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21. 1524 The Music of Early Lutheranism Shaping the Tradition (15241672) Carl Schalk.Selected Sonnets A Bilingual Edition Luis de Camoes. http://enciklopedija.cc/1524 | |
22. Sdruení Uivatelù Knihovního Systému LANius - Souborný Katalog SKAT Translate this page camera lucida camera obscura Cameron,Ewen Camilla Camillus Caminha,Pero Vaz deCammarano,Salvatore Camoes Camoes,Louis de(1524-15.. Camoes,Luis de Camorra Camp http://www.vkta.cz/LANius/skslovce.htm | |
23. Sdruení Uivatelù Knihovního Systému LANius - Souborný Katalog SKAT Camoes,Louis de(152415.. Camoes,Luis de (1524-15.. Camorra Camp 4 Campaignmanagement Campaign organization Campaign strategy http://www.vkta.cz/LANius/skslovc.htm | |
24. ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¾ú¥v»y¨¥¬ã¨s©Ò in TC Lai, ed., T ang Yin Poetpainter (1470-1524) Non-Cantonese ChinesePaintings in the Luis de Camoes Museum, Macau, A Catalogue of http://www.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/people_page/p3_14.htm | |
25. Raemi5.ch Translate this page 3-932245-28-8 Camoes, Luis de Elfenbein Leinenausg Handlung lehnt sich daher an diehistorischen Fahrten (1498/99) von Vasco da Gama (um 1469-1524) an, bezieht http://www.raemi5.ch/tippdetail.php?session_id=0272032001101771000&isbn=3-932245 |
26. Portugal Culture Network : Peoples & Culture Portuguese Culture Luis Vaz de Camoes (152480) is the most famous poet to havewritten in Portuguese and is a Portuguese national hero. http://afghanistan.asinah.net/portugalculture.html | |
27. Poetry Archive - Transport For London For Pero Moniz, who died at sea, Luis de Camoes (1524 80) English version byPaul Hyland. WHat He Said, Cempulappeyanirar (1st -3rd century AD) http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tube/arts/poems/poems-archive.asp | |
28. Museu Virtual Da Imprensa - Luís De Camões Translate this page Luís Vaz de Camões é considerado o maior poeta português de todos os tempos. Camões nasceu provavelmente em Lisboa, em 1524 ou 1525. http://www.imultimedia.pt/museuvirtpress/port/camoes.html | |
29. Caça Ao Tesouro «Luís De Camões» Translate this page Representada em 1524, a Frágua de Amor foi representada a propósito de um http//www.instituto-Camoes.pt/arquivos/literatura/garciavicente.htm http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/cvc/tesouro/04/ | |
30. Luís Vaz De Camões Translate this page Luís Vaz de Camões foi um dos vultos maiores da literatura da Renascença.Nascido em 04 de fevereiro de 1524, em local incerto (Lisboa ou Coimbra), http://www.unificado.com.br/calendario/02/camoes.htm | |
31. Mìstská Knihovna Jihlava - Katalog LANius Cambournac,Laure Cameron,Anne,1938 Cameron,Janet Cameron,Rondo E.,1925-2001Cameron,Stella Cameron,Sue Camilleri,Andrea,1925- Camoes,Luís de,1524 nebo 25.. http://www.knihovna-ji.cz/LANius/kfsautc.htm | |
32. Knihovna K.H.Máchy Litomìøice - Catalogue Clavius 1953(1) Camaseu,Paulinho(1) Cameron,April(1) Cameron,Janet(1) Cameron,Matt(3)Cameron,Sue(1) Camilleri,Andrea,1925(1) Camoes,Luís de,1524 nebo ..(1) Camonte http://www.ok-litomerice.cz/clavius/eng/clslacd.htm | |
33. Gongora, Luis De -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article This remarkable novel marked the high point of the golden age, which ,Camões, Luís de (1524?80). Regarded as Portugal s http://encyclopediabritannica.com/ebc/article?tocId=9365824&query=difficult&ct=g |
34. Aparicio, Luis -- Encyclopædia Britannica Camões, Luís de (1524?80). Regarded as Portugal s national poet, Luísde Camões left his homeland in 1553 as a young poet http://www.encyclopaediabritannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9342986&query=little&ct= |
35. Leon, Luis De -- Encyclopædia Britannica He was a , Camões, Luís de (1524?80). Regarded as Portugal snational poet, Luís de Camões left his homeland in 1553 http://www.encyclopaediabritannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9047814&query=honest&ct= |
36. Chambers Online Reference Search Results. Camoëns or Camões, Luis de 152480 Portuguese poet Born in Lisbon,he studied for the church at Coimbra, but declined to take orders. http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/chambers/chref/chref.py/main?query=PN04045&xref= |
37. Terms For Field Author - Part Cp-Cv - Krajská Knihovna Vysoèiny Havlíèkùv B Andrea,1925(2) Caminha,Pero Vaz de,ca 14..(1) Camino,Isabella(1) Camm,Martin(7)Cammarano,Salvatore,1801-..(3) Camoes,Luís de,1524 nebo ..(1) Camozzi,Anne(1 http://www.kkvysociny.cz/clavius/eng/clslacf.htm | |
38. Terms For Field Subject - Part C - Krajská Knihovna Vysoèiny Havlíèkùv Brod Camoes,Luís de,ca 152415..(2) Campanella,Tommaso,1568-1..(2) Campanie (Itálie)(1)Campbell,Ian(1) Campbell,Naomi(1) Campobello,Nellie,1900-19..(1) http://www.kkvysociny.cz/clavius/eng/clsltc.htm | |
39. GoaCentral.Com-Dom Vasco Da Gama In 1524 he was nominated as Portuguese viceroy in India by the new King of In 1880, together with the remains of poet Luis Camoes, they were moved to http://goacentral.com/Goahistory/VascodaGama.htm | |
40. Sonetos De Amor De LUÍS DE CAMÕES Translate this page de Luís de Camões. Luis de CAMÕES (1524/25 - 1579/80). POESIAS de AMOR do AUTOR. http://nescritas.nletras.com/poetasapaixonados/decamoes/ | |
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