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Burton Richard Francis: more books (47) | ||||||
61. Sir Richard Francis Burton - BlueRider.com Sir Richard Francis Burton. Your search results English explorer who withJohn Speke was the first European to explore Lake Tanganyika (18211890) http://sir_richard_francis_burton.bluerider.com/wordsearch/sir_richard_francis_b | |
62. Pinnacle Books - Specialist Antiquarian Bookshop Burton, Sir Richard Francis. The Land of Midian. Oleander Press, Burton (18211890)was an explorer and orientalist. His appointment as an assistant in http://www.pinnaclebooks.net/Travel.asp | |
63. Sir Richard Francis Burton Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890) Adventurer, linguist, scholar, swordsman,rogue, deviant, genius - an unmistakable Victorian - frustrates simple http://www.fscwv.edu/users/rheffner/ydkd/bios/sirrichard.html | |
64. Arts: Literature: Authors: B: Burton, Richard - Open Site Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890). Explorer and scholar, s. of an officerin the army, was b. at Barham House, Herts, and after a somewhat desultory http://open-site.org/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Burton,_Richard/ | |
65. Stonewall 25: Case 3 Sir Richard Francis Burton, 18211890. Terminal Essay, Part IV/D, SocialConditionsPederasty, in The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/exhibitions/sw25/case3.html | |
66. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Burton, Richard Francis, Sir The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (1) Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890. First Footsteps In East Africa http://www.globusz.com/authors_b.asp | |
68. Authors Listed Chronologically: Free Web Books, Online Burton, Richard Francis, Sir (18211890) Giles, Ernest (1835-1897) Howells,William Dean (1837-1920) Stanley, Henry Morton (1841-1904) http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/aut/chrono.html | |
69. The Bookman S Promise (in MARION) Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890 First editions Fiction. Janeway,Cliff (Fictitious character) Fiction. Booksellers and bookselling Fiction. http://catalog.evanston.lib.il.us/MARION/ACY-0701 |
70. TCS: Tech Central Station - Explorer, Scholar, Soldier, Spy Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890) was, in his own words, a blazeof light without a focus. He was a soldier, undercover agent, and diplomat http://www.techcentralstation.com/092704C.html | |
71. MSN Encarta - Burton, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British explorer, Orientalist, andauthor, born in Torquay, Devonshire, and educated at the University of http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577350/Burton_Sir_Richard_Francis.html | |
72. IPac2.0 Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890 Travel Saudi Arabia Medina.Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890 Travel Saudi Arabia Mecca. http://ipac.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=BIB&term=1220576 |
73. Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records, Index 308.6, 451.10(C), 505.21, 648.10, 850.5; see also Curtis Brown, Ltd. Burton,Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890 S 344.4, 371.10, 451.10 Burton, http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/correspondents/aakcorb15.html | |
74. The Arabian Nights Arabian Nights, Sir Richard Burton, ~1885. Introduction by Xah Lee explorer andorientalist Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890), translated in ~1885. http://www.xahlee.org/p/arabian_nights/preamble.html | |
75. Dialogue: A Journal Of Mormon Thought Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890. Voyage à la Cité des Saints Capitale duPays des Mormons. Le Tour du Monde 2 (1862) 353-400. http://www.dialoguejournal.com/index/brus.asp | |
76. Guides - Information Division - The University Of Melbourne Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 18211890 The Book of the thousand nights and anight a plain and literal translation of The Arabian nights entertainments http://dydo.infodiv.unimelb.edu.au/index.php?view=html;docid=1929;groupid= |
77. Richard F. Burton Translate this page Otra sombra del pasado ha sido la de Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890),posiblemente el más famoso de todos los exploradores británicos por haberse http://www.ctv.es/USERS/borobar/burton.htm | |
78. Stories, Listed By Author Burton, Sir Richard (Francis) (18211890) (chron.) * Ballade of the Brave, (pm)McClures Dec 1904 * A Battle, (pm) St. Nicholas Magazine Apr 1891 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s230.htm | |
79. Explorateurs Translate this page Burton, Sir Richard Francis (1821-1890) Explorateur, orientaliste et écrivainbritannique. Burton naquit à Torquay, dans le Devonshire. http://membres.lycos.fr/histoiredefrance/articles/index/Explorateurs.htm | |
80. Wikipedysta:Tsca/testbio,r - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia Richard Francis Burton Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) -; Richard Gasquet 1944) - poet; Robert Ayton - Sir Robert Ayton http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedysta:Tsca/testbio,r | |
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