme authority. Three princes of equal powerviz, Pon, Sin and Morassist him, and these in our tongue we should call POWER, WISDOM AND LOVE. To POWER belongs the care of all matters relating to war and He attends to the military arts, and, next to Hoh, he is ruler in every affair of a warlike nature. He governs the military magistrates and the soldiers, and has the management of the munitions, the fortifications, to storming of places, the implements of war, the armories, the smiths and workmen connected with matters of this sort. On the interior wall of the first circuit all the mathematical figures are conspicuously paintedfigures more in number than Archimedes or Euclid discovered, marked symmetrically, and with the explanation of them neatly written and contained each in a little verse. There are definitions and propositions, etc., etc. On the exterior convex wall is first an immense drawing of the whole earth, given at one view. Following upon this, there are tablets setting forth for every separate country the customs both public and private, the laws, the origins and the power of the inhabitants; and the alphabets the different people use can be seen above that of the city of the sun. On the inside of the second circuit, that is to say of the second ring of buildings, paintings of all kinds of precious and common stones, of minerals and metals are seen; and a little piece of the metal itself is also there with an apposite explanation in two small verses for each metal or stone. On the outside are marked all the seas, rivers, lakes, and streams which are on the face of the earth; as are also the wines and the oil, and the different liquids, with the sources from which the last are extracted, their qualities and strength. Where are also vessel built into the wall above the arches, and these are full of liquids from one to three hundred years old, which cure all diseases. Hail and snow, storms and thunder, and whatever else takes place in the air, are represented with suitable figures and little verses. The inhabitants even have the art of representing in stone all the phenomena of the air, such as the wind, rain, thunder, the rainbow, etc.

49. CASTLE - LoveToKnow Article On CASTLE
Campanella, Tommaso (15681639), Italian Renaissance hiosopher, was born at Stiloin Calabria. Before he was thirteen years of age he had mastered nearly
CASTLE. CAMPAGNA DI ROMA, the low country srroimding the city of Rome, bounded on the N.W~ by the hills, surrounding the lake of Bracciano, on the N.E. by the ,Sablne mountains, on the S.E. by the Alban hills, and on the S.W. by the sea. (See LATIUM, and ROME (province).) CAMPAIGN, a military term for the continuous operations of an army during a wax orpart of a war., The namerefers to the time when armies went into quarters during the winter and literally took the field at the opening of summer. The word, is also used figuratively, especially in politics, of any continuous operations aimed at a definite object, as the Plan of Campaign ifi Ireland during 1886-1887. The word is derivedfrom the Latin Campania, the plain lying south-west of the Tiber, c.f. Italian, la Campagna di Roma, from which came two French forms: (.1) Champagne, the name given to the level province of that name, and hence the English champaign, a~level. tract of country free, from woods and hills; and, (2) Campagne, and the English campaign with the restricted military meaning; CAMPAN, JEANNE LOUISE HENRIETTE (x~52-z822), See Jules Flammermont, Las Memoires de Madame de Campan ~Paris, 1886), and histories of the time.

50. MSN Encarta - Tommaso Campanella
Campanella, Tommaso, real name Giovanni Domenico Campanella (15681639), Italianphilosopher, born in Stilo, and educated in the Order of the
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51. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Tommaso Campanella
Campanella, Tommaso, real name Giovanni Domenico Campanella (15681639), MSN Encarta Premium. Get more results for Tommaso Campanella
fdbkURL="/encnet/refpages/search.aspx?q=Tommaso+Campanella#bottom"; errmsg1="Please select a rating."; errmsg2="Please select a reason for your rating."; Web Search: Encarta Home ... Upgrade your Encarta Experience Search Encarta Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Join Now Searched Encarta for ' Tommaso Campanella' Articles Tommaso Campanella Campanella, Tommaso , real name Giovanni Domenico Campanella (1568-1639), Italian philosopher, born in Stilo, and educated in the Order of the... ... By early August the coalition government under Italy's first Socialist premier, Bettino Craxi, had been in power for a year — quite a long tenure by Italian standards. Besides the Socialists, representing 11.4 percent of the total electorate, the coalition included the Christian Democrats,... See all search results in Articles (13) Maps Map of Punta Campanella Roy Campanella Books about "Tommaso Campanella" ... Learn more. Go to Magazine Center MSN Encarta Premium Get more results for "Tommaso Campanella" 5 results on MSN Encarta 15 results on MSN Encarta Premium Click here to join today!

52. Dictionary Of Philosophy
Campanella, Tommaso (15681639) A Dominican monk in revolt against Aristotelianism,and influenced by the naturalism of Telesio, he arrived at philosophic
Dagobert D. Runes, Dictionary of Philosophy A B C ... Z
Caitanya: (Skr.) Consciousness, "superconsciousness", a quality near the in-it-self aspect of the Absolute Spirit, and hence sometimes a synonym for it. K.F.L. Calculus: The name calculus may be applied to any organized method of solving problems or drawing inferences by manipulation of symbols according to formal rules. Or an exact definition of a calculus may be provided by identifying it with a logistic system , (q.v.) satisfying the requirement of effectiveness. In mathematics, the word calculus has many specific applications, all conforming more or less closely to the above statement. Sometimes, however, the simple phrase "the calculus" is used in referring to those branches of mathematical analysis (q.v.) which are known more explicitly as the differential calculus and the integral calculus . A.C. Calkins, Mary Whiton: (1863-1930) Professor of Philosophy at Wellesley College with which institution she was associated from 1891. She advanced an objective idealism of the Roycean character, styling her views as absolutistic personalism. She endeavored to find psychological justification for her views in the gestalt theory. Her works were in both fields of her interest: An Introduction to Psychology The Persistent Problems of Philosophy The Good Man and the Good , among others. L.E.D.

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54. Fvc:Campanella, T.
Campanella, Tommaso (15681639) (pred prijatím do mníšskeho rádu v r. 1582 savolal Giovanni Domenico). - taliansky filozof, predstavitel raného utopického

... Zoznam C
Campanella, t.
Campanella, Tommaso (1568-1639) (pred prijatím do mní¹skeho rádu v r. 1582 sa volal Giovanni Domenico) taliansky filozof , predstaviteµ raného utopického komunizmu. Campanella zastával Telesiove prirodnofilozofické názory, vystupoval proti scholastike

55. History Of Astronomy: Persons (C)
Campanella, Tommaso (156816391659?) Short biography and references (Encycl.Brit.) Biographical data and references Short biography Short biography
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Persons (C)
Deutsche Fassung

56. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On June 3, 1999
Campanella, Tommaso (156816391659?) Short biography From the CatholicEncyclopedia, 1913. Campani, Giuseppe (1635-1715). Short biography and references
History of Astronomy What's new
History of Astronomy:
What's new at this site on June 3, 1999
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57. Abstraction
Tommaso Campanella (15681639) adapted the distinction to the process of obtainingknowledge. Knowledge of the external world can be obtained either by
APR 15, 1985
. (1) In traditional logic, the process of deriving a universal from particulars. . . . Abstract: In this paper I will trace the evolution of a particular sense of the term 'abstraction', define terms necessary to give a precise technical definition for this sense as it has evolved, and illustrate application of the term in that technical sense. William of Ockham (1285-1349) differentiated between intuitive cognition and abstractive cognition. Intuitive cognition is defined as an act of apprehension in virtue of which the intellect can evidently judge that the apprehended object exists or does not exist, or that it has or does not have some particular quality or other condition; in short, an intuitive cognition is an act of immediate awareness in virtue of which an evident judgment of contingent fact can be made. Abstractive cognition is defined as any act of cognition in virtue of which it cannot be evidently known whether the apprehended object exists or does not exist, and in virtue of which an evident contingent judgment cannot be made.

58. Storia Della Filosofia
Translate this page Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) Tommaso Campanella nacque a Stilo (in Calabria)nel 1568. Entrò nel 1582 nell’Ordine dei Domenicani ma le sue idee gli
Introduzione alla filosofia di Ernesto Riva
Tommaso Campanella
Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639)
Tommaso Campanella nacque a Stilo (in Calabria) nel 1568. Entrò nel 1582 nell’Ordine dei Domenicani ma le sue idee gli procurarono ben presto persecuzioni e condanne. Nel 1591 venne imprigionato per le opinioni contenute nella Philosophia sensibus demonstrata . Fu liberato l’anno successivo e ritornò a Stilo. Qui ordì la congiura che avrebbe dovuto realizzare il suo sogno: una repubblica teocratica di cui egli sarebbe stato il capo! Ma la congiura fu scoperta nel 1599. Per sfuggire alla condanna capitale si finse pazzo e riuscì a resistere in carcere per 27 anni ! Fu poi liberato dal governo spagnolo e trasferito a Roma. Riuscì a fuggire e si rifugiò in Francia alla corte del re Luigi XIII. Trascorse così serenamente gli ultimi tempi e morì nel 1639.
La città del Sole . La filosofia di Campanella ha lo scopo di fondare una nuova società umana: egli riteneva possibile che la sua utopia diventasse realtà ed era certo del suo prossimo avvento. Nell’opera La città del Sole (1602), è appunto delineata la struttura di uno Stato immaginario. Essa ha la forma di un dialogo fra un Ospitalario, cioè un cavaliere dell’ordine degli Ospitalieri di S. Giovanni in Gerusalemme, ed un genovese, nocchiero (=responsabile della direzione di una nave) di Cristoforo Colombo, il quale descrive quello che ha visto nell’isola lontana di Taprobana (l’attuale Sri Lanka o Ceylon). Questo Stato immaginario è governato da un principe, chiamato

59. Campanella
Translate this page La Città del Sole fu composto da Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) nel 1602 esuccessivamente (forse nel 1614) volto in latino dallo stesso autore.
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Tommaso Campanella (al secolo Giovanni Tommaso)
Tommaso Campanella, filosofo (Stilo di Calabria 1568-Parigi 1639) entrato ancor giovane nell'ordine domenicano; insofferente della disciplina e delle forme stantie di pensiero trasmesse nei conventi calabresi, ben presto si urtò con le autorità ecclesiastiche locali. Di un avvicinamento a Telesio è testimonianza la sua opera Philosophia sensibus demonstrata (1591). Passato a Napoli, subì il suo primo processo per eresia , a cui ne seguirono altri tre. Nel 1599, confinato in un convento, ordì una congiura volta a liberare il Paese dagli Spagnoli e a costituire una repubblica, secondo un programma di riforme che andò via via esponendo nelle sue opere. Fallita la congiura, Campanella venne portato a Napoli e sottoposto a processo: per evitare la pena capitale fu costretto a simulare la follia, ma venne condannato al carcere a vita. Rimase in carcere per ben 27 anni e fu poi liberato dagli Spagnoli nel 1626, portato a Roma e definitivamente rilasciato nel 1629. Riuscì allora a guadagnarsi i favori di Urbano VIII e della corte pontificia, ma ben presto, per le sue simpatie verso la Francia, fu costretto a lasciare l'Urbe e a emigrare in questo Paese, dove fu benevolmente accolto da Luigi XIII e dal Richelieu e dove rimase fino alla morte. Qui egli riuscì a pubblicare alcune sue opere composte in carcere, fra le quali la

60. Goethe
Translate this page Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639). Dominikanermöönch, Denker. Literatur.Hiebel,F. Campanella- Der Sucher nach dem Sonnenstaat. Geschichte eines Schicksals.
Tommaso Campanella Literatur:
  • Hiebel,F.: Campanella- Der Sucher nach dem Sonnenstaat. Geschichte eines Schicksals. Stuttgart 21980.

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