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61. Close Encounter With A Twister Calamity Jane was one of the very few women who became famous in the very She was really Martha Jane Burke, 18521903. She spent most of her life in http://linguapress.bravepages.com/ftornad.htm | |
62. TMC Videos (Subject Order) Calamity Jane, 18521903 The best of the Real West F591 .B47 2000 Calculators Study and teach Calculators for classrooms QA20.C34 C34 1992 http://www.andrews.edu/library/screens/vidssubjectC.html | |
63. Free Biography E-Books Calamity Jane, 18521903 Women West (US) - Life and adventures of Colonel.Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820 Kentucky History http://www.usmchq.com/ebookcategories/biography.htm | |
64. Authors C-F Calamity Jane, 18521903 AKA Burk, Martha Cannary, 1852-1903 Calderón de laBarca, Pedro, 1600-1681 Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/c-f.htm | |
65. BarksBase: Paintings (Non-Disney Paintings) Calamity Jane (18521903), actually Martha Jane Cannary, was one of the mostlegendary women of the Wild West. Gallery The western waterfowls http://www.barksbase.de/english/bbhc.htm | |
66. BarksBase: Gemälde (Gemälde Mit Non-Disney-Motiven) Translate this page Calamity Jane. 1978 · 10x8 · 16-78 · Aquarell. Calamity Jane (1852-1903), eigentlichMartha Jane Cannary, war eine der schillerndsten Frauen des Wilden http://www.barksbase.de/deutsch/bbhc.htm | |
67. Motte & Bailey, Booksellers 163 pages with illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. An interesting workexamining the real Calamity Jane (18521903). $11.00 Order Here http://www.mottebooks.com/books/oldwest.html | |
68. Wild At Heart Wyoming By John Borthwick | Travel Reviews From Travel Intelligenc from the Midnight Star, the real James Butler Wild Bill Hickock (18371876)and Martha Calamity Jane Burke (1852-1903) lie buried side by side. http://www.travelintelligence.com/wsd/articles/art_2156.html | |
69. Wild Women West Calamity Jane is the popular name for Martha Jane Canary (18521903), Calamity Jane always claimed she had been secretly married to Wild Bill Hickok http://users.wi.net/~maracon/lesson2.html | |
70. Characters Appearing In Humanities Chautauquas - The Complete Chautauquan Calamity Jane, popular name of Martha Jane Burke, nee Cannary (c.18521903)Frontierswoman. Glenda Bell Colorado; Marianne Donnelly; Dianne Moran http://members.aol.com/AlphaChautauquan/charactr.html | |
71. This File Contains The Text Of The Following Documentation 1 He took up with fellow westerner Calamity Jane on Mars. Calamity Jane (18521903)A frontier woman who eschewed dresses and petticoats for manly clothes, http://www.salikon.dk/wou2.txt | |
72. IMCPL Online Catalog Subjects, Calamity Jane, 18521903 Fiction. Western stories West (US) History 1848-1950 Fiction. Title Statement http://catalog.imcpl.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=web&index=BIB&term=378715 |
73. GayStars - C - Prominente Schwule, Lesben Und Bisexuelle Calamity Jane alias Martha Jane Canary (1852-1903) - amer. http://www.gaystation.info/stars/c.html | |
74. Busca Biografias Personajes5 Translate this page 2927 Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Burke) Vaquera (1852-1903). 2928 Georges CuvierAnatomista comparativo francés (1769-1832) http://buscabiografias.com/personajes5.htm | |
75. Ling.pl || Najwiêkszy Darmowy S³ownik Online - Angielski, Niemiecki, Francuski event resulting in great loss and misfortune Calamity Jane American frontierswomanand legendary figure of the Wild West noted for her marksmanship (18521903). http://www.ling.pl/content.php4?name=find.php&word=calamity&PHPSESSID=d4aa54a913 |
76. Calamity Jane - BlueRider.com Google, Web bluerider.com. Calamity Jane n. 1), United States frontierswoman andlegendary figure of the Wild West noted for her marksmanship (18521903). http://www.bluerider.com/wordsearch/calamity_jane | |
77. Antikvariat Claes Olofsson - Kvinnovetenskap Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Cannary). Till min kära dotter. 1982. Martha JaneCannary, 18521903, var en av Västerns färgstarkaste profiler och änka http://www.svaf.se/olofsson/Kvinnovetenskap.html | |
78. Calamity Jane (1852-1903) ::: RIP-TV ::: Correspondance Agenda - Agenda du 7 mars 2001 Fondation La Poste - Translate this page Télévision Calamity Jane, Lettres à sa fille . Un documentaire de Renate Härtlesur Martha Jane Cannary (1852-1903), figure mythique de lOuest qui a laissé http://rip-tv.diaryland.com/030808_8.html | |
79. Thinkquest Jr. 2000 - Calamity Jane Calamity Jane. Years This Pioneer Lived, 1852 1903. Traveled From, Princeton,Missouri. Traveled To, After the Civil War, she moved to Salt Lake City http://library.thinkquest.org/J001587/calamityjane.htm | |
80. Calamity Jane Calamity Jane. 1852 1903. Calamity Jane was born Martha Jane Canary inPrinceton, Missouri probably on May 1,1852. The legends as well as her own http://www.poeforward.com/mrperfumery/deadgirls/historical/western/jane/jane.htm | |
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