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81. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ B Buckley, Arabella B. Budge, EA Wallis. Bulfinch, Thomas, 17961867. Bullen, FrankT., 1857-1915. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, 1st Baron, 1803-1873 http://www.globusz.com/authors_b1.html | |
82. Millersville University, Ganser Library Searchable etext of Bulfinch s Mythology by Thomas Bulfinch (17961867). IncludesThe Age of Fable, or Stories of Gods and Heroes; The Age of Chivalry, http://library.millersville.edu/l2.cfm?Parent=1753 |
83. Miscuit Utile Dulci The Age of Fable, better known as Bulfinch s Mythology, written by ThomasBulfinch (17961867) and first published in 1855, has long been a standard fixture http://www.fivecolleges.edu/mcleary/cl-world.html | |
84. Thomas Bulfinch Collection At Bartleby.com Authors Preface. Thomas Bulfinch. Thomas Bulfinch. 17961867, Americanauthor, b. Newton, Mass., grad. Harvard, 1814. He wrote http://bartelby.org/people/BulfinchT.html | |
85. Thomas Bulfinch. 1913. The Age Of Fable: Bibliographic Record AUTHOR Bulfinch, Thomas, 17961867. TITLE The age of fable or Beautiesof mythology, by Thomas Bulfinch. New ed., rev. and enl. http://bartelby.org/br/181.html | |
86. Thomas Bulfinch Authors Titles Categories Languages Recommended Help. Thomas Bulfinch.Thomas Bulfinch. Life 1796 1867. Titles. Bulfinch s Mythology http://manybooks.net/authors/bulfinch.html | |
87. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Autor, Bulfinch, Thomas, 1796 - 1867. Recursos, Archivo texto Archivocomprimido Requiere programa WinZip (1.23 MB), bájelo aquí http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?sop=10&materia=Folclor&exacto_materia= |
88. Article About "Thomas Bulfinch" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Apr-2004 Thomas Bulfinch (July 15, 1796 1867) was an American writer, born in Newton,Massachusetts to a highly-educated but not rich Bostonian merchant family. http://fixedreference.org/en/20040424/wikipedia/Thomas_Bulfinch | |
89. Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing, Inc. /All Locations 2, TB Thomas Bulfinch 1796 1867 See Bulfinch Thomas 1796 1867, 1. 3,TFH Publications Inc, 4. 4, TN 1667 1745 See Swift Jonathan 1667 1745, 1 http://library.clamsnet.org:90/kids/2408,2410/search/a?t |
90. STUMPERS-L Archives -- September 2004 (#314) Thomas Bulfinch (17961867). I only mention this because it would havebeen 25 years after he was dead that this book about the http://listserv.dom.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind0409&L=stumpers-l&D=1&O=D&P=34967 |
91. The Mediadrome - Poems Of The Week: The Phoenix Thomas Bulfinch I first read a shortened form of this in Bulfinchs Mythology,written by Thomas Bulfinch (1796 1867), actually in his spare time! http://www.themediadrome.com/content/articles/words_articles/poems_phoenix.htm | |
92. Library Management Network /ALL 9, TB Thomas Bulfinch 1796 1867 See Bulfinch Thomas 1796 1867, 1. 10,TCG See Theatre Communications Group, 1. 11, TD Thomas Deloney 1543 1600 http://www.lmn.lib.al.us:90/kids/1899,1901/search/a?t |
93. Library Management Network /ALL 8, TB Thomas Bray 1658 1730 See Bray Thomas 1658 1730, 1. 9, TB ThomasBulfinch 1796 1867 See Bulfinch Thomas 1796 1867, 1 http://www.lmn.lib.al.us:90/kids/1899,2126/search/d?t |
94. HPL /All Locations 9, TB Thomas Bulfinch 1796 1867 See Bulfinch Thomas 1796 1867, 1. 10,T Bone Vocalist, p1993, 1. 11, TC See Turkey, 1 http://caroline.hplct.org:90/kids/0,1902,1904/search/a?t |
95. Williamson County Public Library 3, TB Thomas Bulfinch 1796 1867 See Bulfinch Thomas 1796 1867, 1. 4, TC See Turkey, 1. 5, TCSA See Tennessee County Services Association http://library.williamson-tn.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/a?t |
96. g[}XEutB`(Thomas Bulfinch) Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://homepage1.nifty.com/ta/sfb/bulfinch.htm | |
97. Title The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.eslitebooks.com/cgi-bin/eslite.dll/search/book/book.jsp?idx=1&pageNo= |
98. NetHistória ISSN 1679-8252 Idade da Fábula , em 1855, sobre mitologia. Sua fama de contador de histórias http://www.nethistoria.com/index.php?pagina=ver_livro&livro_id=112 |
99. Ëþäè è ñîáûòèÿ 15 èþëÿ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.2day.ru/15-07days.asp | |
100. ³Õ«È¨Ó®ÑÄyÀ]>¯S¬¥¥ì¾Ôª§¡]25K®Ñ¡Ï1CD¡Ï1¸Ñµª¥»¡^ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010289006 |
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