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41. John J. McDermott The Correspondence of William James, 12 vols. General Editor, John J. McDermott . Review of James Bryant Conant, The Education of American Teachers. http://www.pragmatism.org/library/mcdermott/mcdermott.htm | |
42. Review Of Nicholas Lemann, The Big Test October 2000 Mark Satin, Editor. Seriously, folks do we really need a head of the Educational Testing Service, and James Bryant Conant, http://www.radicalmiddle.com/x_lemann.htm | |
43. Economic Principals Economic Principals, David Warsh, Editor. assistant to chemist (and Harvardpresident) James Bryant Conant in the years just after World War II, http://www.economicprincipals.com/issues/03.07.06.html | |
44. Kenneth J. Arrow - Autobiography From Nobel Lectures, Economics 19691980, Editor Assar Lindbeck, I had beendesignated the James Bryant Conant University Professor in 1974. http://nobelprize.org/economics/laureates/1972/arrow-autobio.html | |
45. Against School, By John Taylor Gatto It was from James Bryant Conantpresident of Harvard for twenty years, WWI poison-gas a textbook Editor at Houghton Mifflin, and Conant s friend and http://www.spinninglobe.net/againstschool.htm | |
46. Professor Shakhashiri In Hall Of Fame Discovered many methods of organic synthesis and served as Editor of Organic James Bryant Conant. President of Harvard University, 19331953 where he http://www.scifun.org/news/halloffame.htm | |
47. Emory Magazine: Winter 1995:Max Hall There s a danger of an Editor being given too much credit for a book, he says . and President James Bryant Conant thought of it as a business that just http://www.emory.edu/EMORY_MAGAZINE/winter96/maxhall.html | |
48. Science Quotes James Bryant Conant (18931978) US Chemist and Educator. Science can only ascertainwhat is Elbert Green Hubbard (1865-1915) US author, Editor, printer. http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/sciquote.htm | |
49. Digital Termpapers: Term Papers On Foreign Languages She was the daughter of newspaper Editor Captain Arthur Keller and his wife, This term paper is on James Conant James Bryant Conant believed that too http://www.digitaltermpapers.com/Foreign-Languages5.html | |
50. Chemistry Academic Genealogy - Footnotes Editor Allen G. Debus. Associate Editors Ronald S. Calinger and Edward J.Collins. Westheimer s PhD was begun under James Bryant Conant. http://chemistry.library.nd.edu/resources/History/footnotes_000.html | |
51. New England Historic Genealogical Society and such descent for Harvard president James Bryant Conant appears under 1927), Editor and publisher of the Los Angeles Times, is Normans son by http://www.newenglandancestors.org/education/articles/NEA/a_genealogical_tribute | |
52. The Dating Game late in James Bryant Conants administration, to move Commencement up a week, Writer and Editor Cynthia W. Rossano is the author of These Festival http://www.harvardmagazine.com/on-line/050537.html | |
53. Of Religious Education And Rotten Cabbage said Vasugi V. Ganeshananthan 02, former managing Editor of the Crimson. and the physicalplant expansion under James Bryant Conant 14former dean http://www.harvardmagazine.com/on-line/0902153.html | |
54. American Historical Association The history of Rochester libraries, Blake McKelvey, Editor. Part IILewis H . by James Bryant Conant. New York Foreign Policy Association, 1951. http://www.historians.org/info/AHA_History/dperkinsbibliography.htm | |
55. Think Locally, Act Locally, Live Locally; Bill Kauffman The king of consolidation was James Bryant Conant, Bill Kauffman, novelistand man of letters, is the associate Editor of The Family in America, http://www.fww.org/articles/congres1/bkauffma.htm | |
56. Project BookRead - Index C James Bryant Conant, Editor, Organic Syntheses. United States Congress, The UnitedStates Copyright Act Of 1976. William Congreve, The DoubleDealer http://tanaya.net/BookRead/pbr-c-a.html | |
57. Project BookRead - Index O Organic Syntheses, James Bryant Conant, Editor. The Origin And Nature Of Emotions,George W. Crile, MD. The Original Peter Rabbit Books, Beatrix Potter http://tanaya.net/BookRead/pbr-o.html | |
58. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors Ci-Cz Colyer, Vincent . Notes Among the Indians (UVa) Septemberand October 1869 (60 KB).Commodianus Writings (NewAdvent). Conant, James Bryant, Editor http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libci.htm | |
59. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books With a foreword by James Bryant Conant Harvard University Press, 1946 Alonso,Marcelo, Editor Organization and Change in Complex Systems http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/a.html | |
60. Letters Of George Santayana, Recipients Conant, James Bryant (1) Conger, George Perrigo (7) Constable and Co. Ltd. (47) The Nation, Editor of (1) National Institute of Arts and Letters (1) http://www.iupui.edu/~santedit/recipients.html | |
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