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Burton Isabel: more detail |
41. No. Auction House Title Author Year Printed Place Printed 84, Christie`s, Autograph letter signed ( J. Donne ) to Lady Kingsmill Bridget (née (details), Burton, Isabel (18311896), compilor, GBP 25000-35000 http://www.americanaexchange.com/newae/auction/aetop250.asp | |
42. Female Celebrity Baby Names Ellen Ellen Rae Gillooly (/1932) actress Burton, Isabel (03/20/1831-1896) traveler,author Bush, Barbara Pierce (06/08/1925-) First Lady Buzzi, Ruth http://www.just-think-it.com/sbn/celebs-f.htm | |
43. Local Editions: Celebration Of Women Writers Lady Burton (2 vols.) by Lady Isabel Burton (18311896); edited by by Lady Mary LeonoraWoulfe Sheil (fl Roberts MacDonald (1864-1922); Isabel Ecclestone Mackay http://digital.lib.upenn.edu/women/wr-mine.html | |
44. Local Editions: Celebration Of Women Writers Burton (2 vols.) by Lady Isabel Burton (18311896); edited by Columbian CommissionBoard of Lady Managers under MacDonald (1864-1922); Isabel Ecclestone Mackay http://digital.lib.upenn.edu/women/wr-type.html | |
45. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Burton, Isabel (18311896) nee Arundell, biographer, wife of Sir Richard Burton (3) Hastings, Lady Flora Elizabeth (1806-1839) Lady of the Bedchamber to http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=695 |
46. The National Archives Search The Archives National Register Of Burton, Isabel (18311896) nee Arundell, biographer, wife of Sir Richard Burton (3) Cecil, Lady Gwendolen Gascoyne- (d 1945) daughter of 3rd Marquess of http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=161 |
47. Burton Morgan librarian Bella da Costa Greene, Colophon Editor Burton Emmett. Burton, Isabel (18311896). Writer, traveller and wife of Sir Richard Burton. http://www.wheldonandwesley.co.uk/catalog.asp?any=BURTON |
48. All Departments.. From An Audit Of Alien Species In Scotland To Schweitzer, (Pam, Editor) Across the Irish sea memories of London Irish Burton, Isabel (18311896). Writer, traveller and wife of Sir Richard Burton. http://www.wheldonandwesley.co.uk/browse.asp |
49. Baby Creativity: Names, Birthdays, Quotations & Gifts translator, theosophist; Burton, Isabel (18311896) English traveler, author US Editor, writer; Westcott, Edward (1846-1898) US novelist, banker http://loftyvisions.com/famous-visionaries.html | |
50. Biographical List Of Names (BUR - BUR) Compiled By GIGA Lady Isabel Burton, English traveler and author (1831 1896) - BUY AMAZON BOOKJohn Burton, English classical scholar (1696 - 1771) - BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/qubiobur.htm | |
51. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: B] Isabel Burton, English traveler and author (1831 1896) Lady Burton, Englishwife of Sir Richard Francis Burton (19th century - ) http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathb.htm | |
52. Fa - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors Ups And Downs Of A Country Editor a c1908 Aleksandr Aleksandrovich FADEEV Lady, Augusta FANE (F ? 1950 Feb 10) Chit Chat 1926 Lenox FANE (see http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/fa.htm | |
53. New Acquisitions: LC Class "D" Title A Maryland Editor abroad microform what he saw and what he thought of it Author Rohlfs, Gerhard, 18311896. Title Mein erster Aufenthalt in http://www.library.ohiou.edu/libinfo/news/2005-03/d.htm | |
54. Guide To The Augustin Daly (1838-1899) Letters And Papers, 1849-1916 Yc2615 (1) Abbott, Austin, 18311896. Letter to Joseph Daly. 1 aut. let. sig . Correspondents Augustin Daly and the Editor of the Courier, New York. http://shakespeare.folger.edu/other/html/dfodaly.html | |
55. Notes William Emerson was born in 1748, married Elizabeth Myrick, a Welsh Lady, Above received from Burton Witham of British Columbia 31 October 2000. http://www.maineancestry.com/family tree/notes.html | |
56. The Archives Of Charles Scribner S Sons 1786-1990s, Bulk 1880s http://libserv12.princeton.edu/ead/scribner.xml |
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