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101. STUMPERS-L Archives -- September 1994 (#98) Does anyone know anything about him. You are probably trying to trace Orestes AugustusBROWNSON 18031876, the American theological and philosophical writer. http://listserv.dom.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind9409&L=STUMPERS-L&D=0&O=D&P=10475 |
102. Logos: A Journal Of Catholic Thought And Culture, Volume 7, 2004 - Table Of Cont Access article in HTML Access article in PDF Subjects. Brownson, OrestesAugustus, 18031876 Religion. Catholics United States. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/logos/toc/log7.2.html | |
103. American Republic, The Constitution, Tendencies And Destiny By American Republic, The Constitution, Tendencies and Destiny. by Brownson, OrestesAugustus (1803 1876). American Republic, The Constitution, http://eb2.learningtogo.com/view/487-American_Republic_The_Constitution_Tendenci |
104. Perseus Lookup Tool 120 with terms forum of Augustus . Augustus Section Image (3.27). ExpandMore. 52 with terms temple of rome and Augustus at ancyra . http://0-perseus.uchicago.edu.luna.wellesley.edu/cgi-bin/vor?lookup=augustus&gro |
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