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21. Sir Richard Francis Burton Sir Richard Francis Burton. Life 18211890. Notes Knighted in 1886. Titles.The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (Arabian Nights), vol 1 http://manybooks.net/authors/burtonri.html | |
22. Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) - Reviews On RateItAll Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890) - Reviews on RateItAll. http://www.rateitall.com/i-6010-sir-richard-francis-burton-1821-1890.aspx | |
23. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890) Knight Explorer and Diplomat. 16 recordsnoted. Scope, papers, mainly photograph albums and newspaper cuttings http://www.nra.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?P=P4334 |
24. Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890), Explorer And Writer National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for Sir Richard Francis Burtonincluding Sir Richard Francis Burton by Frederic Leighton, Baron Leighton, http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?LinkID=mp00673 |
25. NPG 1070; Sir Richard Francis Burton Sir Richard Francis Burton by Frederic Leighton, Baron Leighton Sitter SirRichard Francis Burton (18211890), Explorer and writer. http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/portrait.asp?mkey=mw00960 |
26. SIR RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON - LoveToKnow Article On SIR RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British consul, explorer and Orientalist,was born at Barham House, Hertfordshire, on the I9th of March 1821. http://13.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BU/BURTON_SIR_RICHARD_FRANCIS.htm | |
27. Sir Richard Francis Burton Sir Richard Francis Burton. (18211890) Omnimedia has etext versions ofBurton s translations of Ananga-Ranga, the Hindu Art of Love and the Kama Sutra http://www.lycaeum.org/~sputnik/People/burton.html | |
28. Richard Francis Burton, Sir Biography / Biography Of Richard Francis Burton, Sir Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890), English explorer, scholar, poet, translator,and diplomat, explored in Africa and Asia and studied Oriental http://www.bookrags.com/biography-richard-francis-burton-sir/ | |
29. MSN Encarta - Richard Burton Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British explorer, linguist, and studentof Asian cultures, one of the most famous mid-19th century European http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577350/Richard_Burton.html | |
30. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Richard Burton Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British explorer, linguist, andstudent of Asian cultures, Sir Richard Francis Burton (Hulton Deutsch) http://encarta.msn.com/Richard_Burton.html | |
31. Sir Richard Francis Burton's Writings Artist/Author/Producer Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890). Confronting BodiesThe publisher, obscenity law, his widow Lady Isabel Burton http://simr02.si.ehu.es/FileRoom/documents/Cases/257burton.html | |
32. Jimpoz.com - Sir Richard Francis Burton Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890). Sir Richard Francis Burton The repositorycontains two quotes by Sir Richard Francis Burton. Religion http://www.jimpoz.com/quotes/speaker.asp?speakerid=779 |
33. Glbtq >> Social Sciences >> Burton, Sir Richard F. Burton, Sir Richard F. (18211890) Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton TheSecret Agent Who Made the Pilgrimage to Mecca, Discovered the Kama Sutra, http://www.glbtq.com/social-sciences/burton_rf,2.html | |
34. The Jew, The Gypsy And El Islam (v) Manuscript of an unpublished book by Sir Richard Burton and surrounding Archive of Christie s auction info Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890). http://www.jrbooksonline.com/jgei.htm | |
35. The Life Story Of Sir. Burton Burton, Sir Richard Francis (18211890), British explorer, linguist, and studentof Asian cultures, one of the most famous mid-19th century European http://www.empereur.com/burton.html | |
36. BrothersJudd.com - Books By Sir Richard Burton Reviewed Author Sir Richard Francis Burton. The Arabian Nights Entertainments or the Book Nights and a Night (1885) Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) (GradeA) http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.authlist/author_id/200 | |
37. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of Sir Richard Burton S The Arabian BIO ESSAY Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) by Adam Jones -BIOESSAY Sir Richard Burton -REVIEW of CAPTAIN Sir Richard Francis Burton The http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/222/Arab |
38. Other Explorers Of Africa Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890), was a British explorer and language expertwho became famous for his travels in Africa and his translations of Arab http://www2.worldbook.com/features/explorers/html/saga_oea.html |
39. Quotes About Richard Francis Burton. Read Quotes By And About Richard Francis Bu Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890) Explorer, Translator, Writer, Poet, andSwordsman Sir Richard F. Burton on the Web http://quotes.worldvillage.com/i/b/Richard_Francis_Burton | |
40. Selected Bibliography Of Works By Sir Richard Burton 1821-1890 Sir Richard Burton 18211890. This bibliography is based on Norman Penzer sbibliography of Burton s Life of Sir Richard Francis Burton by Thomas Wright http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/burton.htm | |
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