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61. James Branch Cabell James Branch Cabell (18791958). Amerikansk författare mest känd för bokcirkelnom fantasilandet Poictesme. Under 1900-taletets första årtionden hyste http://paranormal.se/topic/james_branch_cabell.html | |
62. AIP International Catalog Of Sources Cabell, James Branch, 18791958. Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955. Eliot, TS (ThomasStearns), 1888-1965. Gallup, Donald Clifford, 1913- http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/6663.html | |
63. Encyklopedia: Cabell James Branch Cabell James Branch (18791958), pisarz amerykanski. Autor cyklu powiescifantastyczno-alegorycznych, które zdobyly duzy rozglos i przyczynily http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/78528,haslo.html | |
64. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Cabell, Branch@ HighBeam Research The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; 6/7/2005. Cabell, Branch Cabell,Branch (James Branch Cabell) , 18791958, American novelist, b. http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:Cabell-B |
65. Virginia Writers, Journalists And Artists: Virginia Is For Lovers James Branch Cabell – (18791958) Richmond; fiction writer in 1900s;http//www.library.vcu.edu/jbc/speccoll/exhibit/Cabell/jbclife.html http://www.virginia.org/site/features.asp?featureID=95 |
66. Virginia Voices James Branch Cabell (18791958) Cabell, who lived in Richmond, Virginia, isregarded as one of the first contemporary writers from the South. Linda Cargill http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/Specialist/franceslively/virginia_voices.htm | |
67. Cabaniss - Cutts: Photographs And Portraits Of Individuals Cabell, James Branch 18791958 See also groups William and Mary Collage-KappaAlpha Fraternity 1895- 96. Cabell, James Branch 1879-1958 http://www.vahistorical.org/research/photo_individuals_c.htm | |
68. James Branch Cabell - BlueRider.com James Branch Cabell listen domain availability James Branch Cabell n.1), United States writer of satirical novels (1879-1958). Synonyms , Cabell http://james_branch_cabell.bluerider.com/wordsearch/james_branch_cabell | |
69. The Jewel Merchants By James Branch Cabell - Project Gutenberg Europe Creator, Cabell, James Branch (18791958). Title, The Jewel Merchants A Comedyin One Act. Language, English. EText-No. 9829. Release Date, 2006-02-01 http://pge.rastko.net/etext/9829 | |
70. The Rivet In Grandfather's Neck By James Branch Cabell - Project Gutenberg Europ Creator, Cabell, James Branch (18791958). Title, The Rivet in Grandfather s NeckA Comedy of Limitations. Language, English. EText-No. 10041 http://pge.rastko.net/etext/10041 | |
71. Biographie Et Informations Auteur : Cabell, James Branch : - Dicocitations ℠Translate this page Dicocitations ™ - biographie et citations de Cabell, James Branch. Romancieraméricain (1879-1958). Cabell, James Branch Envoyer à un ami http://www.dicocitations.com/resultatauteurs.php?id=535 |
72. Stories, Listed By Author Cabell, James Branch (18791958). Jurgen Proves It by Mathematics from Jurgen, (ex)New York McBride, 1919. Fantasia Mathematica, ed. http://contento.best.vwh.net/s47.html | |
73. Weekly Darfur Update - Catholics For Democracy The optomist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and thepessimist fears that this may be true (James Branch Cabell 18791958) http://www.catholicsfordemocracy.org/node/view/6906 |
74. US JurisprudenceJudges - Catholics For Democracy and the pessimist fears that this may be true (James Branch Cabell 18791958) James Branch Cabell is a good writer, he is not my guide, Nicholas. http://www.catholicsfordemocracy.org/node/view/7078 |
75. CABELL MSS. The Cabell mss., 19151935, consist of letters from author James Branch Cabell,1879-1958, to a Mr. Allen, Mr. Bradley, Ogden W. Heath, one to poet George http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/cabell.html | |
76. Stories To Go Podcast Info A Brown Woman by James Branch Cabell Virginian James Branch Cabell was anenormously popular and prolific novelist in his time (18791958). http://www.podcastingnews.com/details/feeds.feedburner.com/StoriesToGo/view.htm | |
77. Eximious Books: Out-of-print, Rare, And Antiquarian Books And Autographs: Some O NewYork, Robert M. McBride, 1930, American literature; 135p.; 24.7cm;......An essay in epitaphs Author Cabell, James Branch 18791958. http://www.eximiousbooks.com/cgi-bin/exb455/1146baA.html | |
78. Eximious Books: Out-of-print, Rare, And Antiquarian Books And Autographs: Some O New York, RM McBride, 1930,Signed by author American literature; 135p.; 24.7cm; 1/2 white linen;......Author Cabell, James Branch 18791958. http://www.eximiousbooks.com/cgi-bin/exb455/2226baA.html | |
79. ERBmania! - Tangor Responds/Authors - Lin Carter William Morris (18341896); Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950); Lord Dunsany (1878-1957);James Branch Cabell (1879-1958); ER Eddison (1882-1945) http://www.erblist.com/erbmania/tangor/lincarter.html | |
80. Georgia Tech Archives Finding Aids Of special note is a letter dated in 1920 from James Branch Cabell, an author Newman Cabell, James Branch (18791958). Newman, Frances (d. 1928). http://www.library.gatech.edu/archives/FindingAids/MS85.htm | |
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