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21. The Land That Time Forgot By Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Searchable Online Version A Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) was a prodigiously productive writer of pulpfictionsliterary entertainments, that is, published in inexpensive, http://www.online-literature.com/edgar_rice_burroughs/time_forgot/ | |
22. Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) The Epic Tradition and Edgar Rice Burroughs (Anthony F. Franco, Yale); Edgar RiceBurroughs A list of works Fantasy and Science Fiction Pulps (Columbia http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/b/burroughs_er20.htm | |
23. The Mad King Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950. The Mad King Electronic Text Center, Universityof Virginia Library. The entire work (559 KB) Table of Contents for http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/BurMadk.html | |
24. Jungle Tales Of Tarzan / By Edgar Rice Burroughs Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950 Creation of machine-readable version Judy BossConversion to TEI.2-conformant markup University of Virginia Library http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=BurJung.sgm&images=images/mo |
25. Project Gutenberg Titles By Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 Project Gutenberg Titles by. Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950. At the Earth s Core The Beasts of Tarzan The Chessmen of Mars The Efficiency Expert http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Burroughs, Edgar |
26. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950 B Index Main Index A Princess of Mars At the Earth s Core At the Earth s Core Beasts of Tarzan Gods of Mars http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_burroughs_edgar_rice_.h | |
27. Edgar Rice Burroughs Burroughs, Edgar Rice (18751950) (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia). Ape Man was onlyone of author Edgar Rice Burroughs many creations. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0809560.html | |
28. ERBList - Edgar Rice Burroughs Listserver Exploring the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, American author websites devoted to American author Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950). erblist.com http://www.erblist.com/index.shtml | |
ADVANCED SEARCH PLEASE DONATE! ERBLIST.COM relies on public support. Donate via paypal's Send Money to tangor@erblist.com Any amount is appreicated! USER POLLS The official web presence for Tangor's EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS LISTSERVER (ERBLIST) AND THE EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS SUMMARY PROJECT Summarizing the works of American Author Edgar Rice Burroughs One Chapter At A Time. This site contains information regarding ERBList, the largest privately owned Edgar Rice Burroughs email listserver and portal to ERBmania! and is devoted to American author Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950). erblist.com offers more than three million words dedicated to the life and works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tangor's ERBmania! , embraces scholarly research, articles, art, fan articles and art, and magazine versions of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Public Domain novels. erblist.com also hosts Tangor's Pastiche and Original Fan Fiction home of the best of ERB-style stories in ERB's Worlds, told in the manner of the Grand Master of Adventure. QUOTES FROM THE WORKS OF ERB (click refresh/reload for a new quote): Never have I been much of a ladies' man, being more concerned with fighting and kindred arts which have ever seemed to me more befitting a man than mooning over a scented glove four sizes too small for him, or kissing a dead flower that has begun to smell like a cabbage. Gods of Mars | |
29. Edgar Rice Burroughs [1875-1950] MiniPage At Spirit Of America Bookstore The creator of the Tarzan and Pellucidar adventures, and the offEarth tales ofBarsoom and Venus. http://www.genordell.com/stores/spirit/ERBurroughs.htm | |
30. Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950) - MavicaNET Burroughs, Edgar Rice (18751950). Sites total 9 Edgar Rice Burroughs.Extensive Biography of Edgar Rice Burroughs and a searchable collection of works http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/37416.html | |
31. MSN Encarta - Edgar Rice Burroughs Burroughs, Edgar Rice (18751950), American novelist, born in Chicago, Illinois.Burroughs was a soldier, business executive, gold miner, cowboy, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562889/Edgar_Rice_Burroughs.html | |
32. Edgar Rice Burroughs Biography / Biography Of Edgar Rice Burroughs Main Biograph Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) was an American adventure writer whose Tarzanstories created a folk hero known around the world. His novels sold more than http://www.bookrags.com/biography-edgar-rice-burroughs/ | |
33. Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs. Life 18751950. Titles. At the Earth s Core Beasts ofTarzan The Chessmen of Mars The Efficiency Expert Gods of Mars http://manybooks.net/authors/burroughse.html | |
34. Burroughs_Edgar_Rice_id Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) If you were to mention the name of EdgarRice Burroughs in a conversation, you might receive a response resembling, http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/litmap/burroughs_edgar_rice_id.htm | |
35. Daily Celebrations ~ Edgar Rice Burroughs, Only A Miracle ~ September 1 ~ Ideas Celebrating the life of science fiction writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, Visionary science fiction novelist Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) was born on http://www.dailycelebrations.com/090102.htm | |
36. Pitbook.com - Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950). - At the Earth s core - The Beasts of Tarzan -The chessmen of Mars - The efficiency expert - The eternal savage http://www.pitbook.com/English/authors/rice_burroughs.htm | |
37. Library Of ERB: Edgar Rice Burroughs 1875-1950 Burroughs, Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes Original 1st Flyleafinscription To Edgar Rice Burroughs, compliments of the author Wilbur R. http://www.erbzine.com/dan/erbbooks.html | |
38. Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) was the perfect immigrant to early 20th century First and foremost, Edgar Rice Burroughs was the creator of Tarzan. http://www.socalhistory.org/Biographies/erburroughs.htm | |
39. Experience Literature - Fiction Edgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) LINKS Xenite.org Talk About Edgar Rice Burroughshttp//www.xenite.org/talk/erb.htm. This site, maintained by Xenite.org http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/introduction_literature/fiction/burroughs.htm | |
40. Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs. American author (18751950). Biography. Son of a wealthyfamily, Edgar Rice Burroughs was educated in private schools in Chicago. http://www.ricochet-jeunes.org/eng/biblio/author/burroughs.html | |
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