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41. John Buchan Exhibit In The W.D. Jordan Library (Queen's University, Kingston, Ca John Buchan photograph from cover of biography by Andrew Lownie. JohnBuchan (18751940) 1st Baron, Lord Tweedsmuir of Elsfield, Governor General of Canada, http://library.queensu.ca/webmus/exhibits/2004oct_buchan.htm | |
42. The John Buchan Library Collection - W.D. Jordan Special Collections Library (Qu of The John Buchan Library, a collection in the WD Jordan Queen s Special Collections holds the private library of John Buchan (18751940),...... http://library.queensu.ca/webmus/sc/collections_buchan.htm | |
43. Zaadz Quotes By Author - Sir John Buchan Quotes Sir John Buchan (18751940) 1st Baron Tweedsmuir Scottish author, governor generalof Canada. More quotes about Humanity, Humility http://zaadz.com/quotes/authors/sir_john_buchan/ | |
44. Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir Buchan, John (18751940)(1st Baron Tweedsmuir) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of theArts). Buchan, John (1875-1940) (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0809286.html | |
45. John Buchan Buchan, John, First Baron Tweedsmuir (18751940). Author and Statesman. John Buchanwas born in Perth on 26 August 1875, the eldest son of a Free Church http://mcdept.qmuc.ac.uk/Blackwoods/BUCHAN.HTM | |
46. Greatest Literature Of All Time - John Buchan Buchan, John (18751940). It s unfair maybe, but it s the way it goes. Writers whoblaze trails that many other writers follow are often later neglected. http://www.editoreric.com/greatlit/authors/Buchan.html | |
47. Pitbook.com - John Buchan John Buchan (18751940). - Greenmantle - Huntingtower - No Man s Land John Buchan was born in Perth, the son of a Free Church of Scotland minister. http://www.pitbook.com/English/authors/buchan_john.htm | |
48. MSN Encarta - Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (18751940), Scottish writer and statesman,born in Perth. An active politician, he wrote in his spare time, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576424/Buchan_John_1st_Baron_Tweedsmuir.h | |
49. Buchan, John Famous Quotes Famous Quotes By Buchan, John. 18751940 Scottish Writer Statesman. Civilization isa conspiracy. Modern life is the silent compact of comfortable folk to http://www.borntomotivate.com/FamousQuote_JohnBuchan.html | |
50. John Buchan Buchan, Sir John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir,18751940, Scottish author and statesman.He wrote history, biography, and popular adventure novels, including The http://www.iac.es/galeria/evanthia/buchan.html | |
51. John Buchan John Buchan; A Profile of John Buchan. John Buchan, 1st BaronTweedsmuir (18751940) Buchan was a scottish writer and statesman who was bornin Perth http://www.webscot.co.uk/greatscots/johnbuchan.htm | |
52. Crime Fiction Canada - Our Lists Title, John Buchan, 18751940, a Bibliography. City, Hamden, CN. Publisher,Shoe String Press. Year, 1953. Call Number, PR 6003 U13 Z5114 1953. http://www.brocku.ca/crimefictioncanada/list_all_items.phtml?file=list&show=true |
53. Crime Fiction Canada - Our Lists Title, John Buchan, 18751940, A Bibliography. City, Hamden, CT. Publisher,Shoe String Press. Year, 1953. Keywords, Scottish literature; Buchan, John; http://www.brocku.ca/crimefictioncanada/list_all_items.phtml?file=list&show=true |
54. LitWeb.net John Buchan 18751940 First Baron Tweedsmuir of Enfield search biblion John Buchan was born in Peebles-Shire in Scotland the eldest son of Rev. http://www.biblion.com/litweb/biogs/buchan_john.html | |
55. North Carolina History And Fiction Digital Library - Salute To Adventurers Author, Buchan, John, 18751940. Navigate this item cover title page pagelist view entire text Image of cover, - About Title Author Bio http://www.lib.ecu.edu/ncc/historyfiction/document/bus/ | |
56. North Carolina History And Fiction Digital Library - Research Study Guide About John Buchan (18751940) Author John Buchan, Lord Tweedsmuir, was the governorgeneral of Canada from 1935 to 1940, serving as commander-in-chief of http://www.lib.ecu.edu/ncc/historyfiction/index_files/additionalPages/Beaufort_p | |
57. Buchan, John (Norwegian Writers' Web) Norwegian Association of Literary Translators. Buchan, John 18751940. E-textProject Gutenberg Text. Links Books and Writers Biography http://www.litteraturnettet.no/b/buchan.john.asp?lang=gb&type= |
58. TGS - 1914 To 1950s - Personalities - John Buchan, Lord Tweedsmuir John Buchan, Lord Tweedsmuir. By Michael Moss John Buchan, 18751940 JohnBuchan (1875-1940), the son of a Free Church minister, was born in Perth, http://www.theglasgowstory.com/story.php?id=TGSEH09 |
59. John Buchan Biography John Buchan (18751940). John Buchan was born at the manse in York Place, Perth,Scotland on 26 August 1875, the son of a Free Church of Scotland minister. http://www.applebookshop.co.uk/author/buchan.htm | |
60. John Buchan John Buchan. Life 18751940. Titles. Greenmantle Huntingtower MoonEndureth - Tales/Fancies. Mr. Standfast The Path of the King Prester John http://manybooks.net/authors/buchanjo.html | |
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