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Call Annie Payson: more detail | ||||
41. 1870 Halsey Census Records Annie Halsey 5 1864 Michigan White Aurelius, Ingham, MI Female Annie Halsey 91860 Ohio Payson Halsey 16 1853 Michigan White Troy, Oakland, MI Male http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com/~families/halsey/70mi.html | |
42. Name-key For Spiritualists Cridge, Annie Denton sister of William Denton, 18251875 Shelhamer Longley,Mary Theresa married to C. Payson Longley, 1853- http://www.spirithistory.com/namekey.html | |
43. Rhode Island Kenyons (Generation 8) 121123B EMMA JANE KENYON, B 6 Feb 1853; D 12 July 1857. D ; M 22 Aug1912, James Fullerton, son of Edward Payson and Annie Payson (Trot) Shaw. http://hometown.aol.com/ctk0209/kgen/kgen8.htm | |
44. Archives Of The Gray Herbarium Miss Annie Lorenz. Copy of original photo taken in 1916; original obtained from Miss June 1921, not listed, Robert William Webb, Edwin Blake Payson, http://www.huh.harvard.edu/libraries/archives/p.htm | |
45. ENGLISH 5581: BIBLIOGRAPHIES R. The Seduction Novel of the Early Nation A Call for SocioPolitical Reform . Fern, Fanny (Sara Payson Willis Parton). Ruth Hall. (1855) http://www.d.umn.edu/~sadams/Engl5581/5581bibl.htm | |
46. Marriages In Andover Call, Joseph L. Franklin, SEVERANCE, Annie, Franklin, 29 Sep 1861 CLAY, PaysonR. Andover, AVERY, Lucy B. Northfield, 9 Nov 1891 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/nh/state/merrimack/main/andover_marr.html | |
47. Summer 2004 Miscellany Annie Nelles Dumond is the author of Revenia; or, The Outcast Redeemed (1872) Parton, Sara Payson. Ruth Hall A Domestic Tale of the Present Time by http://juvelisbooks.com/catalog28-61 thru 90.html | |
48. Descendants Of John Graves Of Roxbury, MA 26 Nov. 1833, m. Anson Vasco Call, 28 Jan. 1853, d. 9 July 1866. Lamoni Call, b.25 Jan. 1865 (Bountiful, Davis Co., UT), m(1) Annie Lovine Barlow (Salt http://www.gravesfa.org/gen337.htm | |
49. WebGED: The Bement Family Data Page Albert Henry Bement married and moved to Payson, Utah to farm, b. AFT.1875 father Bement, Albert Henry(1853 1937) mother Hill, Annie( 1853 - 1900) http://www.bementfamily.com/webged/bement.wbg/wga8.html | |
50. WebGED: The Bement Family Data Page Julius Edward Bement, aka Edward Payson Bement, born Jan/18 Aug 1848 in NY father Bement, Albert Henry(1853 1937) mother Hill, Annie( 1853 - 1900) http://www.bementfamily.com/webged/bement.wbg/wga13.html | |
51. MANUAL Of The First Church Of Christ Springfield Mass. 1885 Elbridge) 1860 Brooks, Annie L. (wife Dr. LS) 1885 Pilgrim, Buckler, Elizabeth1884 Payson, Easthampton. /Bugbee, Charles A. 1847 Cong., Northampton. http://www.holyokemass.com/genealogy/hampden/springfield/firstchurch/members-188 |
52. Waddoups Family Elizabeth Waddoups35 (b.1853-WOS,Warwick,,England;d.1895) sp Daniel CottonWood-94 (m.1869) Vivien Call Waddoups-208 (b.1888-Bountiful,D,Utah;d.1973) http://members.networld.com/hdliedtke/waddoups.html | |
53. XI. The Later Novel: Howells: Bibliography. Vol. 17. Later National Literature, Annie Kilburn. A Novel. 1889. Character and Comment. The Call of the Wild.1903. The KemptonWace Letters with Anna Strunsky. 1903. http://www.bartleby.com/227/0400.html | |
54. The Worcester Family - Eighth Generation - 3 EDWARD Payson WORCESTER (Isaac Allen7, James6, Luke5, William4, Francis3, Samuel2, 1868, Annie F., dau John and Sarah Tinker, b Waterford, Conn., Feb. http://www.worcesterfamily.com/eighth-3.htm |
55. California Biographies - Summaries 5 Professor Edward Payson HEALD was born at Lovell Oxford County ME on Feb 5 1843and was the May 22, 1877 he married Annie DIBBLE, born in 1859 in IA, http://www.cagenweb.com/cpl/sumbios5.htm | |
56. UTGenWeb -- Salt Lake County -- Deseret News Weekly Death And Marriage Notices Died, Payson, 24 Nov 1853, Orson H MURRY, 45 years. Died, Nephi, 30 June 1853, Married, Salt Lake City, 25 Aug 1855, William ROBINSON and Annie F BOYER. http://www.rootsweb.com/~utsaltla/obit_DeseretNews_1850s.html | |
57. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH BAPTISMS 1831 - 1920 Burhans, Daniel Payson, bp. 21 Aug 1842, ch/Daniel Nancy M Call, MarthaEugenia, bp. 19 Aug 1855, ch/John Harvey Emmeline(Johnson) http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyononda/CHURCH/TRINBAPT.HTM | |
58. Bed & Breakfast Amelia Payson House an elegantly restored B B located near all the city s Annie s Jughandle Beach Bed Breakfast Inn - classic country inn located on http://www.cannylink.com/hotelbedbreakfast.htm | |
59. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library. A60, Abel, Annie Heloise, 1873, The history of events resulting in Indian A60, Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1853-1913, The story of Lewis and Clark s http://dl.lib.brown.edu/newtitles/lcsearch.php?subject=E&sort=author |
60. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library. United States (E) 638 titles found (sorted by Call number). A60, Thwaites,Reuben Gold, 18531913, The story of Lewis and Clark s journals, http://dl.lib.brown.edu/newtitles/lcsearch.php?subject=E |
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