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Call Annie Payson: more detail | ||||
81. Descendants Of James William ROBINSON Charles Frew ROBINSON was born 1853 in Coshocton, Ohio. Payson Boggess toldus years ago, that his father David was buried in the oldold cemetery here http://www.ckls.org/~jswan/robinson3.htm | |
82. History Of John Edward Metcalf, Jr. From Gunnison she went to Payson and then to Salt Lake City. John E. Metcalf Jr.came to Journal History of the Church, Sept 17 1853; FHL film 1259740. http://www.metcalfwaslin.org/album/history/johnejr.htm | |
83. Whitney Research Group - Mailing List, June 1996 1853, d. ca. 1891, m d. FAnnie BORUCK (no further info. Annie ST. JOHN (nofurther info.); Marcella WHITNEY, b. ca. 1866, d. ca. 1915, m d. http://www.whitneygen.org/archives/mailinglist/list9606.html | |
84. Untitled Document Mary E WOODBURY (Sarah Jane SPINNEY, Jane Patterson) was born in 1853. Lila married Edward Payson on 12 May 1916 in Farmingham, Middlesex Co, http://www.genealogycanada.ca/aylesford/2jane.htm | |
85. Office Of Development Services : Records scrapbook 1852 Folio 114 Chamberlain, Joshua, scrapbook 1853 115 Adams, Gerald J. 103 Paluska, Duane 104 Parkus, Lawrence 105 Payson, Harold 106 http://library.bowdoin.edu/arch/archives/odscl.shtml | |
86. MAINE WOMEN WRITERS COLLECTION INVENTORY - Part 2 Sermon on the Function of Woman by Theodore Parker,1853. OVS Box 37. 11 scrapbooks . Marion Stuart Smith Correspondence Annie to MSS Jan 29, 1899 http://www.une.edu/mwwc/invent2.htm | |
87. Cochise Genealogical Society Goodman, Annie Alice, October 28, 1902, June 5, 1918, dau of JTGoodman and Annie M . Merrill, John Smith, Sr. March 5, 1853, January 1, 1937 http://www.mycochise.com/cemstdavid.php | |
88. LIVE OAK CEMETERY, MONROVIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THIS Anna D. 1880 1943 C Bidwell, E. Payson 1853 - 1932 B Bidwell, Eva 1856 - 1912 A Blackwelder, John M. 1850 - 1934 A Blackwelder, Kate 1853 - 1923 G http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ca/losangeles/cemeteries/liveoak-b.txt |
89. CENTRAL CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CEMETERY, FREDERICK CO., MD Son of Edward Ann M. JONES, Edward 02 Jan 1853 21 Nov 1884 3310-19 Died in Anna R. 1880 1929 Mother POOLE, Annie E. 09 Jan 1853 18-Apr-1935 Parke E. http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/md/frederick/cemeteries/central.txt |
90. Bryan Family History Call Cari Michelle (b. 1956, Ogden, UT) Lawrence White Callahan 1853,Austin County, TX) Louis Wilbur, Jr. (b. 1883, Brenham, TX) http://www.rcasey.net/bryan/bryindc.htm | |
91. Science In The 19th Century Periodical William H Rideing Rideing, William Henry (18531918) WBI Annie HowellsFrechette Frechette, Annie Thomas Howells (fl. 1877) WBI http://www.sciper.org/browse/HM1-8.html | |
92. Science In The 19th Century Periodical Anon / Annie Besant Besant (née Wood), Annie (18471933) DNB Close View theregister entry Nelson W Perry Perry, Nelson William (18531898) WBI http://www.sciper.org/browse/RR1-11.html | |
93. Denver Art Museum The Buffalo Hunt, c.1853, John Mix Stanley. West Point/Points West The workson view came from the Payson Collection at the Portland (ME) Museum of Art, http://www.denverartmuseum.org/exhibits/exhibits.cfm?range=Past |
94. WebGED: Noyes Family Data Page One might Call her an apostle of peace; yet, to her country, EdwardPayson s (Rowley) co., of militia, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; http://noyes.rootsweb.com/wga61.html | |
95. WebRoots Library U.S. History October 20, 1868, he married Annie L., daughter of Andrew Supplec of Philadelphia, In 1853 he entered into copartnership with WC Lawson, which relation http://www.webroots.org/library/usahist/honcpa21.html | |
96. Alice Mary Robertson Collection Cherokee Female Seminary, 1853. Tullahassee Manual Labor School, 1872 1879. Cox, Annie K. 916. Crabtree, WP 818. Craig, Frank 1733. Crane, HA 1467 http://www.lib.utulsa.edu/Speccoll/roberam0.htm | |
97. Thursday Night Hikes: Irvine/Cherokee Park Hike Architecture Notes, Part 2 Edward Payson Bassford (18371912) was born in Calais, Maine, 53 Irvine ParkEaton-Myler House; built in 1853 (1853 according to the Historic Irvine http://www.angelfire.com/mn/thursdaynighthikes/irvine_arch2.html | |
98. Hebron Presbyterian Church, Greene County, Alabama [ALGenWeb] In 16 Jan 1881, Martha married Edward Payson Lea in Lott, Falls, TX. Footnotes.47. Sarah Kelley, b 9 Jan 1853/d 15 Feb 1932. Daughter of Hinton R. and http://magnolia.cyriv.com/GreeneAlgenweb/Resources/Churches/HebronChurch.asp | |
99. Thomas Holcombe Of Connecticut - Person Page 2 He was the son of James McNeill Johnson and Annie Betsy Cockman. James TalbotJohnson married Kate Mary Holcombe died on 30 April 1853 at age 59.2 http://www.holcombegenealogy.com/data/p2.htm | |
100. Chapman - Name Index - Generated By Ancestral Quest Annie Rebecca b.1879 Mount Middleton, Kings, New Brunswick, Canada Frances b.1853 - Chapman Settlement, Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada http://www3.telus.net/chignecto/chapman/findex3.htm | |
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